/ Hampshire Constabulary
Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney
Our ref: / Direct dial: <DIRECT NUMBER>
Your ref:
Enquiries to: / Fax No:<FAX NUMBER>
Minicomtextrelay:18001 101



Dear <NAME>,

Managing Performance Policy –Outcome of Formal Stage 3 Hearing

**Text in blue will need to be deleted before sending the letter.

Useful reminders about this letter

Contact: HR Operations prior to sending this letter

Timescale: The letter and any written improvement notice must be sent ideally on the same day as the hearing. Otherwise it must be sent within 3 working days of the hearing.

Save: Save this letter to the individual’s electronic personnel file (ePF) on Hantsfile.

I am writing following the Formal Stage 3 Hearing to formally notify you of the decision. The hearing took place on <date> at <venue> and was held in accordance with the Managing Performance Policy.

I chaired the meeting and the panelcomprised of <names>, <job titles.

<Insert name> presented the management case.

<Insert name> attended to take notes.

You attended with insert name of representative.

I confirmed that all parties had all of the documentation which was circulated prior to the hearing and asked if there were any further documents to be submitted. If further documents were submitted then include reference to them.

The purpose of this letter is to summarise the main points presented at the hearing.

The hearing began by outlining the concerns about your performance, which are summarised as follows:

Please insert the concerns, these must be relevant to the invite letter, so will include reference to the following:

  • Give details of the individual’s under performance
  • Operational impact of the under performance
  • Refer to previous informal stage discussion and pre-formal decision meeting (if applicable)
  • Refer to previous formal stage 1 and 2 meeting improvement notice(s) (if applicable)

We reviewed your performance against the standards set and the findings are as follows:

Please insert how performance has been assessed against the standards that have been set. This should include both what the individual has achieved and where there are still concerns including the reasons if an improvement is extended.

We discussed the support including any training which has been put in place, during the <informal stage/ formal stage 1/2>, which included:

Please insert what was discussed about support/ training/ review meetings

If no support was put in place at the informal stage or formal stage 1 meeting which has been agreed as part of this meeting then please summarise what has been agreed if applicable.

You and your representative were given the opportunity to respond to the points raised and stated the following:

Please insert whether any mitigation and/ or circumstances were raised

Based on the information that you and your representative provided, we agreed to the following:

Provide details of any action(s) that were agreed as a consequence of mitigation or circumstances raised by the individual.

Having checked that there was nothing further you wished to add, I adjourned the Hearing to consider the way forward. When the Hearing re-commenced, I advised you that I had considered all of the evidence available to me, including your responses.

My assessment based on the evidence presented is: <Insert outcome(s) from the list below>

  • the case is mitigated because <provide reasonsand there is no further action
  • There will be no formal action required because the required improvement has been met expand on the reason why
  • the previous final improvement notice is extended. The chair/ panel will specify a new period within which improvement to performance must be made. The 12 month validity period of the extended final improvement notice will apply in full from the date of the extension. The chair/ panel may also vary any of the terms of the notice OR
  • to dismiss on the grounds of performance capability OR
  • for Police Officers only - to reduce the rank with immediate effect (reduction in rank is not applicable to Special Constables)
  • for Police Officers only - to redeploy the individual to alternative duties, which may include a reduction in rank.
  • for Police Staff only - to withhold a performance related increment (not cost of living increment)
  • for Police Staff only - to move the individual to a different role (if one is available) which may involve a down grading in pay.

At the Hearing we discussed the following: (provide further details about each of the points as discussed at the hearing)

  • the specific improvement in performance required and your responsibility to make a positive improvement to your performance
  • performance targets and the associated timescale within which these should be achieved
  • if sufficient improvement is not made within the review period, you may be required to attend a further formal stage three hearing
  • if sufficient improvement is not made within the validity period of the improvement notice you may be required to attend a further formal stage three hearing
  • any additional support or development/ training required to help you to achieve the performance standards required
  • suitable dates to schedule the 3,6, 9 & 12 month review meetings
  • whether a referral to Occupational Health is appropriate
  • whether any reasonable adjustments need to be considered and/ or implemented.

I must advise you that should there be further unsatisfactory performance or failure to improve within the review or validity period of the improvement notice, in accordance with the objectives contained in the Action Plan, it may be necessary for you to attend a further Formal Stage 3 Hearing of the Managing Performance Policy.

As you have been dismissed on the grounds of performance capability, I must refer your case to the Professional Standards Department in line with the Managing Performance policy.

Hampshire Constabulary are required to notify the College of Policing of your dismissal and you will be included on the barred list. This will act as an absolute bar to employment or appointment to a police force or specified law enforcement body.

You have the right of appeal against this outcome.

For Police Officers and Special Constables only- if you wish to exercise your right of appeal, you must submit your appeal in writing and send it to the Police Appeals Tribunal. Further details about the process can be obtained from the Police and Crime Commissioner or the Police Federation.

For Police Staff only - if you wish to exercise your right of appeal, you must submit your appeal in writing and send it to me. Any appeal must be received within 10 working days following the day of receipt of this written outcome.

If you do not wish to appeal, you can submit written comments relating to the outcome letter and improvement notice if you wish to do so.

Any written comments must be submitted to me no later than 7 working days after receipt of the outcome letter and improvement notice. Any written comments must be placed on your electronic personnel file (ePF) on Hantsfile. If you are intending to exercise your right of appeal then you cannot submit written comments about the improvement notice.

If you feel you need additional support, you may wish to contact the 24/7 Employee Support. This is a free, impartial and confidential service and is available to all individuals, it is designed to help you across a wide range of areas related to your work life or personal life.All calls are answered by qualified and experienced counsellors. You can contact Employee Support on free phone0800 030 5182 (or 0161 836 9498 if calling from a mobile) at any time. Further information is available at

If you have any queries, about the content of this letter please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am enclosing a copy of this letter for you to pass on to your representative.

Yours sincerely

Name of the chair

Rank/ Role/ Job Title

cc: HR caseworker (as appropriate)

Representative (as appropriate)

Line Manager (as appropriate)

Electronic personnel file (ePF) on Hantsfile

Enclosed: Copy of the letter