Don’t Break the Chain!!!!
As a CPCU member, you are a vital link in the Central Florida Chapter’s chain. We need your support in spreading the word about our chapter and its commitment to insurance education. Inside this brochure are courses that our chapter is offering for fall 2015.
Please help us by forwarding this email to those that may be interested in insurance education. In turn we hope they will continue the chain. By helping to spread the word you are helping those that want to take their career to the next level!
A Letter to the Insurance Community:
When I last wrote I noted our intent to move to a college format with four semesters and a program offering all CPCU courses in a sequential format. This was an ambitious goal that required tremendous effort on our part but one we were willing to undertake. What we lacked were students. This hindered our ability to move forward with classes.
We learned that there were many possible reasons ranging from multiple study resources and channels, time commitment to financial burden. We opted to focus on what we had the ability to address; accessibility and cost.
Going forward we will be offering our CPCU courses live via a video connection and in a class room setting. Students may attend in either manner. The courses are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. The cost of each course is being reduced to $25.00. With the new cost structure we are eliminating the scholarship program.
We have pared our CPCU course offerings for the fall semester to CPCU 500, 520 & 530. As interest builds we will expand the program accordingly.
As I mentioned previously, every employer, from agency to insurance company, benefits from those that have insurance designations. We ask that you share our brochure with your employer and provide the chapter with employer contact information. We will in turn add your employer to our email distribution list.
We will also be updating our email distribution list. If you wish to continue to receive our education brochure and updates we request that you complete the email questionnaire found inside the brochure.
In closing I wish to thank all those that have helped to make our program a success. If you are interested in becoming an instructor or helping on the education committee please do not hesitate to call me.
Frank V. Carnevale
“Our goal is to address the education needs of those in the insurance community. As you examine the course brochure please feel free to share your thoughts on how we can provide further assistance. Not only is education the key to your success it is to our community as well.”
Please feel free to call or e mail me or Christine Hillick with your thoughts or questions.
Tel 800-662-6422 Ext 21611
Tel 800-662-6422 Ext 36220
CPCU 500 – Foundations of Risk Management and Insurance
Location: Cole Scott & Kissane
1900 Summitt Tower Blvd, Suite 750
Orlando, FL 32810
Instructor: Paula Keyes, CPCU
Day/Time: Thursdays 5:30 PM to 8 PM
Start Date: September 24, 2015
CPCU 520 – Insurance Operations
Location: Cole Scott & Kissane
1900 Summitt Tower Blvd, Suite 750
Orlando, FL 32810
Instructor: Christopher Eirich, CPCU
Day/Time: Wednesdays 5:30PM to 8 PM
Start Date: September 23, 2015
CPCU 530 – Business Law for Insurance Professionals
Location: Cole Scott & Kissane
1900 Tower Place, Suite 750
Orlando, FL 32810
Instructor: Frank V. Carnevale, MSIM, CPCU
Day/Time: Tuesdays 5:30 PM to 8 PM
Start Date: September 22, 2015
You will also find additional information at:
Mail check to:Frank V. Carnevale
Amica Mutual Insurance Co.
11486 Corporate Blvd., Suite 160
Orlando, Fl 32817
Please make your check payable to: Central Florida Chapter CPCU
* Payment is by the first class
There are minimum class size requirements. If these are not met, the class will not be held. Any payments received will be refunded.
FRANK V. CARNEVALE, MSIM, CPCU - TEL # 800-662-6422 EXT 21611
CHRISTINE HILLICK, CPCU, AIC, API - TEL # 800-662-6422 EXT 36220
To join our email list please complete the following and return by email to Frank or Christine.
Email Address:______
Current Designations:______
Current status on Designations:______
You may send the above as an attachment or paste in an email to us.
REMINDER: If you wish to continue receiving our brochure and updates we must have the above information.