Overseas Mission Report 2017
Mission Giving
The target of $195,000 for 2016 agreed to at Synod 2015 was met 99% which was a great result. At Synod 2016 it was decided that the target should remain at $195,000 for 2017 and latest reports show that we are currently running at over 100% of target so far this year. Once again this is an outstanding result achieved through the generosity of all parishes involved. Thanks are due to the people in the parishes who make this happen.
Waiapu Anglican World Mission Council
Council members are as follows: Bishop Andrew Hedge, Rev’d Bryan Carey, Rev’d Rosemary Carey, Rev’d Stephen Donald, Mrs Meg Dawson, Mr Neil Eagles, Dr Paul Hendy, Mr Hugh McBain, Mrs Diane Sorenson, Mrs Shelley Vette and Mr Peter Williamson.
Tikanga Pakeha Missions Council
Hugh McBain and Shelley Vette (AAW Representative) have attended the video conferences and face to face meetings of the Council which keeps us up to date with what AMB and the other New Zealand Dioceses are doing with regard to Overseas Mission.
Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea
Financial support for ACPNG has continued through the Henry and William Williams Memorial Trust (a private Trust based in the Diocese). The appointment of Margaret Poynton as Executive Assistant to the Archbishop of ACPNG has been most helpful to overseas supporters. Bishop Andrew hopes to lead a small team that would offer training assistance at Newton Theological College by making visits on a regular basis, possibly every two years.
Diocese of Polynesia
Land issues concerning the Waiapu project at Vunivau Basoga are still not resolved. This situation has now reached a stage where there need to be discussions with Archbishop Winston with regard to looking at an alternative project.
Anderson Trust
Income from this Trust has supported the nursing school at Murgwanza Hospital, Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania since 2008. Funds can only be used for medical mission. No obvious projects were apparent on the Pilgrimage to ACPNG. Some thought is being given to the possibility of widening the terms of the Anderson Trust.
Hugh McBain, Convenor