Weekly Grants Update
January 11, 2016
HRSA-16-019 - Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program
This announcement solicits applications for the Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Grant Program. The purpose of this program is to provide support to rural primary care providers for planning and implementation of quality improvement activities. Quality health care is the provision of appropriate services to individuals and populations that are consistent with current professional knowledge, in a technically competent manner, with good communication, shared decision-making and cultural sensitivity. The ultimate goal of the program is to promote the development of an evidence-based culture and delivery of coordinated care in the primary care setting. Additional objectives of the program include: improved health outcomes for patients; enhanced chronic disease management; and better engagement of patients and their caregivers. Application Due Date is March 4, 2016.
HRSA-16-013 - Telehealth Resource Center Grant Program
Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs) assist health care organizations, health care networks, and health care providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. This FOA will fund two different types of TRCs. This FOA will support twelve TRCs that focus on State-wide and regional telehealth activities and are referred to as Regional TRCs (RTRCs). This FOA will also fund two National TRCs (NTRCs) that focus on telehealth policy or technology activities with a national scope. This funding cycle will support up to twelve RTRCs, with one per region as shown below. RTRCs will serve as focal points for advancing the effective use of telehealth technologies in their respective communities and States.Application Due Date is March 4, 2016.
NIH/AHRQ PA-16-074 - Behavioral & Integrative Treatment Development Program (R03)/R34
The purpose of this FOA is to encourage investigators to propose discrete well-defined projects that can be completed within two years. Projects of interest fall within the research domain of behavioral or integrated (e.g., behavioral and pharmacological) interventions targeting: (a) substance abuse; (b) prevention of acquisition or transmission of HIV infection among individuals in drug abuse treatment; (c) promotion of adherence to drug abuse treatment, HIV and addiction medications; and (d) chronic pain. Specific examples include, but are not limited to studies focusing on: 1) Stage I intervention generation; 2) Stage I pilot or feasibility – and both should include the development of putative moderators, mediators, and change mechanisms; (3) Stage I studies to generate or refine drug abuse treatment or adherence interventions; (4) Stage I research to boost effects and increase implementability of interventions with creative use of technology or through other means. Application Deadlines are Feb. 16, 2016, June 16, 2016.
CDC RFA-CE-16-002 - Research to Advance Primary Care-Pharmacy Linkage for Medication Review to Reduce Older Adult Falls
The purpose of this research is to investigate models for linking community pharmacists (e.g., independent, chain, franchise, mail order, retail) to primary care providers to enhance medication review and management in older adults, and examine the potential health benefits of primary care-pharmacy linkages. Application Due Date is Feb. 15, 2016.