2010 Editor’s Report, Plant Science Bulletin
Volume 55
- Four issues, 180 pages, were published on schedule.
2Feature articles included:
-Growing SEEDS of Sustainability at UBC: Social, Ecological, Economic Development Studies (SEEDS) Program at the University of British Columbia. Allie Slemon, Carolina Chanis, Davis Chiu, Kelly Coulson, David Grigg, Brenda Sawada, and Santokh Singh. University of British Columbia.
-Darwin in the Year of Science, 2009. Marshall Sundberg, Emporia State University.
-Botany at Eastern Illinois University. Marissa Jernegan Grant, Nancy Coulant, and Janice Coons, Eastern Illinois University.
-Reversing Teenagers Disconnect from Nature. Caroline Lewis, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.
-Botany in Equatorial Guinea & in the Island Nation of Sao Tome and Principe. Anitra Thorhaug, Yale University.
-Climate Change Symposium: Carbon Cycling and Sequestration in the Sea by Phytoplankton and Macrophytes. Anitra Thorhaug, John Raven and Erica Young, Yale University, University of Dundee, and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
-Growing a Green Planet: The Future of Botany Teaching. John Cozza, University of Miami.
3. Summaries of the 2009 Annual Meeting in Snowbird.
-President-elect Address: “LDS: Botany in 2009” Kent Holsinger, University of Connecticut.
-Donald R. Kaplan Memorial Fund Benefit Dinner.
4. 74 books were received for review;43 book reviews were published.
5. Feature articles (Reports and Reviews) and book reviews were moved to the end of each issue in anticipation of making these peer-reviewed contributions and separate from the newsletter features of each issue such as News from the Society and Announcements. Preliminary information about peer review in the Plant Science Bulletin was published in PSB 55(4):142-145.
Volume 56
- Articles submitted may now go through peer review. An on-line submission system, mirroring that for the American Journal of Botany, has gone through “field testing” and should be fully functional with issue number 3. Detailed instructions for submission will be available on the website.
- Paper size was reduced to 6X9 inches to reduce cost at the printer with a standard paper size and to achieve a format size compatible with increasingly common electronic media.
- The first two issues, 100 pages, were published on schedule.
- Feature articles included:
- Botany in Romania, Highlighting its Endangered Plant Species. Anitra Thorhaug, Yale University
- Using Bottles to Study Shade Responses of Seedlings and Other Plants. David W. Lee and Eric Von Wettberg, Florida International University. This is the first peer-reviewed paper published in PSB.
- The Flowering of Botany at the Harvard Forest. Audrey Barker Plotkin and P. Barry Tomlinson, Harvard Forest.
- 28 books were received for review; 28 reviews were published.
Individuals interested in submitting feature, peer reviewed articles or in suggesting future article topics should contact the editor. We are particularly interested in articles about botanical education, history of botany, and economic botany.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsh Sundberg, Editor,
Plant Science Bulletin