Department of Theatre, Film and Television

4th Annual Postgraduate Symposium

Friday 24th May 2013


9.45 am Arrival and Coffee

10.00 am Panel 1 – Nation, Heritage and Nostalgia on Film

Chair: Professor Andrew Higson, Head of the TFTV department

Emily Torricelli, PhD candidate, University of York

'Local Heroes and Highlanders: Fantasies of Scotland in the 1980s'

Daniel Foster Smith, MA student, University of York

'The Ambivalence of Nostalgia: Downton Abbey and the Heritage Film Debate'

Anya Benson, PhD candidate, University of York

'From the childhood town to the ancient sea: patterns of removal in contemporary Japanese children’s cinema'

11.30 am Coffee Break

11.45 am Panel 2 – Acting on Stage and Screen

Chair: Dr Tom Cantrell, Lecturer in the TFTV department

Mark France, PhD candidate, University of York

‘Doran’s Problem Plays: Refashioning Shakespeare’s problematic protagonists at the Royal Shakespeare Company’

Verena von Eicken, PhD candidate, University of York

'"It's all about the moment" – Approaching the film actor's craft'

12.45 pm Lunch

1.45 pm Panel 3 – Theatre, Cinema and Politics

Chair: Mariana Lopez, PhD candidate, University of York

Matthew Midgley, playwright and PhD candidate, University of York

'A New Gold(en) Age:Theatre,Neoliberalism and the EmergingArtist'

Hannah Graves, PhD candidate, University of Warwick

'Race, Citizenship and Recruitment: Dore Schary’s Go For Broke (1951)

and Hollywood’s Social Conscience'

Romana Turina, PhD candidate, University of York

'City of Pain: History in Film – Where the Iron Curtain is alive'

3.15 pm Panel 4 – Representing the 'Real'

Chair: James Ballands, PhD candidate, University of York

Rachael Clinton, PhD candidate, University of York

'The psychic power of the televised image: reconstructing visions of reality in Slacker'

Jonathan Carr, filmmaker, journalist and PhD candidate, University of York 'Seeing isn’t always believing: How cinema has questioned the truth behind surveillance'

4.15 pm Coffee Break

4.30 pm Keynote Address and Film Screening

Chair: Nathan Townsend, PhD candidate, University of York

Pip Piper, independent filmmaker and producer

'How to make films without losing your soul'

Film screening: Last Shop Standing (Pip Piper, UK, 2012)

6.00 pm Wine Reception