APES Food Consumption Log
Follow Up Essay:
Directions: Answer the following questions, in essay format, and be sure to use examples from the food consumption log you maintained for the week.
1)After analyzing your graph and data, what trends do you see in the foods you consumed? Which foods did you consume the most? The least?
2)When looking at the ingredients of items, did you come across ingredients that you didn’t know what food item it would be considered or where it comes from? If so, how did you log it? If not, how would you record an item that you didn’t know its origin? What if it was chemically made in a lab (ie. Artificial sweeteners)? Discuss and give examples.
3)Compare your water consumption, on your log, to the data you collected from the “Water Calculator” activity online. Is most of your water use through food consumption?
4)If you look at the government guide of the food pyramid ( are you getting all of your recommended servings of the 6 major food groups? For our purposes, we didn’t measure serving sizes. If we did, how do you think that would have affected your data?
5)Seeds are packed with protein and considered a protein source on the food pyramid. From an environmental viewpoint, which would be a better source of protein - beans and seeds or animal meat from livestock? Explain.
6)What was the most difficult part of tracking your food for one week? What did you learn from this? Now, after seeing your data, are there any changes you would make to your eating habits? If not, is your current consumption ideal and sustainable for others to follow? Explain.
Essay will be collected on Tuesday, Feb. 16th,
along with your Log and your graph!