Christina M. Gardner

4545 River Parkway, Apt 6K * Atlanta, GA 30339 * 404-391-1882


Design and study of learning environments and technology that help students learn computing and STEM content and reasoning in the context of activities in which they are naturally interested. I am particularly interested in the iterative design, refinement, and sustainability of curriculum and program development to support computing and STEM learning in informal learning environments.



School of Interactive Computing

Ph.D. Student, Computer Science August 2005 – December2011

Area of Focus: Learning Sciences & Technology

Dissertation Title: Supporting Cognitive Engagement in a Learning-by-Doing Learning Environment: Case Studies of

Participant Engagement and Social Configurations in Kitchen Science Investigators

Research Advisor: Dr. Janet L. Kolodner

M.S.,Computer Science August 2003 – May 2005

Specializations in Software Engineering and Learning Sciences & Technology

G.P.A: 3.67/4.0


L.C.SmithCollege of Engineering and Computer Science

B.S., Computer Engineering July 1998 – May 2002

G.P.A.: 3.4/4.0


Study Abroad Program

Disciplinary Focus: Computer Systems Engineering September 2000 – June 2001


Facilitating Academic Careers in Engineering and Science (FACES) Postdoctoral Fellowship April 2009

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award (College of Computing) April 2009

Facilitating Academic Careers in Engineering and Science (FACES) Fellowship 2005 - 2011

Student Teacher Enhancement Partnership(STEP) Fellowship 2004 - 2005

National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science Fellowship 2002 - 2004

ICLS 2008 Doctoral Consortium July 2008


Lagorio, C. (2008, Dec 24). Kitchen Chemistry for Middle Schoolers. The New York Times Magazine.Retrieved from

CNN. (February 2008) The Next Big Thing. Kitchen Science Investigators Get the Gray Matter Cooking . Video posted to


Clegg, T, L., Gardner, C.M. & Kolodner, J. L. (2011) Technology for Supporting Learners in Out-of-School Learning Environments. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL'11). Hong Kong, China

Gardner, C, M. (2008) Social, Cognitive, Historical, Technological and Material Dimensions of Learning Trajectories in Designed Learning Environments. Presented at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences Doctoral Consortium, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Gardner, C.M. & Kolodner, J. L. (2007). Turning on Minds with Computers in the Kitchen: Supporting Group Reflection in the Midst of Engaging Hands-on Activities. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL'07). New Brunswick, NJ.

Gardner, C. M., Clegg, T. L., Williams, O. L., & Kolodner, J. L. (2006). Messy Learning Environments: Busy Hands and Less Engaged Minds. In S. Barab, K. Hay, & D. Hickey (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 926-927). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Clegg, T., Gardner, C., Williams, O., & Kolodner, J. (2006). Promoting Learning in Informal Learning Environments.In S. Barab, K. Hay, & D. Hickey (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 92-98). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Gardner, C. M. Supporting Cognitive Engagement in a Learning-by-Doing Learning Environment: Kitchen Science Investigators. Presented at DILL Research Group, U.C. Berkeley November 4th, 2011

Gardner, C. M., & Whitlow, J. Building a Pipeline and a Community of Women in Computing through Enrollment Programs. Presented at Tennessee Celebrating Women In Computing (TN-WIC), Chattanooga, TN. October 15, 2011

Gardner, C. M., & Clegg, T. L. Kitchen Science Investigators: Kicking up the Science a Notch in your Afterschool. Presented at National After-School Association, New Orleans, LA. April 2009

Gardner, C. M. Social, Cognitive, Historical, Technological and Material Dimensions of Learning Trajectories in Designed Learning Environments. Presented at ICLS 2008 Doctoral Consortium, Utrecht Netherlands. July 2008

Gardner, C.M., Karkin, S., Charles, L., & Kolodner, J. L. Case-Based Reasoning Reflections. Presented at AERA April 2007



Office of Outreach, Enrollment, & Community College of Computing

I3 Experience Atlanta, GA / Fall 2011

Co-develop and instruct the I3 Experience: Imagine, Investigate, and Innovate, a series of three 7-week enrollment programs for high school students to actively engage in learning about computing through discussion of computing trends and designing their own computing application projects. The program is designed to increase the number of eligible applicants to the College of Computing undergraduate programs. I also lead the program evaluation and assessment of this project. We are currently piloting the curriculum and programs to determine if programs of these type increase students’ interest in computing and encourage them to pursue careers in computer science.

High School Computing Club Atlanta, GA / Summer 2011

Developed and instructed an 8-week, twice weekly, enrollment program for high school students to actively engage in learning about computing through designing their own computing application projects.This program allows participants to develop user interface prototypes using AppInventor and PowerPoint and physical prototypes using Arduino micro-controllers and Lily Pad sewable micro-controllers. Projects included a microcontroller operated high-fashion heating jacket designed for people suffering from Anemia. This project won first place at the First Bi-Annual AT&T Arduino Competition (Atlanta), Best Undergraduate Research Poster at the Tennessee Celebrating Women in Computing Conference, and was award an all expenses paid trip to Grace Hopper, the national conference celebrating women in computing. This program has also produced the second place team in the First Bi-Annual AT&T Arduino Competition (Atlanta), eight applicants (100% yield of our high school seniors) to the College of Computing program, two high school interns who participate as mentors for the I3 Experience and co-curriculum developers, and two poster presentations at the Tennessee Celebrating Women in Computing Conference, and a Conrad’s Spirit of Innovation team.In addition, I lead the program evaluation and assessment of this project.

High School Roundtable Atlanta, GA / Spring 2011

Developed and deployed program assessment for this new seven-week afterschool program designed to help engage high school students in discussions about computing trends in the media and today’s society. I found that these discussions in conjunction with multi-media presentations about computing trends and topics (.e.g., robotics, social networking, algorithms, and software development) and academic and corporate speakers, increased students interest in exploring computing as a career.

Learning By Design Research Lab School of Interactive Computing

Kitchen Science Investigators Atlanta, GA / Fall 2007 – Summer 2011

Ianalyzed data from a year long (2007-2008) study of the Kitchen Science Investigators project with African American middle school girls at a local suburban school in partnership with the local YWCA’s Teen Girls in Technology program. The study combines the two curriculums we’ve developed in previous studies, Thickeners and Leaveners. The study is tracking learning throughout the year to determine the socio-technical and material factors that affect the learning.

Kitchen Science Investigators Atlanta, GA / Summer 2007

Ran three one week all day studies to evaluate the usage of a revised Thickener curriculum and facilitation style with the support of software we designed for helping learners to design experiments. Preliminary results suggest the software and new facilitation style supported learners in designing and carrying out experiments.

Kitchen Science Investigators Atlanta, GA / Summer 2006–Spring 2007

Co-trained 10 elementary/middle school teachers to facilitate KSI sessions. Ran a one week 15 hour study with 60 rising fifth and sixth graders. Designed and useda new version of the KSI software, an online cooking magazine with three unique writing places. Redesigned the Thickener activities and activity sequence from Spring 2006 focusing learners’ attention to properties of starch granules in common household starch thickeners. Analyzed data from the online magazine contributions and found that learners liked having different places to write and that they were able to make varying degrees of causal and mechanistic explanations of the science they experienced in KSI. Future work to design more support for the types of writing needed to help learners make connections between the science and their experiences, to integratethe software better in to activities of the learning environment, and to move into a more underserved community.

Kitchen Science Investigators Atlanta, GA / Fall 2005 – Spring 2006

Contributed to the redesign of the KSI Software using an application suite metaphor.Co-Facilitated a 10-week study with 17 Sixth graders at a private school. Designed the Thickener activities and activity sequence, which highlights the role starch thickeners play in thickening food. We learned that we needed a more compelling way to get kids to revisit observations and different wiring spaces to accommodate different participation styles.

Kitchen Science Investigators Atlanta, GA / Fall 2004– Summer 2005

Designed the Leavening activities and activities sequence, which highlights the role of eggs, yeast, baking soda, and baking powder play in baked recipes. Cooking and Science activities highlighted acid and base reactions, fermentation, and properties of egg proteins. Redesigned the KSI software using the CoWeb/Swiki to promote connectivity of content over time using a website metaphor. We ran a 10 week study with 16 fifth graders using paper based media and the new version of the software. We found that having accompanying science experiments for the cooking activities really made the science salient, and that the physical positioning of the software and other media in the learning environment affected the type of reflection. This work was part of my masters’ project.

Little League Cooking Atlanta, GA / Spring – Summer 2004

Co-designed the Little League Cooking informal learning environment to engage middle school learners in scientific reasoning.The idea behind the program was to have learners engage in exploration of science through hands-on inquiry investigations of the science behind their cooking. The program was conceptually modeled after little league sports. Developed the initial web-based prototype of software using the CoWeb/Swiki for a two week study using a laboratory notebook metaphor. We found that cooking was a good way to engage middle school children in science exploration, and that kids weren’t afraid of computers in the kitchen. However, we found that learners were very competitive.After this study we changed the name to Kitchen Science Investigators to reflect the change in our approach to make the environment less competitive and more cooperative and collaborative. This work was part of my masters’ project.


Cyber Ethics Teaching Assistantship Atlanta, GA/ Summer & Fall 2010

Teaching assistant for an undergraduate course on ethical responsibility and ethical dilemmas in computing careers. Responsibilities include grading students work and supporting the course instructor in providing feedback, advice, and direction for students as they were trying to explore their personal codes of ethics and morality and reconcile them with their ethical responsibilities in computing.

Cognition & Culture Teaching Assistantship Atlanta, GA/ Spring 2010

Teaching assistant for an undergraduate course on seminal works on the intersection of cognition and culture. Responsibilities include co-leading discussions, grading students work, supporting the course instructor in providing feedback, advice, and direction for students as they grappled with the pluarality of meanings of culture and cognition.

Empirical Methods in HCI Teaching Assistantship Atlanta, GA/ Spring 2008, 2009

Teaching assistant for a combined undergraduate and graduate course on qualitative methods in the design and evaluation of user interfaces and technologies. Responsibilities include grading students work,supporting the course instructor in providing feedback, advice, and direction for students as they are trying out qualitative methods (i.e. interviewing and observation), analyzing and writing up their data.

Introduction to Educational Technologies Teaching Assistantship Atlanta, GA/ Fall 2007

Teaching assistant for an undergraduate course on the theoretical foundations and design of educational technologies. Assisted the professor in designing the course and course materials. These responsibilities included assignment and project descriptions creation, reading suggestions, and course website management. In addition, I taught five lectures, graded assignments, and provided feedback to students on projects and presentations.

Westlake High School Computer Science Course Designer and Guest Instructor Atlanta, GA / May 2005 – December 2005

Designed a project-based introduction to computer science curriculum with the Math and Science Magnet Coordinator and course instructor. Co-taught the course for Fall 2005 semester.

Student Teacher Enhancement Partnership (STEP)Fellow Atlanta, GA / May 2004 – May 2005

Teaching assistant and co-instructor at WestlakeHigh School in Atlanta, GA. Co-taught Math SAT Prep for low-achieving 11th and 12 grade students. Taught an after-school SAT Prep for one year, including content from the New SAT.Mentored students in the Math, Science, and Technology (MST)ninth grade Magnet class. Designed and piloted two projects in theMST course (1) the resume and career project and (2) the website and html project.

Academic Excellence Workshop (AEW)Facilitator Syracuse, NY/ 1999-2000/ 2001-2002

Facilitated Calculus I-III workshops for computer science and engineering students. The workshop was taken by students in addition to the calculus course. Itchallenged learners to apply concepts learned in their calculus courses to novel engineering word problems and helped them work collaboratively.The workshops were 2 hours long once a week for the duration of the semester.


OSHA Training Institute, GTRI Atlanta, GA / May 2009 – December 2009

Development Specialist, Graduate Student Assistant

Developed training software for health care professions to learn about and plan for equipment stockpiling for pandemic respiratory outbreaks. I coded the backend of the Flash 5 web application in ActionScript 4.0. This software is currently being used in courses offered by the OSHA Training Institute.


Shark Program Management- Equipment Coordinator Co-op Tucson, AZ/ January – August 2003

Managed over $39.2 Million in Shark (Enterprise Storage Servers) Program Development Assets.Coordinated the strategic transfer of assets to minimize financial impact to the organization.Developed an interdepartmental asset tracking Lotus Notes database to promote asset location and ownership awareness.

Pervasive Computing Tester Co-op Research Triangle Park, NC / Summer 2002

Installed and configured Sun Blade 2000 and AIX machines with MQ Series Client and Server software to communicate with WebSphere Portal Server (WPS) Portlets.Documented the procedure for the installation and configuration of the MQ Series and WPS Portlet interface.Developed scenarios, scripts and tests to evaluate the performance impact of WPS portlets individually and when grouped using capacity and load simulators.

Intellectual Assets Licensing Co-op East Fishkill, NY / Summer 2000, Summer 2001

Researched, acquired, and reverse engineered products from high potential licensing revenue companies.Demonstrated product infringement relevant to patents held in IBM patent portfolio.Investigated optics industry and IBM optics patent portfolio to create a charter that assists in identifying potential licensing companies.

Tool Application Developer Co-op East Fishkill, NY / Summer 2000

Developed and implemented device driver in C for a measurement tool to decrease time and increase resource efficiency in final wafer inspection process.The driver retrieved data from the measurement tool, formatted, and encoded it for serial port transmission, and inserted it into an application running on an OS/2 platform using OS/2 operating system services.


Software Tester ParsippanyNJ / Summer 1999

Developed, enhanced, executed, and documented test procedures for RAM software used to increase external customer accessibility to company databases.RAM is the client interface running on the customers’ machines allowing access to authorized Dun & Bradstreet databases.


Spirit of Innovation, Coach of Team Shockwave Fall 2011

Graduate Recruiter, College of Computing Fall 2011

ISLS Communications Committee July 2011 - Present

PURA Reviewer Fall 2011

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Reviewer 2007

Journal of the Learning Sciences, Reviewer 2006

Learning Sciences Seminar coordinator Fall 2006, Fall 2007

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Co-Advisor - Westlake High School NSBE Jr. Chapter Fall 2005

Minorities@CC, Executive Board Secretary 2004 – 2005

Hands on Atlanta, Volunteer -Discovery Program, Reading and Math Mentor Fall 2004 – Spring 2005

Transfer Reading Group Coordinator Summer 2004

Mentoring for Success Mentor, Mentor at Renfroe Middle School (3 students) Spring 2004

Increasing Minorities in Computing at Tech (IMC@T), Undergraduate Recruiter Spring 2004


International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) 2006 - Present

American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2008

Cognitive Science Society (CogSci) 2008

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) 2011

Energy Diamond Foundation, Program Developer May 2008 – Present

Y-STEM, Board Member August 2011 – Present

Educational Systems Software, LLC, Project Manager and Developer August 2011 – Present


Programming Languages: Java, C, Pascal, Visual Basic, SQL, HTML, and Assemble Language

Web Programming: Java Script, Java Beans, JSP, Google AppInventor, Google AppEngine,

ActionScript 4.0, Flash

Operating Systems: DOS, OS/2, VM, Windows 3.1, 95, 98, NT, XP, Solaris, AIX, Linux

Network Skills: Ethernet, LAN, Token Ring, WAN

Database: Oracle 8i, DB2, ACCESS, MySQL, Google Datastore


Hands on Atlanta Volunteer Project Open Hand Volunteer Dean’s List Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) Fulton County Voter Registration Deputy (2004) Inroads Alumni

Women @ CC Minorities@CC