Town of Greene, Maine
Planning Board Minutes
May 12, 2009
Rebecca Laliberte, Chairman, 946-3687
Peter Jolicoeur, Secretary & Associate, 946-7250
John Bennett, Treasurer, 946-4125
Gaetan Breton, Jr., 576-6812
George Schott, Associate, 946-7972
Aaron White, Associate, 946-5528
Donna Harrison, Associate, 946-5856
Karen Wilcox, Recording Secretary, 224-8061
Ferg Lea – AVCOG, 783-9186
Chairman, Rebecca Laliberte called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. Those Members present were Ms. Laliberte, Gaetan Breton, Jr., Peter Jolicoeur, Donna Harrison, and John Bennett. Board Members George Schott and Aaron White were not present. Also present were CEO Randy Ray and AVCOG representative Ferg Lea.
(A) Planning Board Agenda for the June 9, 2009 meeting closes
May 26, 2009.
(B) Those who wish to appear before the Planning Board must
Submit an application or other written documentation that
clearly explains the purpose of the request no later than the
agenda closing date for the next regular Planning Board
Topics will be heard under new business in the order received.
Next regular Planning Board Meeting is June 9, 2009 at
7:00PM at the Greene Town Office.
(C) All AVCOG fees must be paid prior to the signing of the Final
Mr. Bennett made a motion to accept the April 14, 2009 Minutes. Mr. Breton seconded the motion. The Board Members voted 4 in favor and 1 abstention to accept the April 14, 2009 Minutes. Ms. Harrison abstained from voting because she was not present at the April 14, 2009 meeting.
Mr. Bennett stated that in the month of April wages were paid of $61.39 and $0 taken from the General Fund. Mr. Bennett then stated that the balance left for wages was $1,328.13 and the balance left in the General Fund was $338.70.
Mr. Ray reported that there were 9 building permits issued. The permits included 1 house, 1 mobile home, 2 garages, 2 additions, 2 sheds, and 1 fill permit.
Ms. Laliberte stated that Aaron White has resigned from the Planning Board and that Mr. Jolicoeur is no longer an Associate.
Mr. John Rac addressed the Planning Board and stated that every thing discussed at the last Planning Board meeting is now on the plan. Ms. Laliberte reviewed what was discussed at the last meeting. Mr. Ray looked at the plan and stated that the apron at the entrance would need to be paved to either 34 feet or the size of the longest vehicle. Mr. Ray then stated that if the paved apron area is any longer then it needs to be shown on the plan. Mr. Bennett asked if the area would be curbed where the pool supplies will be stored. Mr. Rac answered that the pool supplies will either be shelved or on a pallet. It was then stated that the location of the bathroom needs to be shown on the plan. Mr. Rac then explained how the drainage would work. There was a short discussion regarding a landscape plan. The Planning Board then reviewed the drainage plan. It was then stated that the elevation numbers around the building need to be shown on the plan. There was then a discussion regarding the swales and the plunge pool. Mr. Rac stated that there is no erosion now and that his intent is to plant grass and evergreens. Ms. Laliberte then stated that the following items need to be shown on the plan:
1. The location of the bathroom.
2. The elevation of the building site.
3. The paved areas.
4. The landscaping.
5. The location of the septic tank.
6. Show any type of traffic over the septic area.
A Site Walk was then scheduled for Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 5:00pm. Mr. Lea then stated that a description of the sign would also be required.
Mr. Adrian Wood and Ms. Mary Tighe were present this evening to address the Planning Board regarding a camp on Sabattus Pond. Mr. Wood stated to the Planning Board that this project is to try and stabilize their existing camp. Mr. Wood stated that the proposal is to tear down the existing camp and build a new camp on the existing footprint in the same location. The camp is located in the 100-foot Shore Land Zone. There was then a discussion regarding any wetland issues. Mr. Wood stated that there were some wet issues but he did not believe there were any wetlands per say. Mr. Wood stated that he would like the building demolished and rebuilt by July 4, 2009. There was then a discussion regarding a CMP easement. Ms. Tighe stated that Mr. Richard Baker, a consultant to the project, stated that rebuilding this camp on the existing footprint would be better then adding fill. There was then a discussion regarding the steepness and the flood plane level. Mr. Ray then referred to Section 2.101.3E. It was stated that the setback could be pushed back to the farthest point as recommended by the Planning Board. There was then another discussion regarding the wetland issue. Mr. Wood stated that the camp would be 715 square feet and have no upper level. The maximum building height would be 20 feet at the ridgepole. It was suggested that Mr. Wood hire a Wetlands Scientist to determine whether this property is located in a wetland area or not. It was determined that wetland delineation would be needed before the submission of an application. Mr. Lea stated that a wetland delineation study should be submitted with the application and that the setback could be determined by the Planning Board upon a site walk. Ms. Laliberte stated the wetland delineation study and the application would need to be received by Tuesday, May 26, 2009 in order to be placed on the June 9, 2009 agenda.
Ms. Laliberte stated that a workshop on Pipe Line Safety would be held in June in Augusta.
Seeing no other discussion, Mr. Jolicoeur made a motion for adjournment. Mr. Breton seconded the motion. The Board Members voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm.
Respectfully Submitted by
Karen Wilcox
Recording Secretary