April 1, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes

On April 1 2014 a meeting of the Doniphan-Trumbull School Foundation was called to order in session at 5:00 P.M., in the Community Room at Doniphan-Trumbull High School by President Roach.

President Roach acknowledged that the notice of the meeting was given in advance in accordance with the D-TSF bylaws. Sec./Treasurer Russell took the roll. Members present were: Scott Roach, Carla Maurer, Chris Sullivan, Kirk Russell, Brent Rainforth, Dick Mays, Tiffanie Johnson, absent Renae Brummond, Kelly Karges.

Motion by __Sullivan seconded by __Johnson__ to approve the March 4, 2014 meeting minutes with corrections. Motion passes.

Old Business –


4-A-1 – No Reports

Action Items:

4-B-1- Foundation Fundraising Project scheduled for August 2, 2014 at the Community Center was discussed. Grand Project Leader Scott Roach called for any committee chair reports:

Food & Beverage Committee discussion-

It was reported that the liability insurance for an event could run from $335 to $350. The D-T Boosters only made $600 on drinks at their fundraiser.

We need to find a drink vendor to insure liquor license and negotiate a contract for sales. Entertainment Committee- No report

Advertising Committee discussion-

Discussion on the topic of generating our own Event tickets. Motion by the directors to sue “space shuttle” as background for event tickets. Card stock will be purchased and tickets run off. The school is also working on linking to District Web-Site and preparing to do “Face-book announcements.

Raffle Committee-

Reports included finalizing golf outing, ski trip to Steamboat, CO, Bonnet Creek, FL, Season FB Tickets.

Donations could also come from Around the Block (with center pieces auctioned and half pofit donated back to Foundation), Jill Robb, Carnivores’,

Set Up/Decorating Committee-

Discussion on cloth table clothes, from Melinda Sullivan or Jennifer Lewis. Cooking grills we still need to finalize a second and third grill.

Corporate Sponsors- No report

New Business-

5-A-- Reports:

5-A-1 - Go Big Give- The D-T foundation will participate in this event scheduled for May 1, 2014. Donors may log into and select their choice of non-profits to make an on-line donation. Carla and Kirk will be attending a meeting on Friday, April 4th at 8:30 for more directions/information.

Action Items:

5-B-1- On-Line Scholarship applications were received and motion by Brent seconded by Carla that four of the eligible directors will be counted for scholarship scoring. Motion passed.

2014 Scholarships amounts were discussed. The foundation will use ($2000 from Invested Endowment funds, $3250 from Kinman-Oldfield, $2027 from fall tailgate and $923 from pepsi fund $8200). Scholarship Amounts 2014 (Shultz, $1,000, Kinman Oldfield, $1,000 Kinman Oldfield $1,000, Lepin $500, Robb $500, 6 additional $500 Kinman Oldfield, and 3 $400 Kinman Oldfield scholarships)

6. Next Meeting: __May 6, 2014at 5:00 p.m.

7. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned, __5:42___ p.m.


Kirk Russell