Directorate F: Social statistics
Unit F-1: Social indicators – methodology and development; relations with users

Doc. CS/2016/November/Agenda

Version 15.11.2016



LUXEMBOURG, 23-24th November 2016

BECH Building - Room QUETELET


Wednesday 23rd November 2016

Item / Document / Time
1 / Welcome and introduction from the chair
Adoption of the agenda / Draft agenda / 10:00
2 / Cultural policy developments at EU level
For information
Presentation by DG EAC / Slides / 10:15
3 / Culture statistics in UNESCO Institute for Statistics
For information
Presentation by UIS / Slides / 10:45
4 / Culture statistics in Eurostat
For information/discussion
Eurostat will present recent achievements andwork plan for the next year. WG members will be asked for comments, including their feedback from the last Eurostat publication "Culture statistics" / Document CS/11.2016/4 / 11:15
5 / Culture statistics – news from countries
For information
WG members will be invited to share news on the situation of culture statistics in their countries. / 11: 45
Lunch break / 12:30-14:00
6 / Developments for new policy needs – statistics on cultural heritage
For information/discussion
Following the growing interest in statistics on cultural heritage, Eurostat will introduce to the discussion about the possibilities to improve these statistics.
EGMUS will present their activities on statistics on museums.
We expect also some presentations about national practices in the domain of statistics on cultural heritage. / Slides / 14:00
7 / Developments for new policy needs – statistics on music sector
For information/discussion
Eurostat will present availability of EU data on the music sector.
Information about "good practices" at national level for gathering such statistics will be welcome. / Document CS/11.2016/7 / 15:30
8 / Use of big data for culture statistics
For information/exchange
Eurostat will present the pilot project on the use of big data for cultural domain.
Information about similar projects carried out in the countries will be welcome. / Slides / 16:15
End of the first day / 17:00

Thursday 24th November 2016

Item / Document / Time
9 / Cultural employment
For discussion
Eurostat will propose some adjustments to the scope and matrix of cultural employment.
First comparison of Eurostat data with those recently published by UIS will be presented. / Document CS/11.2016/9 / 9:00
10 / International trade in cultural goods and services
For information/discussion
Eurostat will submit some suggestions concerning CN codes for cultural goods and present the situation of the EU data on international trade in cultural services. / DocumentCS/11.2016/10a
Document CS/11.2016/10b / 10:30
11 / Expenditure on culture – private and public
For information/discussion
Eurostat will explain proposals for modification of some cultural codes in the ongoing revision of COICOP.
Eurostat will introduce to the exchange of views about the comparability of data on public expenditure on culture (content of the COFOG cultural codes). / Slides+
CS/11.2016/11 / 11:15
12 / Cultural participation
For information/discussion
Eurostat will present some findings from the comparison of data/metadata on cultural participation coming from different sources:AES, EU-SILC ad hoc module 2015; Eurobarometer. The list of cultural codes in the HETUS coding will be discussed. / Document
CS/11.2016/12 / 11:45
Lunch break / 12:30-14:00
13 / Culture statistics in Eurostat – Towards a methodological manual on European culture statistics
For information/discussion
Eurostat will propose to elaborate a methodological manual for culture statistics. A glossary of concepts and definitions (first draft included in the document) would be the part of such a publication. / Document
CS/11.2016/13 / 14:00
14 / AOB
Eurostat will propose to put links to national websites of culture statistics on the Eurostat website (dedicated section on Culture).
-Time for questions, comments, suggestions on the topics not included in the agenda / 15:00
15 / Conclusions and next steps / 15:30
End of the meeting / 16:00

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