General Music

Grades 6, 7 & 8

Mrs. Lucas


Welcome to an exciting year of music-making! My name is Susie Lucas and I am your music teacher this year. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you during the year. Growing up, music was a vital part of my life—today it still serves as a creative outlet and as a means of reaching all different kinds of people. Therefore, my main goal is to help my students develop a love of music that will continue throughout their lives.

Classroom Objectives:
1. To strive towards independent musicianship.

  1. To develop a life-long appreciation for music.
  2. To have a significant understanding of the basics of music.
  3. To understand and recognize the different styles and historical periods of music.
  4. To recognize the instruments of the orchestra by sight and sound.
  5. To treat other views/opinions with respect.
  6. To cooperate with one another and encourage one another in order to achieve our goals.

To meet these objectives, we will experience the content through manydifferent ways of learning. Such things will include: journal writing, listening and analyzing music, hands-on activities, lecture, group work, presentations, games, as well as others.


1. Be respectful (of others, the classroom, the instruments, and other cultures).

2. Be on time!

3. Always come prepared (R.A. Notebook, paper, pencil)

4. Raise your hand to speak

Mrs. Lucas’s Classroom Procedures:

  1. Go directly to your seat when you enter the room.

You should immediately begin working on the “Brain Brightener” of the day at a level 0 (daily grade is affected by this!). There will be a Brain Brightener on the board every day. You should copy down the date, and then respond to the questions as directed.

  1. Bring all your materials—EVERY DAY!

This includes your Related Arts notebook (and paper), any worksheets or notes we have completed, your

agenda,and a PENCIL!!!! (This also affects your daily grade!)

*Find a pencil before class begins. Any pencils (or paper) located next to my pencil sharpener are fair game. Please do not take pencils off of my desk. Please do not ask me for a pencil/paper. This is YOUR responsibility.

3. Participate fully in all activities. (Daily Grade)

Some activities will be in your comfort zone; some will not. This is what makes us grow! Have a good attitude and

an open mind! We will sometimes work independently, sometimes in pairs, Sometimes in groups, and a lot of the

time as a whole class. I will make my expectations of voice levels clear, and if not met, we will do an alternative


  1. Use your voice wisely—sing, talk, and be silent when appropriate. (Daily Grade)

Grading Procedure:

90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, Below 60 = F,

Your grade will be based on your performance on your participation, assignments, projects, and tests given in class. Your “Daily Grade,” for example, will count for 100pts. For the daily grade, each student begins each nine weeks with a “100” average. It will remain a “100” as long as you abide by the classroom rules.

Failure to abide by the rules will result in a T3 Card, and a five point deduction from your “100” for each offense (i.e. tardy, no pencil, no notebook, not on task, disrespect, etc.), thus lowering your daily grade, your overall grade, and your conduct grade. The daily grade can help you tremendously or it can hurt you.

For further policies regarding discipline, see the Related Arts Team Discipline Policy at the end of this syllabus.

Other Procedures:

*If you are absent—YOU are responsible for all the assignments and tests given in this class. If you miss class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to see me at the beginning of class when you return to get the assignment and do the work or to schedule a time to make up a test. Upon your return you will have one week to complete any missed assignments. Quizzes and tests must be taken in class before the 8:00 homeroom bell or directly after school. MISSED WORK CANNOT BE MADE UP DURING MUSIC CLASS.

*Passes out of class—You will receive ONE restroom/locker pass. Within your teams, you have several built-in bathroom and locker breaks throughout the day. However, I realize that emergencies do arise. In that case, please fill out your agenda, and bring it along with your restroom pass and I will sign it at the appropriate time. NO ONE LEAVES WITHOUT YOUR AGENDA and a RESTROOM PASS.

*T3 Cards—Any time a rule is broken, you will be given a T3 (Time To Think) Card. You will be expected to fill out the T3 card, turn it in to the teacher, and return to class without talking or disruption. Every T3 card received counts as 5 points off your daily grade. SeeDisciplinePolicy below for more information!

Related Arts Discipline Policy

  1. In order that you receive the best instruction possible and learn at your highest level, you will be expected to meet all classroom expectations in your related arts classroom.
  2. Failure to follow the classroom expectations/rules/CHAMPS procedures (i.e. not working, wrong voice level, disrespectful, blurting out, being unprepared, etc.) will result in a T3 Card.
  3. You will fill out your own card without talking or further disruption. When you are finished, you may give it back to the teacher. Each T3 Card you receive deducts 5 points from your conduct grade.

  1. If you receive 3 cards from a teacher, you will be placed into TIP (Team Isolation Program) in a designated spot in the teacher’s room for an entire class period. If you receive more than two, the consequences are as follows.

1)3 cards = TIP

2)4 cards = conference with student

3)5 cards = office referral

4)6 or more cards = parent contact and referral

  1. Rules for TIP will be posted in the TIP area. They are as follows:

1)Zero voice level (no noises, talking, asking questions)

2)Stay seated

3)Stay on task (you will be given work to be completed)

4)Complete assigned work

5)You are not dismissed until the teacher dismisses you

  1. REWARDS!!! Students who don’t have any, zero, zilch T3 Cards at the end of the 9 weeks will receive a special treat…free time in the gym!

Content to be Covered:

*This is an overview of content that will be covered in grades 6-8. As students progress from year to year, the musical elements will be covered in more depth, with more intensity, and with more focus on analyzing, listening, performing, and creating. Also, different may be covered year to year, depending on individual class needs. For example, only 6th grade will cover the instrument families as a unit, but 7th and 8th grade will use their knowledge of instruments to discuss timbre, dynamics, style, etc. Throughout all units of study, periodic quizzes will be given to ensure mastery. Unit tests will be primarily multiple choice, with one open response.


Note and rest values—whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, dotted half, dotted quarter

Time signature—2/4, ¾, 4/4, 6/8

Vocabulary: Measure, Bar Lines, Repeat Signs, Double Bar Lines, Syncopation, Polyrhythm, and other musical terms and


Skills: Echoing, Reading, Counting, Performing, Dictating, Composing


Vocabulary: Largo, Moderato, Allegro, Presto

Skills: Identifying, Comparing, Evaluating WHY specific tempos are chosen (mood), performing a variety of tempos


Vocabulary: Staff, Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Pitch Names, Tune, Intervals, Major/Minor (mood), sharp, flat, natural, key


Piano Keyboard—labeling, matching to grand staff, playing

Skills: Describing melody, dictating, performing, composing, evaluating own and others compositions & making changes


Vocabulary: Chords, Accompaniment, Countermelody, Canon

Skills: identifying harmony type, performing, composing


Vocabulary: Pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, fortissimo, crescendo, decrescendo

Skills: listening & identifying dynamic levels, accurately performing, evaluating why specific dynamics are used, use in

composition to illustrate own musical ideas


Vocabulary: Call and Response, AB, ABA

Skills: using melody to identify form


Vocabulary: Sound characteristics, Tone color

Skills: describe timbre while listening, able to describe common timbre of various musical styles

(jazz, blues, musicals, popular, march, ballad, gospel), changing timbre of instruments by changing the way they are played


Jazz, Blues, Musical Theater, Gospel, March, Ballad

Skills: identifying, describing timbre, comparing various styles

World Music

Latin American Music

Brief history, typical instruments, and common styles

Skills: sustain own part in Latin American ensembles

Asian Music

Brief history, musical traditions and instruments of China, Japan, and India

Classical Greek Music

Greek music ideals and theory, common instruments

Medieval Music

Brief historical description.

Skills: compose own piece of Gregorian chant using traditional Latin text

Early American Music

European Influence (Baroque, Classical)

African Influence b/c of slave importation from West Africa (work songs, gospel, spirituals, call & response,

polyrhythms, improvisation, syncopation)

Instrument Families

Orchestral: Strings (violin, viola, cello, string bass, harp, harpsichord)

Woodwinds (flute, piccolo, clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, oboe, bassoon)

Brass (trumpet, French horn, trombone, tuba)

Percussion (snare, bass, timpani, xylophone, marimba, piano, glockenspiel,

triangle, cymbal, maracas, guiro, tambourine, slapstick, congas, bongos, etc.

Folk:Fiddle, String Bass, Mandolin, Guitar, Harmonica, Banjo, Jug, Jaw Harp, Dulcimer, Dobro, spoons, etc.

Skills: identifying by sight & sound, classifying, reading instrumental scores

Purposes of Music

Ceremonial, Recreational, Artistic Expression

Skills: analyzing purpose of music at a given time, understanding music has value and significance for everyday life, provides

personal fulfillment, and is a nonverbal form of communication that can strengthen the presentation of ideas and emotions.

I’m looking forward to an exciting year! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at school or email me. Email is probably the best way to reach me.


Susie Lucas

school: 586-4401


Please detach and return to school by Monday, August 9, 2010 (A Day classes), or Thursday, August 12 (B Day classes).

General Music Syllabus

I have read and fully understand each and every aspect of this syllabus. I agree to meet all the expectations presented to the best of my ability, and I understand the policies and procedures. With my signature, I hereby agree to the conditions of this syllabus.


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date