
Belleville Parks & Recreation Department

2016 Girl’s ASA Fast Pitch Premiere Select Softball Leagues

November 1, 2015


2015 ReturningTeams -League Entry Fee - $1150(Includes Insurance & ASA Registration)

Complete payment is due on or before March15, 2015

Deposit Fee - $300(Non-refundable) due on or before

November15, 2015

2016 New Teams- New teams will be taken on a first come first serve basis. The new teams can register to play on November16, 2015.

League Entry Fee - $1150 (Includes Insurance & ASA Registration)

Complete payment is due on or before March15, 2016.

Deposit Fee - $300 (Non-refundable) due on or after

November16, 2015.

Belleville Parks & Recreation Department, in conjunction with the Illinois Amateur Softball Association (ASA) will be organizing girl’s fast-pitch softball leagues for 2016. The league games will be played at LadermanPark on 1105 Mascoutah Avenue and SouthsidePark 6th and Cleveland St.

LEAGUES - There will be ASAleagues for (10 –and under-8 teams12-and under-12 teams, 14-and under-13 teams,

*16-and under13 teams, and 18 and under teams13 teams).* New this year -The 16 & 18 divisions will be combined just like the fall high school plus premiere select league – with this exception an individuals who plays college ball but fall into the 18-U age group can still play. We will divide the teams up Gold and Silver or A & B a majority of your games will be in your division and then some game outside of the division. The thought is the girls have played or will play high school ball.So to keep the games more competitive we have decided to combine the 16 & 18 U.

Your team will still register under the proper age group for the ASA purpose of sanctioning. 14 U teams who wish to play up can do so with the understanding you will play a majority of 16-U teams and a few 18-U teams – however this is not any different if your 14U team had all 8th graders who just graduated. This year’s 8th graders are eligible for the 2015 Fall ASA League. Teams and players get better is play better competition.

It is our intent to organize leagues that are the very competitive for the participating teams. We encourage teams to play in the age group which best fits the girl’s skill level. The High School Select Premiere League - all the coaches will meet to place teams in divisions and make up a double header schedule. The DH schedule your team will not play the same team back to back if at all possible.

SCHEDULE- All league games will be at LadermanPark and SouthsideParkMonday through Thursday; all teams will play a 12 game schedule. The following describes the tentative beginning dates and nights for each league.

10 & underMonday,Wednesday @ Laderman(BeginningApril 18th)

12 & underMonday - Thursday@ Laderman and Southside (Beginning April 18th )

14 & underTuesday, Thursday @Laderman , Wednesday at Southside (Beginning in June)

High School Gold & Silver (formally 16 & 18 underMonday- Wednesday, @ Laderman (Beginningin June)Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday @Southside, (Beginning inJune)

This is a tentative format as of November, 2015. Subject to change with number of teams in each age division.

The 10’s12’s, 14’s, High School Premier Select - (Formally 16’s 18’s) can be scheduled as all single games, or some doubleheaders with byes.

We will not turn teams away, if you want to register a team call Todd at 233-1416 ext 289


($1150.00/ 12 AND UNDER – 12 GAMES), ($1150.00/ 14 AND UNDER- 12 GAMES), ($1150.00 New High School 16 & 18AND UNDER- 12 GAMES), ASA Registration & ASA Insurance included. The Belleville Parks & Recreation Department will supply the game balls; ASA rulebooks and ASA score books. If a team desires to purchase outside insurance a certificate must be produced for the 2016 year. The BPRD rate will be deducted from your all inclusive league entry fee in the specific age division. Please note the lowest insurance rate offered by Bollinger Co. List as follows: (10, 12, ($100) 14, 16, & 18 and under $150.00). This is a quote I received. If a team registers ASAand do not go through the Belleville Parks & Recreation Department. If a team registers outside the BellevilleParks & Recreation Dept. must produce a copy of insurance and the ASA registration card.

LEAGUE REGISTRATION FEE AND DEADLINE – (RETURNING TEAMS - IN 10,12,14,High School Division (16 and18 UNDER LEAGUES) There will be a $300.00non-refundableor transferable league registration deposit fee-due on or beforeNovember 15, 2015 that will be applied toward league entry fee. The balance of the league fee will be due by March 15th, 2016.

Teams that have played in a league in the BellevilleParks Recreation Department ASA Girls fast pitch program in 2015 will be guaranteed a place in a league for 2016 unless they have been banned or they are not in good standing with the league or ASA. Teams in good standing with the BPRD will have a guaranteed spot providing the attached registration form and their $300.00 payment is received by above provided date in November, 2015. The team/coach must have been in good standings with the Belleville Recreation Department and the A.S.A during the 2015 season.

New teams can sign up on November16, 2015. Teams, which did not play in the 2015 Belleville Select League, will be placed in leagues with openings; on a first come basis first serve basis, as registration forms and checks are received on or after November16, 2015. Please note 13 teams per league, which will be determined by available space in each age group. Teams that are new to the Belleville Parks & Recreation Program can send their registration forms and a $300.00 payment on November16, 2015. The team entry form will be placed on a waiting list in the order it is received.

Entry forms and checks can be mailed to Belleville Parks & Recreation Department 510 West Main St.Belleville, IL62220. Please make all checks out to Belleville Parks & Recreation Department.

ELIGIBILITY AND RULES - The Eligibility determination date will be January 1 - for all age groups. ASA rules will apply with some moderations, examples: mandatory rosters batting and free substitution, etc.

TEAM INSURANCE – Insurance is included in your entry fee. The Belleville Parks & Recreation Department will purchase the minimum insurance for your team, if you want more coverage you will have to specify and pay the extra dollar amount above the minimum. If your team has purchased insurance separately please observe the following guidelines: You must show a certificate of insurance for the 2016 season, we will deduct our dollar amount which Bollinger Insurance Co has set for 2016. The total dollar amount will be deducted from the $1150.00 10 and under $1150.00 12-and under/$1150.00 14 and under/ $1150.00 16 and under entry fee/ $1150.00 18 and under entry fee. Please remember this is only a secondary insurance, the primary insurance would be the parents or guardians primary insurance. The league insurance, which will be purchased for your team covers all league and tournament play, and also practices: this coverage is good for the calendar year of 2016. The BellevilleParks and Recreation Department will furnish each team with their certificate of insurance.

GAME TIME/TIME LIMITS – Game times will be 6:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m., in April and May then we play 6:00, 7:30 and 9:00 p.m. There will be a one hour and twenty minute time limit for all age groups.

RESCHEDULED GAMES -If any games can’t be played on their scheduled date due to cancellation, games will be re-scheduled as described below: The home team coach will contact the visiting team coach and will decide which date works best for both teams. A list of Rain out dates will be provided by the BPRD office. You must start at the earliest time and then schedule to the latest time.

1. Before the end of the league season, when scheduled by the Recreation Supervisor.

2. After the completion of the league season and played as soon as possible on a Sunday through Saturday basis. Rescheduled games will be considered a forfeit pro-rata will not be given to teams unable to play on these dates.

UMPIRES – The Southwest Illinois Officiating Association will assign ASA umpires for a majority ofthe games.

Attached is an information sheet that needs to be sent with a $300.00 league registration fee as soon as possible. 2015 teams in good standing are guaranteed a place in league play during 2016. Please feel free to contact Todd Strubhart @ (618) 233-1416 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday to discuss and answer any questions you might have. We at the Belleville Parks & Recreation Department are hopeful you will consider playing Belleville Parks & Recreation Department ASAGirls Softball at LadermanPark and SouthsidePark in Belleville. We will do everything to satisfy your league requirements. Thanks!


Todd Strubhart:

Recreation Supervisor

Parks & Recreation Department

City of Belleville

(W) 618-233-1416 ext 289



Belleville Parks & Recreation Department

2016 ASA Girls Fast-Pitch Softball Leagues

November 1, 2015


Name of Team

Age of your Team Members

Age Groups (Indicate the Leagues that you prefer to play):

______10 – and under12-and under 14-and under

SelectPremiereHigh School League/ 16- and under ______18- and under

Please mark 16 or 18 above for division purpose and insurance purposes.


Manager e-mail:


City, State, Zip Code

Home Phone ()Work/CELLPhone ()

*CoachHome Phone ()

Cell Phone: ______

Coaches email:

Teams that played in the Belleville Parks & Recreation League in 2015 need to complete this form and mail with a check for $300.00 by November 15, 2015 to guarantee a place in a league for 2016. If we do not receive the form and payment on or before November 15, 2015 then I will take new teams for the 2016 season.

New teams to The Belleville Parks & Recreation Department should complete this form November16, 2015 or after and mail with a check for $300.00 to. 2016 Teams that have sent in this form along with their $300.00 check will determine openings in each age group. Please remember this is on a first-come basis.

2016 teams if you are interested, please fill out this form and mail with a check for $300.00 made out to Belleville Parks and Recreation Department.

New teams fill out on November 16, 2015 or thereafter.Please mail to BellevilleParks and Recreation Department 510 West Main St.Belleville, IL62220