Janet L Medlock
Clerk of Court /
United States Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Wisconsin
Office of the Clerk / 126 U.S. Courthouse
517 E. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202-4581

Pro Se DebtorRequirementsfor Filing a ListofCreditors

(also called a “Creditor Matrix”)

A list of creditors, also referred to as a creditor matrix, must be filed at the time of filing any bankruptcy case. The creditor matrix serves as the official mailing list in a case and must contain the names and addresses of all creditors or other parties of interest. The creditor matrix also should include the name and address of a debtor’s spouse, if not a joint debtor. It is not necessaryto file a verification of the creditor matrixin this district.

Creditor matrices can be filed in one of three ways. (Onlyin extenuating circumstances will a papermatrixbe accepted for filing.)

  • Online byusing theFile Your Creditor Matrix application which is available on the court’s website, This online feature is also available on the terminals in the public areaof the BankruptcyClerk’s Office.
  • By emailing the creditor matrix to .
  • On a CD-ROM disk mailed to:Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court

517 East Wisconsin Avenue

Room 126, U.S. Courthouse

Milwaukee, WI 53202-4581

  1. To usethe File Your Creditor Matrix application (
  1. Open the application
  1. Enter your first and last name in the field provided.
  1. Enter your email address (optional.)
  1. Enter your day-time telephone number (optional.)
  1. Click NEXT. You will be supplied with a Pin Number; make note of this number.
  1. Type the names and addresses of all creditors. Forexample:

A T &T

PO Box 575

Murray, UT 83557


PO Box 3490

Pittsburgh, PA 15450-7490

Sears,Roebuck & Company

POBox 3671

DesMoines, IA 50322

  1. When you have finished typing each creditor, click on Add Creditor.
  1. When you have finished addingall creditors, click on Submit List button.
  1. You will havean opportunityto reviewthe list at the nextwindow.
  1. Click on eitherthe Backbutton to edit the list or theSubmit button to accept the list.
  1. Clicking onSubmit will send your matrix to a deputyclerk.
  1. Email ()
  1. Enter the first and last name of the debtor in the subject line of thee-mail.
  1. Attach the matrixfile.
  1. Attach onlyone matrix per e-mail.
  1. The file must be saved in an ASCIIformat.
  1. Type the names and addresses of all creditors in a single-column format. See above example 1-b.
  1. Use upper and lower case type, first lettercapitalization of propernames, etc.
  1. Do not use boldtypeor a font size smaller than 10 point.
  1. CD-ROM disk
  1. Type the names and addresses of all creditors in a single-column format. See above example 1-b.
  1. Use upper and lower case type, first lettercapitalization of propernames, etc.
  1. Do not use boldtypeor a font size smaller than 10 point.
  1. When finished typing, save your matrix to the CD-ROM disk and mail it to:

Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court

517 East Wisconsin Avenue

Room 126, U.S. Courthouse

Milwaukee, WI 53202-4581

  1. Paper matrices areaccepted onlyin extenuatingcircumstances.
  1. Paper matricesmust be typedand must adhere to the guidelines listed above for using email.
  1. Do not use:
  1. Non-standard paper such as onion skin or colored paper.
  1. Paper size other than 8 ½ x 11 inch.
  1. Extra marks on the front of the page, such as letterhead, dates, debtor names, stains, etc.
  1. Do list the name ofthe debtor on thereverse side ofeach page.