Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs


APRIL 17, 2014

Present: A. Ahmadpour, F. Arce, M. Botello, D. Charman, R. Durand, A. Minasiam,

E. Munoz, D. Thompson, S. Trench

Other Guests: A. Cornelio, B. Klier


A.  Notes of 10/24/13: Distributed and reviewed.

B.  SLO Update: Fall 2013 assessment report: 96% SLOs and 89% PLOs have been submitted. Division breakdown was distributed to Council members. The College must be at 100% completed by the ACCJC site visit in October. Remaining courses have been assessed at least once except ET PLO. There are five courses that have not been assessed and will be in spring or fall: Art, Computer Science, Fashion, History, and PE 254.

There will be training sessions offered in TracDat, data analysis, and assessment tools.

C. Division Reports

Fine Arts

·  Unit plan submitted for 2014-15.

·  Expand high school outreach.

·  Art Department open house on 4/25/14.

·  Facility – editing lab for film/video.

·  Hiring two full-time positions: Communication Studies and Film/Video/Photo.

·  Hiring adjunct faculty.

·  Five AA-T approved. Studio Arts is pending.

·  SLO – have at least three statements. All Fine Arts have 4-year timeline. 78 course SLOs, and 1 PLO will be completed this semester.

·  Program review in final draft pending.

Behavior & Social Sciences

·  Black History month was successful.

·  Women’s History events were held in March.

·  Chicano Culture celebration will hold six series of events.

·  SLOs – 46 course SLO and 3 program SLO.

·  The success rate of online courses has slightly increased over the years.


·  Hiring two full-time positions: English & Journalism

·  Bernie Rang was chosen as the 2014 Distinguished Faculty recipient.

·  The last issue of the Union newspaper will include summer topics.

·  Warrior Life will be release on 5/1/14.

Industry & Technology

·  Ongoing SLO, PLO, Program Review and rubrics.

·  Expand with classes – FTES.

·  Hiring adjunct faculty for Fire Technology, Nutrition, Air Conditioning.

·  Hiring two full-time positions: Automotive Technology and Fire Technology

·  The new building is projected to open in January 2015.

·  Upcoming graduation for Fire Tech and Paramedics.

·  “Girls in Garage” event was successful.

·  Ongoing: wind turbine. Environment tech building. Working lab.

Learning Resources

·  Embedded library – program to attempt for Math. Ask for five faculty volunteers who will attend 2-4 meetings.

·  Embedded library project summarized.

·  Library opening hours. We open at 8 AM. Need to open earlier to accommodate student printing.

·  READ poster unveiling on 4/17: Laurie Walsh and Daniel Berney.

·  Promotion of E-books.


·  Hiring full-time position: Accounting

·  Dean-Business will return full-time to the division. Dr. Rapp was on assignment as Interim Dean of Math simultaneously.

·  Moving toward hybrid classes and on campus exam.


·  100% SLOs.

·  Connecting with JPL.

·  Connection with Math and Engineering to combine 4 unit courses as one 8 unit course.

·  Hiring full-time position for Dean of Math.

Health Sciences & Athletics

·  SLO update.

·  PLOs completed in Rad Tech.

·  Attend program review for CTE course for PR.

·  Full-time faculty positions: Respiratory Care, Athletic Director, Clinical Coordinator for Respiratory Care.


A.  CTE Program Review: CTE conducts a two-year program review in addition to a full program review every four years. Data questions were reviewed at the April 17th Academic Senate meeting for a first reading. The Ed Code requirements are: (1) list of advisory committee members; and (2) input from advising committees including documentation of minutes.