Unit 2 Self-Awareness

Bell Work

2.1  Define terms related to self-awareness.

·  What have you learned about yourself this year? What do you want to learn about yourself this year?

·  What’s the most difficult aspect of being a teen-ager?

2.1  Define terms related to self-awareness.

·  List ten things you enjoy doing. What percentage of those activities requires you to work with people? Things? Information or ideas? What percentage requires you to work with a combination of people, things, or information and ideas?

2.2  List reasons why people should identify interests, aptitudes, and abilities.

·  Describe something that you are really good at.

·  Name five things you enjoy doing in your spare time. Tell why you enjoy each activity.

2.2  List reasons why people should identify interests, aptitudes, and abilities.

·  125 students recently completed an interest inventory. The following chart indicates the number of students that indicated an interest in the categories listed. Determine the percentage of students interested in each career area.

Business and Administration 17

Education 12

Health Science 34

Human Services 15

Information Technology 28

Law and Public Safety 8

Scientific Research and Engineering 5

Undecided 6

2.3  Discuss standards/values as they relate to the world of work.

·  Tell about a time when you had to go against the crowd to stand up for something you believed in.

·  How are your standards/values the same as the standards/values of someone important to you? How are they different?

2.3  Discuss standards/values as they relate to the world of work.

·  Steve wants to buy a new stereo system that costs $275, but he also wants to save 10 % of his salary every week to use for a down payment for a car. If he doesn’t save the 10% this week, he will be able to buy the new stereo without taking any money out of his savings account. How much does Steve make each week?

2.4  Relate personality traits to the world of work.

·  What do you think is your best personality trait? What personality trait would you change? Is it possible to change personality traits?

·  Complete this well-known sentence with your own words. “I have a dream…”

2.4  Relate personality traits to the world of work.

·  Patti wants to take a course in Automotive Technology at the local community college. The cost for the course is $150. If Patti can save $7 dollars from her part-time job every week, how many weeks will it take her to save enough money to take the course?

2.5  Identify how career choices affect lifestyle factors.

·  Would you rather have unlimited wealth or unlimited friendship? Why?

·  Imagine you are attending your ten-year high school reunion. How would you describe your lifestyle to your best friend whom you haven’t seen since graduation?

2.5 Identify how career choices affect lifestyle factors.

·  Dorita wants to go to the school dance, but the dress she wants to buy costs more than she has in her bank account. If she borrows $10 from her brother and $15 from her mother, she will still need $5 to buy the dress. The dress costs $95 dollars. How much does she have in the bank?