Instructions for Supervisors

Step 1 – Accessing the VLE - Login to the VLE , using your username and password.

Step 2 – The PDP Tab - Click on the PDP tab

The top half of this page is the student view “My PDP” and can only be accessed by a valid Student in SITS. Students can find a variety of information on skills development, reflecting on and recording experience, development opportunities and career planning. You might find it useful to familiarise yourself with this information so that you can discuss it with your student. You can also access the student instructions from the main PDP page

Step 3 - Scroll down the page and click on My Supervisees

Step 4 – Student List - You will then be presented with a list of your Supervisees, you can access more information about each student by clicking on the Student ID. Students are ordered alphabetically under their year.

– if any of the names on this list are incorrect please contact your departmental administrator – this data is read directly from SITS.

Step 5 – You will see a line of tick boxes next to the student names. Once a student has completed their PDP form, and it is ready for you to read, they are instructed to populatethe appropriate box – this will show as a tick.

The first column is labelled CO (Conscientious Objectors), this is for students who do not wish to discuss their PDP with you.

The second half of boxes can be used to confirm that the PDP meeting between you and your supervisee has taken place. This box must be ticked by you once the meeting has occurred (step 8).

Step 6 – Student Details –To access details about your student and their PDP forms; click on the Student ID number, you will be presented with the selected student’s contact details (term time, emergency and home addresses along with telephone numbers, emails etc). From this screen you are presented with a left hand menu with the following options:

a)Home (brings you back to the PDP Tab in the VLE – Step 2)

b)My Supervisees (brings you back to you list of supervisees – Step 4)

c) Student Details (Presents you with the contact details of student – Step 6)

d) PDP Document – (Proceed to Step 7)

e) Student Mug shot – (Presents you with the mug shot of your selected student. If you can not see the mug shot, this is because your department does not subscribe to the central system or you don not have access to the pictures)

f) Notes - (Proceed to Step 9)

Step 7 – PDP Document –This will link to the student’s portfolio;

Click on the link “pdp portfolio template”, you will be directed to your student’s PDP document. Until your student has accessed this document, you will not be able to view it. All of your students have been requested to ‘access' this form, if you are still unable to see a portfolio that a student has been working on then please contact Michelle McCarthy or Heather Richardson.

Select the appropriate year to read the form:

*To view a portfolio template, a demo student has created click on “MRS DEMO STUDENT” at the top of your student list.

Once you have met with your student you can record any action points/outcomes of the meeting on the Summary Form, one is provided for each year.

NB// this is a wiki tool - A website or similar online resource which allows users to add and edit content collectively.

Step 8 – confirming the meeting – Once your meeting has taken place, please return to the ‘My Supervisees’ screen and tick the appropriate box. This information will be viewed by your PDP co-ordinator and the departmental office.

Step 9– Notes – This section of the system allows you to create/view and edit your own notes, and view any notes made by the selected student.

• Create your own notes – Simply enter text in the text box, tick the box if you would like to share the note with the student and press “Add Note”.

• Edit you own notes – Click on the EDIT text next to the note and amend in the text box, initial and press “Add Note”

• View previous notes - the bottom half of this screen shows notes made by the student and all your notes.

These notes can be used as you wish, you might like to keep a record of actions or even follow up notes for yourself.

This is a pilot project, as such, we would welcome any feedback you have, please email Heather Richardson if you have any comments.

If you can not view the PDP tab or the My Supervisees link please contact Michelle McCarthy or Heather Richardson