Long BranchHigh School
Blogging Assignments
TO:Parent(s)/ Guardians and students
FROM: Carol Arcomano, Business/Technology Teacher
DATE: September 5, 2012
This year many of the assignments can be found on my teacher page (
A “blog” (short for weblog) is a way of communicating on-line in real time. It is frequently used in all walks of life; business, education, social, etc. Routinely, I will post a question or topic that is theme related to our class for students to reply and comment on other students posts. I invite you to visit this page which can be found on my teacher web page (Teacher links/Arcomano, on the Long Branch school district home page.or
What is a Blog?
Blogs can be used for providing communication to students, parents, or other teachers. As the internet becomes more prevalent in how we live our lives, blogging has become a powerful and effective technology tool for students and teachers with many educational benefits.
- Blogging is about reading and writing.
- Literacy is about reading and writing.
- Blogging is about literacy.
In a broader and educational scope, blogs are about communication and expression and widely used in the professional community. Since blogs can be viewed by others, there are rules and guidelines that need to be addressed for the protection of all users.
Blogging Rules:
- All students must post carefully and with respect to the teacher and other students.
- All students must avoid anything abusive, defamatory, libelous, or an infringement upon the rights of others.
- All messages and blogs must be in a friendly tone. No negative or violent comments are allowed. Do not criticize other people in any way. Make sure to express your opinion without putting down other peoples’ opinions. Do not refer to violent things.
- Proofread and edit!!! You are being graded. Make sure to use correct English. Do not abbreviate and use slang . Make sure to use capital letters, complete sentences, and correct spelling to help them learn English correctly. Do not write as if you are texting or instant messaging.
I have reviewed the rules for using Mrs. Arcomano’s Blog page with my child, ______. I understand that my child will be responsible for using the internet and your teacher page for graded assignments outside of school and I give him/her permission. There may be times that pictures of school events and students will be posted.
______I allow my child’s picture to be posted on the web site.
______I do not allow my child’s picture to be posted on the web site.
Comments: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______