Students from Grades 4 – 7 will be participating in the Writing, Reading And Presenting (W.R.A.P.) Fair to be held on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, April 24, 2008. Primary grades may participate by doing a class book study and presentation or small group/partner book and presentation.

Selection of books will be up to individual teachers. You may wish to have students choose only Accelerated Reader books, choose from a limited selection, assign books or leave choice open for students.

We are suggesting that most work be done during class reading lessons, following specific criteria and time lines.

The WRAP Fair will follow the six big Assessment for Learning Strategies:

1. Learning Intentions (IRP Outcomes)

Writing and Representing:

C7(Primary)Use writing and representing to express personal

C8(Intermediate)responses and opinions about experiences and texts.

C10(Grades 1-3)Uses features and conventions of language.

C11(Grades 4-7)(see individual IRPs for detailed learning outcomes

Pertaining to your grade).


B5(Grades 1-7)Ask questions before reading to develop an understanding

of text.

B6(Grades 3-7)Ask and answer questions during reading to construct,

monitor and confirm meaning

B7(Grades 3-7)Generate and respond to questions after reading to confirm

and extend meaning

Oral Language (Presenting)

A2(Grades 1-7)Uses speaking to explore, express, and present a range of

ideas, information, and feelings for different purposes and

audiences by:

  • Staying on topic in a focused discussion
  • Recounting experiences in a logical order
  • Using an effective introduction and conclusion
  • Using effective details, evidence, or examples to enhance meaning
  • Explaining and supporting a viewpoint

2. Criteria

  • See attached Assessment Rubric
  • After looking at the specific learning outcomes for your grade, you will want to generate specific criteria with or for your class for each section of the WRAP Fair Project:
  • Character
  • Setting
  • Plot Summary
  • Questioning (Literal and Inferential)
  • Oral Communication
  • Poster Appearance

3. Descriptive Feedback

  • This will be the feedback given to students on work done according to specific class criteria and using the Assessment Rubric for the final presentation
  • This would happen on an on-going basis throughout the project to enable students

to improve, be successful and achieve the learning intentions

4. Questions

  • These will be the before, during and after reading questions.
  • Students may also formulate questions in order to complete other tasks such as the

Wanted Poster.

5. Self and Peer Assessment

This could be done in several ways:

  • Use class generated criteria
  • Students use WRAP Fair rubric
  • Students could do a walk through completed boards with a criteria checklist, compliment slip or other.

* It is recommended that students should self-assess each piece of the project as it is


6. Ownership

Ownership will be reflected in student self-assessment and in their oral presentations.

Assessment Rubric for W.R.A.P. Fair

Student Name: ______Book Title: ______

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Writing &
Representing / Character: May be missing. Minimal detail with no discussion. Needs support to complete.
Setting: May be missing. No detail or incorrect detail. Needs support to complete.
Plot Summary:
Many or all important details may be missing. Beginning, middle or end may be missing or incorrect. Needs support to complete. / Character: - physical & personality attributes identified but not discussed
Setting: Completed with less than three relevant details
Plot Summary: Missing some critical details. Still contains beginning, middle and end. / Character: physical and personality attributes identified and discussed; relevant detail
Setting: clearly and carefully described; includes 3 – 5 details
Plot Summary: clearly discusses problem, conclusion and resolution. Gives some detail from the story. / Character: identifies physical and personality attributes in detail with appropriate examples
Setting: clearly described with careful attention to detail; contains 5 or more details.
Plot Summary: clear and detailed; includes problem, conclusion & resolution, including relevant story details and may include quotes from book.
Reading & Questioning / Before & During:
Not able to ask meaningful questions that show full understanding of story. Needs a lot of help to complete task.
After: Unable to answer final question without a lot of help. No supporting detail. / Before & During:
Questions show some understanding of story. Questions are literal.
Needs some teacher support to complete task.
After: Needs help to answer final question.
No supporting detail. / Before & During:
Questions show understanding of story and are able to develop and confirm meaning. Includes at least one inferential question.
After: Identifies theme in final question.
Gives evidence to support answer. / Before & During:
Questions show deep understanding of story.
Includes at least 2 inferential questions.
After: Identifies theme.
Gives detailed evidence to support answer.
May contain a quote.
Presentation –
Visual & Oral / Visual Presentation: Roughly done, crooked, not organized, many errors
Oral Presentation:
Cannot answer questions about book, speaks too quietly, mumbles / Visual Presentation:
Generally neat, some effort made to organize and be visually appealing. Items may have some errors.
Oral Presentation:
Only able to answer basic questions. Difficulty hearing responses, ideas not clearly expressed. / Visual Presentation:
Visually appealing, neat, organized and creative. May have an occasional error.
Oral Presentation:
Can answer most questions about novel. Communicates main information well with clear voice. / Visual Presentation:
Neat, well-organized, strong visual appeal and creativity demonstrated.
No errors.
Oral Presentation:
Can answer all questions in depth; has strong knowledge and opinions about the book. Uses clear audible and expressive voice.

*Given: Includes Book Title, Author, Student Name and Division

Grade 1 Rubric for Oral Language

Aspect / Not Yet Within
Expectations / Meets Expectations
(Minimal Level) / Fully Meets
Expectations / Exceeds Expectations
  • Uses simple,
basic social conventions to
show respect
for others
  • focuses on the speaker
  • does not interrupt
  • asks questions to clarify or
  • extend meaning
  • uses some polite language, with teacher support
  • maintains a “listening” posture for a short duration, with teacher support
  • takes turns, with teacher support
  • asks questions related to the topic, with teacher support
  • sometimes uses polite language
  • sometimes maintains a “listening” posture for a short duration
  • sometimes takes turns
  • sometimes asks questions related to the topic
  • uses polite language
  • frequently maintains a “listening” posture
  • takes turns
  • asks questions related to the topic
  • uses polite language consistently
  • consistently maintains a “listening” posture
  • takes turns consistently
  • asks questions
related to the topic
and beyond
  • Shares ideas in class discussions
  • responds to ideas related to the topic, with teacher support
  • offers ideas that are directly or indirectly related to the topic
  • offers ideas that are generally related to the topic
  • offers ideas that are related to the topic; may introduce a related question or speculation

  • recalls and uses information or ideas from the story or from classmates’ contributions
  • recalls some information or ideas heard, with teacher support
  • recalls a few facts or ideas heard, with occasional teacher support
  • recalls main facts and ideas from the story and from classmates; makes personal connections
  • recalls most facts and ideas from the story and from classmates; offers connections to other information or experiences

  • talks about oral activities
  • responds to simple questions about own behaviour; with occasional teacher support
  • responds to simple questions about own behaviour; with occasional teacher support
  • responds to questions about own behaviour; may describe a simple accomplishment or contribution
  • responds to questions about own behaviour; describes successes and achievements

Grade 2 Rubric for Oral Language

Aspect / Not Yet Within
Expectations / Meets Expectations
(Minimal Level) / Fully Meets
Expectations / Exceeds Expectations
  • Uses polite
language to co-operate with others
  • Maintains a
listening posture
and shows respect for the contribution
of others
  • Takes turns, does not interrupt the speaker
  • Listens to make connections
  • Asks questions
to clarify understanding /
  • uses some polite language, with teacher support
  • maintains a “listening” posture for a limited duration
  • takes turns, with teacher support
  • identifies some clues to help make connections, with teacher support
  • asks questions to check understanding, with teacher support
  • occasionally uses polite language
  • sometimes maintains a “listening” posture
  • frequently takes turns
  • identifies clues to help make connections
  • asks questions to check understanding
  • uses polite language to
co-operate with others
  • maintains a “listening” posture and shows respect for the contribution of others
  • takes turns
  • identifies clues to help make connections
  • asks questions
to clarify understanding /
  • uses polite language consistently to facilitate interactions
  • maintains a “listening” posture and responds appropriately
  • takes turns and encourages the participation of others
  • asks questions
related to the topic
and beyond
  • Shows awareness of the impact and humorous possibilities in language
  • Speaks with expression
  • Participates in recreating a section of the story with some detail
  • responds to humorous language, with teacher support
  • speaks clearly, with teacher support
  • participates in recreating part of the story, with teacher support
  • responds to some humorous language
  • sometimes speaks with appropriate expression
  • participates in recreating part of the story; tends to follow others’ lead
  • responds to the impact and humorous possibilities in language
  • speaks with expression
  • participates in recreating part of the story; contributes some detail
  • responds creatively to the impact and humorous possibilities in language
  • consistently speaks with expression and fluency
  • participates in recreating part of the story; contributes details (may offer support to others)

  • makes reasonable predictions
  • expresses simple opinions
  • makes some predictions
  • expresses simple opinions
  • makes predictions; may be unrealistic or extremely obvious
  • expresses simple opinions
  • makes reasonable predictions
  • expresses simple opinions
  • makes reasonable predictions that go beyond the obvious
  • expresses simple opinions; may give reasons

  • talks about parts of an activity that worked well
  • responds to simple questions about group activities with teacher support
  • responds to simple questions about group activities
  • responds to questions about group activities; describes what went well
  • responds to questions about group activities; describes what went well and what needed improvement

Grade 3 Rubric for Oral Language

Aspect / Not Yet Within
Expectations / Meets Expectations
(Minimal Level) / Fully Meets
Expectations / Exceeds Expectations
  • Uses polite
language to encourage interaction with others
  • focusses on the speaker,
maintaining a “listening” posture without
  • when offering
ideas, speaks and positions self so others can see and hear
  • Asks questions
to find out others’ ideas /
  • uses polite language, with teacher support
  • focuses on the speaker, sometimes maintaining a “listening” posture
  • speaks and positions self so others can see and hear, with teacher support
  • asks questions to find out others ideas, with teacher support
  • occasionally uses polite language
  • sometimes maintains a “listening” posture
  • frequently takes turns
  • identifies clues to help make connections
  • asks questions to check understanding
  • uses polite language voluntarily to encourage interaction with others
  • focuses on speaker, maintaining a “listening” posture without interrupting
  • speaks and positions self so others can see and hear to show awareness of audience
  • asks relevant questions to find out others’ ideas
  • voluntarily shows respect to others
  • consistently focuses on speaker, maintaining a “listening” posture without interrupting, and responds appropriately
  • speaks and positions self so others can see and hear, adjusting to audience’s needs
  • asks relevant questions to find out others’ ideas and respond accordingly

  • offers ideas related to the problem
  • asks questions to find out and clarify others’ views
  • shares opinions and gives reasons
  • shares in completing tasks
  • offers ideas related to the problem, with teacher support
  • asks questions to clarify others’ views, with teacher support
  • gives opinions, with teacher support
  • contributes to shared tasks, with teacher support
  • responds to some humorous language
  • sometimes speaks with appropriate expression
  • participates in recreating part of the story; tends to follow others’ lead
  • offers ideas related to the problem
  • asks questions to find out and clarify others’ views
  • share opinions and gives reasons
  • contributes willingly to shared tasks
  • offers constructive ideas related to the problem
  • asks questions to find out, clarify, and extend others’ views
  • shares opinions and gives reasons; may consider more than one point of view
  • contributes willingly to shared tasks; may help others

  • recalls key ideas
  • contributes accurate information to create a shared summary of other presentations
  • recalls some key ideas, with teacher support
  • contributes information to a shared summary, with teacher support
  • makes predictions; may be unrealistic or extremely obvious
  • expresses simple opinions
  • recalls key ideas
  • contributes accurate information to create a shared summary
  • recalls key ideas; may be able to provide extensive detail
  • contributes accurate information to create a shared summary; may take leadership

  • given a frame, describes own behaviour and identifies a simple goal
  • identifies a simple goal appropriately, with teacher support
  • responds to simple questions about group activities
  • describes own behaviour and identifies a reasonable goal
  • describes own behaviour and identifies a reasonable goal with adequate detail

Grade 4 Rubric for Oral Language

Aspect / Not Yet Within
Expectations / Meets Expectations
(Minimal Level) / Fully Meets
Expectations / Exceeds Expectations
  • Uses polite
language to encourage interaction with others
  • focusses on the speaker,
maintaining a “listening” posture without
  • when offering
ideas, speaks and positions self so others can see and hear
  • Asks questions
to find out others’ ideas /
  • uses polite language, with teacher support
  • focuses on the speaker, sometimes maintaining a “listening” posture
  • speaks and positions self so others can see and hear, with teacher support
  • asks questions to find out others ideas, with teacher support
  • occasionally uses polite language
  • sometimes maintains a “listening” posture
  • frequently takes turns
  • identifies clues to help make connections
  • asks questions to check understanding
  • uses polite language voluntarily to encourage interaction with others
  • focuses on speaker, maintaining a “listening” posture without interrupting
  • speaks and positions self so others can see and hear to show awareness of audience
  • asks relevant questions to find out others’ ideas
  • voluntarily shows respect to others
  • consistently focuses on speaker, maintaining a “listening” posture without interrupting, and responds appropriately
  • speaks and positions self so others can see and hear, adjusting to audience’s needs
  • asks relevant questions to find out others’ ideas and respond accordingly

  • offers ideas related to the problem
  • asks questions to find out and clarify others’ views
  • shares opinions and gives reasons
  • shares in completing tasks
  • offers ideas related to the problem, with teacher support
  • asks questions to clarify others’ views, with teacher support
  • gives opinions, with teacher support
  • contributes to shared tasks, with teacher support
  • responds to some humorous language
  • sometimes speaks with appropriate expression
  • participates in recreating part of the story; tends to follow others’ lead
  • offers ideas related to the problem
  • asks questions to find out and clarify others’ views
  • share opinions and gives reasons
  • contributes willingly to shared tasks
  • offers constructive ideas related to the problem
  • asks questions to find out, clarify, and extend others’ views
  • shares opinions and gives reasons; may consider more than one point of view
  • contributes willingly to shared tasks; may help others

  • recalls key ideas
  • contributes accurate information to create a shared summary of other presentations
  • recalls some key ideas, with teacher support
  • contributes information to a shared summary, with teacher support
  • makes predictions; may be unrealistic or extremely obvious
  • expresses simple opinions
  • recalls key ideas
  • contributes accurate information to create a shared summary
  • recalls key ideas; may be able to provide extensive detail
  • contributes accurate information to create a shared summary; may take leadership

  • given a frame, describes own behaviour and identifies a simple goal
  • identifies a simple goal appropriately, with teacher support
  • responds to simple questions about group activities
  • describes own behaviour and identifies a reasonable goal
  • describes own behaviour and identifies a reasonable goal with adequate detail

Grade 5 Rubric for Oral Language

Aspect / Not Yet Within
Expectations / Meets Expectations
(Minimal Level) / Fully Meets
Expectations / Exceeds Expectations
  • ocuses on the speaker, (eg. Appropriate body language and “listening” posture)
  • when offering ideas, makes connections with listeners (e.g., speaks and
positions self so others can see and hear)
  • asks questions to find out others’ ideas
  • sometimes focuses on speaker, with teacher support
  • uses strategies for making connections with listeners, with teacher support
  • sometimes asks questions to find out others’ ideas
  • often focuses on speaker
  • uses strategies for making connections with listeners
  • asks questions to find out others’ ideas
  • consistently focuses on speaker
  • uses appropriate strategies for making connections with listeners
  • asks relevant questions to find out others’ ideas and make connections
  • consistently and effectively focuses on speaker and responds appropriately
  • uses appropriate strategies for making connections with listeners to extend conversation
  • asks questions to find out others’ ideas, make connections, and extends thinking

  • topic and purpose are clear
  • information is generally accurate and relevant
  • speaks clearly; most parts are audible and easy to understand
  • uses specific content words and phrases correctly
  • orders most information logically
  • topic and purpose are not clearly stated
  • provides little accurate and relevant information; may be vague
  • sometimes speaks clearly
  • uses few, specific content terms correctly
  • orders some information logically, with teacher support
  • states topic clearly; purpose may be vague
  • provides some relevant information
  • generally speaks clearly
  • uses a few key content terms correctly
  • generally orders information logically
  • states topic and purpose clearly
  • provides accurate and relevant information
  • speaks clearly; most parts are audible and easy to understand
  • uses some specific content terms correctly
  • orders information logically.
  • states topic and purpose clearly and effectively
  • consistently provides accurate, specific, and relevant information
  • speaks clearly and fluently; easy to understand
  • uses specific content words and phrases correctly
  • consistently orders information logically and provides a conclusion

  • makes connections as listener
  • recalls main facts or ideas in order
  • makes connections as listener, with teacher support
  • recalls some facts or details
  • makes some connections as listener
  • recalls main facts or ideas, sometimes in sequence
  • makes relevant connections as listener
  • recalls main facts or ideas in sequence
  • makes insightful connections as listener
  • effectively recalls main facts or events in sequence

  • contributes to and uses criteria to assess oral activities (what worked well and what didn’t)
  • uses criteria to self-assess, with teacher support
  • uses criteria to self-assess, with little supporting evidence
  • contributes to and uses criteria to self-assess; provides some evidence
  • contributes to and uses criteria to self-assess; evidence is thorough and creative

Grade 6 Rubric for Oral Language