Discussion Skills, Strategies, and Content Knowledge Linked to Common Core Speaking Standards(grades 9-10)

CCLS Headings / Lisa Sub Headings / Scaffolded Skills/Strategies/Knowledge / CCLS (Speaking)
Collaboration / Physical Demeanor / Self-Monitoring of Talk Amount
Loud Clear Voice
Polite Interjection of Voice
Eye Contact w/Speaker
Eye Contact w/Audience
Emotional Control / SL.9-10.1d
Appropriate Hand Use
Thoughtful Response to Diverse Perspectives / SL.9-10.1d
Active Listening / SL.9-10.1d
Leadership Moves / Prepared / SL.9-10.1a
Invites others into discussion / SL.9-10.1c
Use People’s Names
Transition from Prior Comments
Facilitate Decision Making / SL.9-10.1b
Explanation via metaphor or simile
Use mistakes as starting points
Celebrate AHAs
Request for Alternative Views / SL.9-10.1b
Summarize Points of Agreement and Disagreement / SL.9-10.1d
Recognize disequilibrium
Get Group back on Point, clear goal / SL.9-10.1b
Outline Next Steps / SL.9-10.1b
Setting Deadlines and Assigning Roles / SL.9-10.1b
Comprehension / Understanding / Posing Questions (Clarifying) / SL.9-10.1c
Clarifying / SL.9-10.1c
Summarize Points of Agreement and Disagreement / SL.9-10.1d
Relate to Course Content / SL.9-10.1a
Relate to Broader Themes/Larger Ideas/Real World / SL.9-10.1c
Integrating multiple sources/types of information / SL.9-10.2
Evaluating the credibility and accuracy of sources / SL.9-10.2
Making new connections in light of evidence and reasoning presented. / SL.9-10.1d
Uses Tier II Vocabulary / SL.9-10.6
Use of Tier III Vocabulary / SL.9-10.6
Wonderings / SL.9-10.1d
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas / Argument / Assertion / SL.9-10.4
Reasoning (Qualifying or Justifying own Views) / SL.9-10.4
Presents information clearly / SL.9-10.4, SL.9-10.6
Presents information concisely / SL.9-10.4, SL.9-10.6
Presents information logically / SL.9-10.4
Development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task. / SL.9-10.4, .5, .6
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. / SL.9-10.5.6
Make strategic use of digital media in presentations(e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) / SL.9-10.5
Citing Evidence / SL.9-10.1a
Counter Argument / Restate Opposing Opinion / SL.9-10.1c
Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. / SL.9-10.3
Refutation Theme / SL.9-10.1b, 1c
Identifying Fallacious reasoning, exaggerated or distorted evidence. / SL.9-10.3, SL.9-10.5
Support / SL.9-10.1a,1c
Conclude / SL.9-10.1a,1c, 1d