CSDB Title II-A Professional Development Plan

CSDB is committed to providing timely and meaningful professional development for the purpose of improving and expanding the skills ofall CSDB staff. The school recognizes that opportunities must be provided systematically to ensure staff membersstay current on emerging information, trends, and technical knowledge. There are several ways that professional development occurs at CSDB. The following is the process for determining approved professional development:

  1. The scheduled professional development days at CSDB are planned through feedback gathered from the staff, Program Administrators and the Superintendent’s Council. Activitiesidentified within the approved Schoolwide Plan as well as CSDB policies provide the basis for Professional Development plans. The Schoolwide Plan is developed in the spring and is based upon a process of data review and root cause analysis as required through the Unified Improvement Plan process. This process includes:
  1. Professional Learning Community(PLC) teams across campus review current data and achievement gaps
  2. PLC teams review root cause analysis and bring forward key goals and action steps in order to leverage CSDB resources
  3. Core content teams gather all ofthe work from the PLCs to select action step areas and identify professional development goals for the Schoolwide Plan for the next year
  4. A draft of the Schoolwide Plan is taken to the Accountability Committee for parent and community feedback
  5. In September, the CSDB Board of Trustees approves the Schoolwide Plan for the current academic year
  1. Staff may request a specific professional development activity, conference, webinar, etc. through our Professional Development Request process. This process requires the staff person(s) to support the reason for the professional development activity, as well as identify the expected outcomes. The immediate Program Administrator, the Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator, and the Director of Special Education must approve the activity to ensure that it is in line with our Schoolwide Plan. The Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator follows-upon all approved professional development activities to ensure that the participants share the information learned with other identifiedstaff on campus.
  1. A yearly Professional Development survey is conducted in the spring by the Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator in order to gather further input for the Schoolwide Planning process and to gather ideas for the next school year’s professional development day trainings/activities.

Revised 8.7.18