PAS 204 Statistical Reasoning 2007/2008

Lecture and Tutorial Schedule

Date / Lecture number / Tutorial class number
Friday 15 February / 1, 2
Friday 22 February / 3, 4
We/Th27/28 February / 1
Friday 29 February / 5, 6
We/Th5/6 March / 2
Friday 7 March / 7, 8
We/Th 12/13 March / 3
Friday 14 March / 9, 10
We/Th 9/10 April / 4
Friday 11 April / 11, 12
We/Th 16/17April / 5
Friday 18 April / 13, 14
We/Th 23/24 April / 6
Friday 25 April / 15, 16
We/Th 30 April/1 May / 7
Friday 2 May / 17, 18
We/Th 7/8May / 8
Friday 9 May / 19, 20
We/Th 14/15 May / 9

N.B. Easter break is after lecture 10/tutorial 3.

Assessed work (Important): There will be 9 sets of exercises, handed out in tutorials 1 to 9. On each exercise sheet, there will usually be 3 questions set as assessed work. Two questions out of the 3 will be marked (but which two will not be announced) and marks given on a scale of 0 to 4 for each question. Apart from the first set of exercises, these marks will contribute to the 10% of exam marks that are for assessed work on this module. Marks on exercise sheets 4 and 7 will count for 2% each, while those on sheets 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 will count for 1% each.

Exercise sheets will be given out at the 2.00 lecture on the Friday before each tutorial. Work must be handed in at the 12:00lecture on the Friday after each tutorial, and will be returned at the next tutorial. Any queries about marking must be directed to me or Dr Stillman, not to the tutor. You must keep all marked work at least until the mark for the module is confirmed and the results released. You must present the file of marked work for the examiners if required.

Website: The course website will be at < Lecture notes will be posted there from time to time, usually a week or two after the lectures themselves. Exercise sheets will be made available at about the time that they are given out in class, and solution sheets once the marked exercises have been given back.

A O’Hagan, January 2008