Teaching Democracy & Diversity:
A Summer Seminar for Caribbean Teachers
University of South Florida
By Ronald Bernard
Haiti and Democracy: Democracy in Haiti around the elections of 1990 and 2006.
Concept/Main Idea of Lesson
This lesson is built around comparing the presidential election of 1990 to the presidential election of 2006 in Haiti. The students will learn a working definition of democracy. The students will learn about the electoral process in Haiti. The students will understand the importance of democracy for Haiti. The students will share their thoughts about the future of democracy in Haiti.
Intended Grade Level
This lesson is designed for use with students in grades tenth through twelfth.
Infusion/Subject Area(s)
This lesson is appropriate for Government, Civics, Haitian History, and Law-related courses.
Instructional Objective
Students will examine the foundation of democracy, and look at the organization of the election process in Haiti. The students will analyze how democracy has been applied to Haiti. The students will share their thoughts about the future of democracy in Haiti. By the conclusion, students will learn how important integrity is in elections for a democratic system.
Learning Activities Sequence
a. Set Induction/Lesson Initiating Behavior: Students will be asked to write a short reflection paper about their observations of democracy in Haiti after watching a video. (Democracy is… by Lucas Szozda)
b. Learning Activities: Students will be divided into 6 groups with handouts providing background information about both presidential elections (1990 and 2006) in Haiti and as well as their timelines. They will have group discussions about the handout by sharing their points of view around the questions in the handout and will write down their groups comment.
c. Closure: Students will complete graphic organizer with alternate paths available to reinforce democracy in Haiti, and discuss what the best way to organize elections in Haiti is.
Students will write a 2-3 minute speech describing:
1. Both progress and setbacks towards democracy in Haiti using information from past elections.
2. Recommendations for the future of democracy in Haiti and will include their own thoughts and ideas on the best way to organize elections.
Materials and Resources
Graphic Organizer
Dupuy, A. (1997).Haiti in the new world order: The limits of the democratic revolution. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 50-51.
Fatton, Robert. JR. (2002). Haiti’s predatory republic: The unending transition to democracy. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc., 65.
Hallward, P. (2007). Damming the flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the politics of containment. New York: Verso, 302.
Perusse, Roland, l. (1995). Haitian democracy restored 1991-1995. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc., 13.
Internet Links
Democracy is … Lucas soda .Accessed July 25, 2009 from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arn8Fp1jyok.
Haiti: Constitution, 1987. (2005, November 25). Political Database of the Americas. Accessed July 25, 2009, from:
Sérant, V. (31, October 2005). Caribbean Net News. Haitian electoral process in deadlock. Accessed July 25, 2009, from:
Haiti: 1990 Presidential Election Results / Résultats de l'élection présidentielle de 1990. (15, February 200). Political Database of the Americas. Accessed 25 July 2000 from: http://pdba.georgetown.edu/Elecdata/Haiti/90pres.html.
Haiti: 2006 Presidential Election Results / Résultats de l'élection présidentielle de 2006. (November 9, 2007). Political Database of the Americas. Accessed 25 July 2009 . http://pdba.georgetown.edu/Elecdata/Haiti/06pres.html
Free graphic organizers. Accessed July 26, 2009 from:
Haiti in 1990.Haititimeline.com. Accessed July 26, 2009 from: http://www.haititimeline.com/a/1990.html
Haiti in 2006.Haititimeline.com. Accessed July 26, 2009 from: http://www.haititimeline.com/a/2006.html
United Nations photo: with international support, Haitians go to the polls. DPI/News and Media Division/Multimedia Resources Unit. Accessed July 27, 2009 from: http://secint50.un.org/av/photo/detail/0076181.html
Haitians ready for general election. (February 05, 2006). People's Daily Online. Accessed July 27 2009 from: http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200602/05/eng20060205_240334.html