19th May, 2014
To the Town Mayor and Councillors, Llanidloes Town Council, you are summoned to attend a monthly meeting of LLANIDLOES TOWN COUNCIL to be held at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Llanidloes on Tuesday 27th May, 2014 at 6.30 p.m.
The business to be transacted is as set out below,
Sonia Pritchard
1. 6.30 pm - To discuss allocation of s137 grants (requests attached)
2. 7.00 pm – short presentation/opportunity for questions, from Ms Kristine Moore/Dr Dominic Costa on windfarms
3. Introduction of new PCSO Kerry Powell
4. To accept personal and pecuniary interests in items of business
5. Minutes Council Meeting held on 28.04.14
6. To receive correspondence:-
a) Letter from Llanidloes Without Community Council Re site meeting on Bryndu Road and reply from Cty Cllr Morgan
b) Thank You letter from Llanidloes Twinning Association
c) Thank You letter from Llanidloes Community Centre
d) Thank You letter from Llanidloes & District Community Transport Scheme
e) Letter from PCC re Queens Baton Relay
7. To receive letter from National Eisteddfod Committee Re Proclamation Ceremony on Saturday 5th July and to nominate Two representatives from Council to take part in the Civic Procession
8. To discuss letter received from PCC re Llanidloes Charter Market
9. To discuss “Police – No Parking” cones around Community Centre
10. To discuss signs around Old Market Hall and on Pavements in Great Oak Street and more signage for Public Toilets (Cllr Crisp)
11. To discuss Town Walks (Cllr Crisp)
12. To discuss Roundabout on the Bypass and why is it not kept as tidy as Newtown and Welshpool (Cllr Whittal Williams)
13. To discuss e mail from Ffion Farnell, Vine project
14. To discuss any Planning Applications and Planning decisions received
Application Ref P2014/0490 for SECTION 73 application to vary Condition 23 (visible splay) of Planning permission P2014/0188 (residential development) at Dol Hafren Trefeglwys Road Llanidloes
15. To confirm Accounts for APRIL 2014
Chq No
100058 Petty Cash 83.89
100059 PC-Q 78.36
100060 Sonia Pritchard (travel exp) 24.75
100061 Inland Revenue 859.08
100062 PCC (Council Tax) 7,189.61
100063 PCC (Rospa Inspections) 144.00
100064 M. Bufton 136.50
100065 Wynnstay Group 17.25
100066 M & J Woodland Services 720.00
100067 LLCTS 2,240.00
100068 Llanidloes Community Centre 5,000.00
100069 One Voice Wales 399.00
100070 Llanidloes Twinning Assoc 500.00
100071 Petty Cash 87.38
Total £ 17,479.82
16. To confirm dates for June meetings –
Panel Meetings 9th June
Mayoral Sunday 15th June
Full Council 23rd June