Present: Cllr M Bawden Rawsthorne chairman,Cllr P Gash, Cllr E Gough, Cllr S Greenman, Cllr D Martin, Cllr P Murton, Cllr A Slater and Cllr P Sobers

Also present: Twomembers of the public

Public Question Time

A member of the Neighbourhood Steering group updated the Council, which included that the Open day will be on Saturday 16 April; information gained from this and basing it on the Malmesbury questionnaire, will help to compile the questionnaire and the selection criteria for development. The group is applying for a £7,000 grant for the next six months from Locality Funding

172/16 Apologies for Absence

Cllr K Tillotson – work commitments and Wiltshire Councillor Baroness Jane Scott OBE

173/16 Declarations of Interest


174/16 Minutes of theOrdinaryMeeting held on 9 March 2016

The minutes of the meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.

175/16 Clerk’s Report

The report was read and appended to the minutes.

176/16 Planning Applications

  1. Surrendell Farm – N/15/01108/FUL – awaiting a decision
  2. Old Railway Yard – N/16/00126/FUL – approved with conditions
  3. 8 Newtown – N/16/01719/FUL – approved with conditions

177/16 Finance and Administration

a)Update on Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group

A report was given in public question time. It was suggested that the steering group could ask in the questionnaire if residents would like to consider part night lighting.

b)Schedule of receipts and payments of invoices

The following receipts and payments were proposed by Cllr Greenman, seconded by Cllr Sobers and unanimously agreed.

Receipts / Amount
Interest – CAF Gold A/C (15/16 year) / £1.76
Transferred from CAF Gold to CAF Cash (15/16 year) / £1,000.00
Total / £1,001.76
Payments / Chq No / Amount
Clerk salary, traveling, stationery / 337 / £535.45
Wiltshire Pension Fund / 338/9 / £131.90
Wessex Water / 340 / £81.00
Village Hall – Annual hire / 341 / £138.00
Total / £886.35

c)Update on comparison of burial fees

The burial fees were compared and it was suggested to review in the autumn

d)Update on village representations to the Annual Parish Meeting

The various groups had been invited.

e)School play area possible extension of fence

The Chairman offered to ask the school for its views and speak to Wiltshire Council.

f)Confusion regarding the house numbering of Old Farm Close

A letter will be sent to Wiltshire Council expressing a concern that the duplication of house numbers could be an issue for the emergency services.

178/16 Footpaths and Rights of Way

a)Update on the obstruction/problem on footpath 29

Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne offered to pass this issue of the obstruction and the stile repair to Rights of Way.

179/16 Car Parking, Traffic and Highway Matters

a)Update of A429 junction visibility problem following a letter received from a parishioner

The complaint will be sent to highways.

180/16 Cemetery and Churchyard Matters

a)Update on re-seeding the unused area in the Cemetery

The seed will be sown when the soil conditions improve.

b)Removal of the tree stump and reinstatement of the footpath

Cllr Slater will remove the tree stump in due course.

181/16 Village Maintenance

a)Update on the Parish Steward list of work

Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne has submitted a list.

b)Arrangements for Best Kept Village competition

Cllr Sobers has spoken to the school about the competition and is awaiting confirmation when he can speak to the children. He has informed the Village Newsletter.

c)Grass cutting arrangements

The first cut has been carried out.

182/16 Exchange of Information, Councillors Reports and Items for Next Meeting

a)Village Hall

The electricity supplier has been changed.

b)Buckley Barracks

The sale of part of the airfield is in progress and it is hoped for completion by September 2016.

c)Late correspondence


d)Items for next meeting

Purchase of Charles Arnold Baker – Local Council Administration next edition.

183/16 Date of Next Meetings

Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 27 April 2016

Annual meeting of the Parish Council followed by an ordinary meeting – Wednesday 11 May 2016

The meeting closed at 8.55pm