Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Barham Village Hall, Thursday 12 April 2012 at 7.30 p.m.

PRESENT: The Chairman Mrs L. Davies, Vice Chairman Mr E. Mullett and Cllrs J. Callan, Miss C. Ridgway, M. Simpson, Mrs V. Steer and D. Wood.

042/2012 Public Speaking:

Parishioner Ray Heslop advised that there is a pothole at the Valley Road end of Brickfield Road.

Mr Peirsall attended the meeting to discuss Planning Application CA/12/00179/FUL for Little Breach Farm, Elham Valley Road, Barham for the construction of a pond for wildlife. Mr Peirsall is against the application as he says it will change the use of the land from agricultural to residential, as well as the size and location of same. Says will have no objections if it was sited at the top of the hill as soak-a-ways can be dug for any overflow. The Chairman and Cllr E. Mullett advised that they would go and have a look at the proposed site tomorrow.

043/2012 Apologies:

Cllrs J. Brown due to work commitments and D. Tamsitt due to being on holiday.

044/2012 Minutes:

Proposed by Cllr D. Wood and seconded by Cllr Mrs V. Steer.

045/2012 Matters Arising: None

046/2012 Finance:

(a) Balances as at 31 March 2012

Current Account…………………………………….. £ 3,466.87

Capital Reserve Account……….…………………… £35,737.30

Includes Social Fund Balance of………..…………… £ 2,837.23

Includes Youth Club Balance of………..…………… £ 516.00

(b) To pay any Accounts received prior to the meeting:

(i)  Serco re repairs to Brickfield Road Play Areas - £258.25;

(ii)  KALC annual subscription - £433.78;

(iii)  Mrs L. Davies re items required for planting trees - £131.52;

(iv)  Barham Village Hall for period November 2011 to February 2012 - £70.00;

(v)  Kent County Playing Field Annual Subscription - £20.00;

(vi)  Pay any other Accounts received prior to the meeting:

1. EDF Energy for the period 01/01/2012 to 31/03/2012 - £955.25;

2. Canterbury City Council re annual rental for Land at Gravel Castle Road - £100.00;

3. Mrs S. Baker re stamps - £250.50;

(c) Any other financial matters:

(i) Quotations from Serco for repairs at Derringstone Green Play Area and safer surfacing works at Brickfield Road Play Area – Place on next Agenda.

047/2012 Town and Country Planning Matters:

(a)  Any other Planning Applications received prior to the meeting:

(i) Notice of Proposed Works to Trees in a Conservation Area – 1 The Grove, Barham – Remove one Sycamore tree on boundary with Oxenden Way adjacent to 9 Oxenden Way and reduce height of one Sycamore tree in hedgerow on Oxenden Way boundary to height of hedgerow – No objections;

(ii) Cllr C. Ridgway asked that when replying to Planning Application CA/12/00169/FUL for Land at Barham Court Farm, Church Lane, Barham for the change of use of agricultural barn to storage and distribution (use class B8) that it be requested the density of planting of vegetation be increased as offered by the applicant if requested. It was agreed that the Clerk will make this request;

(iii) Cllr D. Wood referred to the copy of the letter dated 21/03/2012 received from Elham Parish Council re Neighbourhood Planning and suggested that it would be a good idea to join a joint forum with them. It was agreed that the Clerk will inform Elham Parish Council that Barham Parish Council are interested in joining them to create a single Neighbourhood Forum.

048/2012 Roads and Footpaths:

(a)  The Clerk is to report the following:

(i)  Pothole in The Grove where it meets Valley Road;

(ii) Pothole on the A260 between the Crematorium and Church Lane.

049/2012 Date of Next Meeting:

(a)  Annual Parish Council Meeting to be held at Barham Village Hall on Thursday 3rd May 2012 at 7.30p.m.

Meeting ended at 7.30p.m.