Vatsana Bilavarn

Susan Cullen –Fa10

SPED 595T: Technology in Special Education

September 16, 2010

Alternative Input Device

Name of the device: DynaVox Eyemax

How to obtain the device: The DynaVox Eyemax can be purchased through the DynaVox website at It is an accessory to the DynaVox Vmax, a speech generated device using dynamic display programs. The cost is between $5,000- $18,000, if it it’s purchased separately or as an added feature of the DynaVox Vmax. Individuals can contact DynaVox through their website, local sales representatives, and through the toll free number, 1-866-DYNAVOX.

What type of physical limitation may be assisted by using this device: The DynaVox Eyemax can be used by people of all ages who have limited abilities to communicate, cognitive impairments, developmental disabilities, and physical disabilities. According to DynaVox’s News and Success Stories located on their website, the DynaVox Eyemax has helped people with cerebral palsy, ALS, autism, spinal cord injuries, genetic and degenerative conditions,and speech impairments to communicate and access their community.

How it works: Dynavox Eyemax is a hardware accessory that is attached to the bottom of the DynaVox Vmax. The Eyemax system accessory is often used by individuals who have difficulties accessing their DynaVox Vmax communication device through physical means but have adequate vision in which they can use either both eyes or single eye to maneuver and access their voice out-put communication device. The DynaVox Vmax is a speech-generated device using dynamic display systems that has many communication levels and various modes of its displays. The DynaVox Vmax can display different words, symbols, pictures, letters/numbers for individuals to use in order communicate using voice out-put speech. When the DynaVox has the EyeMax accessory attached, individuals using the Eyemax device must be facing the Eyemax in order to look at the components that use infrared light emitting diodes to track their eyes. Individuals must first look towards the diodes so that the Eyemax can calibrate their eye tracking. This can take a few minutes to set up and requires individuals to look into a calibration box for a brief moment. Once the individual’s eye(s) have been calibrated to track the individual’s eye movement, then the individual is able to navigate the Dynavox Vmax by moving the on-screen mouse pointer with their eyes and clicking on buttons to activate the voice out-put system or go to different levels or categories for speech and language. The activation of buttons can be executed either by having the individual “dwell, blink or a combination of dwell and blink.” The Dynavox Eyemax is working correctly if the individual is facing the Eyemax screen and the individaul’s eyes are within the infrared tracking diodes.

What skills are needed to learn and use the device:

  1. Sensation: The individual must face the device and have adequate vision in order to look towards the eye tracking diodes of the DynaVox Eyemax. The individual not only will need to have vision, but good eye movement and control to enable the DynaVox Eyemax to access the DynaVox Vmax by navigating the on-screen mouse pointer to move and click on buttons used for speech out-put. The individual will also need auditory recognition to hear and understand picture or text generated to voice out-put speech.

2.  Perception: The individual must be able to distinguish that the Dynavox Eyemax is a separate component from the DynaVox Vmax and that it is located beneath the Vmax computer screen. The individual must be able to know the difference between looking into space or facing and looking towards the Eyemax device. The individual must be able to find, locate and distinguish buttons on the screen from other buttons and must distinguish the button’s numbers, letters, symbols, pictures, or words in which its been labeled.

3.  Imagery/Memory: The individual will need to have picture, symbol, letter, sounds and word recognition to be able to decode or encode words/meaning to speech, (verbal-linguistic intelligence). They will need to remember to recognize the device, remember how to hold their head and maneuver their eyes while keeping their eyes within the eye tracking diodes, as well as remembering the button layouts, what they look like and where each category of display buttons are located, (spatial ordering). The individual will need to have good attention skills in order to focus and move the on-screen eye pointer to specific buttons to activate it. The individual will also need to understand and remember what the other person is communicating in order to exchange dialogue, (social cognition).

4.  Symbolization: The individual will need to know that letters have sounds and that letters are constructed together to create words that carry meaning used to communicate. If individuals are using real pictures or images to represent words and meaning, they will need to understand that the pictures or images are used as “symbols” to represent words and meaning.

5.  Conceptualization: The individual must understand that they are communicating to another person and they must understand what the other person is communicating. There needs to be a comprehension of language between people in dialogue, an exchange of expressive language and receptive language. The individual also needs to comprehend that the DynaVox Eyemax is a tool used to access the DynaVox Vmax in order to communicate with people within their community.