Steps to Follow for Professional Leave/Prepaid Expenses

  • Complete the Application for Professional Leave form and submit for approval by the MCESC Governing Board.
  • Dates should be shown on all professional leave forms for time used.

Prepayment of professional leave registrations and lodging is permitted ONLY WITH BOARD APPROVAL 15 DAYS prior to the meeting

  • A request for prepayment of professional leave form must be completed and submitted to the Treasurer’s office after board approval of the leave is received.
  • Completed requisitions for registration and/or accommodations
  • A copy of the completed registration form must be submitted to the treasurer’s office for pre-payment or a purchase order number.
  • If a purchase order is accepted for meeting registration, the registration form will be returned with the number for the individual to use for registration.
  • If a check is required for meeting registration, one will be issued in the next check run and returned with the registration form to the individual to register themselves.
  • IT IS THE INDIVIDUAL’S RESPONSIBILITY TO REGISTER for the meeting in either case.
  • Prepaid lodging expenses require written hotel confirmation with tax exemption for prepayment
  • If possible, hotels that are set up for direct bill should be used and a purchase order number will be issued. If direct bill is not an option, a check will be cut to the hotel for the amount on the reservation confirmation. (REMEMBER THE TAX EXEMPT FORM) The individual will need to take the check with him/her to pay for the hotel costs.
  • In the Columbus area, we are currently set up for direct bill with Drury Hotels, Country Inn & Suites, and The Midwest Hotel & Conference Center.
  • Mileage will not be prepaid but reimbursed once the travel has taken place.
  • Breakfast will not be reimbursed if you leave at 7:00 A.M. or after. Dinner will not be reimbursed if you return home at 7:00 P.M. or before.

Upon Returning from Professional Leave

  • A reimbursement request should be completed for the reimbursement of any expenses not prepaid.
  • If expenses have been prepaid, a reimbursement request should still be completed noting a zero or prepaid for the items paid in advance.
  • The same documentation is required upon return whether expenses were prepaid or being reimbursed.



Name Date Submitted

Meeting Title

Meeting Location (City & State)

Meeting Date

Preliminary Information:

Registration Deadline:______

Purchase Order accepted for registration:_____ Yes_____ No

Purchase Order accepted for Lodging:_____ Yes_____ No


Transportation (attach confirmation from carrier showing charge)$

Carrier Information: ______



Registration (attach meeting notice/completed registration form)$

Payable to:______



Special Convention Meal (attach notice/registration form)$

Lodging (attach confirmation)$

Hotel Information:______



I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and will submit the required documentation (same as for reimbursement noting items previously prepaid)within 30 days of the meeting in order to avoid payroll deduction of expenses.


Employee's Signature PLBoard Approval Date