JULY 24, 2000

  • D. 00-07-017 Compliance Items

Data Collection in Joint Exhibit 3 – Compliance Item (Ordering Paragraph #76)

There was discussion regarding a standardized format to be used by each utility in preparing the Joint Exhibit 3. All agreed that it would be preferable for each utility to use a standardized format and to have similar time frames for data collection activities. A preliminary template was discussed. Please see attachment for the preliminary format. Mary Lou Sutton will be circulating electronically the preliminary template to MAESTRO and CALMAC for comments.

  • Filing process for 2001 MA&E studies. It was agreed that each area manager would prepare a list and description of statewide studies including budgets to be conducted for PY 2001. This list would be based on a review of the PY 2001 utility programs plus an analysis of the baseline and market effects gaps. This list would be reviewed by CALMAC for completeness. The date for complying this list will be based on the PY 2001 filing date. The filing date will be determined at the August 2 workshop.
  • MA&E Responsibilities of CALMAC versus MAESTRO
  1. CALMAC Responsibilities. CALMAC is responsible for determining recommendations on Net To Gross, EUL, and Non-Energy Factors. CALMAC is also responsible for reviewing the baseline and market data studies proposed by MAESTRO. CALMAC will also be responsible for approving research budgets, holding public workshops and responding to information requests by other parties i.e. NRDC.
  2. MAESTRO Responsibilities. MAESTRO is responsible for developing a research agenda regarding baseline studies and market effects studies
  • Workshops
  1. August 2 Workshop. Energy Division is hoping that the August 2 workshop will result in a schedule and prioritization of data collection efforts. This workshop will also finalize the filing date for PY 2001 programs.
  2. MA&E Public Process Workshop. Prior to the filing of PY 2001 MA&E activities, CALMAC will be sponsoring a workshop. At this workshop, CALMAC will be presenting the MAESTRO research agenda and soliciting comments and ideas from interested parties. CALMAC needs to discuss budgets and how any additional work proposed by interested parties is to be funded. Workshop should be held in mid September.
  • Quarterly Reports

By August 15, each utility must prepare quarterly reports including MA&E effort. The EMI database will be used to prepare these reports. Jennifer Mitchell-Jackson from the Energy Division will check to see whether the EMI database is sufficient for quarterly reports. Craig Tyler has volunteered to work with Energy Division and CEC, and Mary Sutter in coordinating the data base effort. Mary Lou Sutton distributed the updated copy of Joint Exhibit 7 --- Current State - Level MA&E Studies in California.

  • California MA&E Research Guidelines for PY 2000 - 2001. Pierre Landry will electronically send out guidelines by 7/27. Comments due by 8/4. Circulated to CALMAC and will be discussed at next CALMAC meeting.
  • Program Coordination and M&V Coordination Efforts --- The Research Guidelines should provide recommendations on when to involve program managers. Invite program mangers to the presentation of results. Obtain feedback as to whether additional data needs to be collected. Circulate meeting schedule to MAESTRO list. Discussion on whether to have e-lists of program managers.
  • Panel --- There was a brief discussion of the panel status. Per Cathy Chappell, Pat McCarthy from Aspen Systems will develop contact history and disseminate a common data base format. Once common format is developed, Equipose will probably do the day-to-day data management. The database will initially be populated with the residential and non-residential market tracking study.
  • Next meeting date: August 18 at the PEC (Meeting Canceled later)


1. Baseline Data needs

  • Milestones
  • Market data
  • Undeserved Markets

2. Existing Baseline Studies

  • Program ElementsSourcesTiming

3. New Baseline Studies

  • Program ElementsSourcesCosts Timing

4. Basic Market Data Needs for 14 Programs

Other Studies

Load Management Studies (M&V)

Low Income