Texas ENA – Committee Report


  1. Use this Texas ENA Quarterly Report form for the entire year.
  2. Complete theappropriate ‘Quarter’ space to provide your Committee’s information.
  3. When asked a Y (Yes) or N (No) question, place an X to the left beside the correct answer.
  4. If your committee’s answer has not changed from one quarter to the next quarter indicate this by typing in ‘N/A. Note: N/A cannot refer to the previous year’s information.
  5. Send the updated form to the Texas ENA President and Secretary immediately after the quarterly State Council meeting.
  6. First quarter activities occur between Jan 1 and Mar 31; 2nd quarter is April 1-Jun 30; 3rd quarter is Jul 1-Sept 30; 4th quarter is Oct 1-Dec. 31.
  7. The completed 4th Quarter report must be submitted to the TxENABoard by January 5 and reported at 1st quarter State Council meeting.
  8. Retain a copy for your Committee records.

Note: The spaces provided for additional information will expand to fit your answer(s).

  1. Name of committee: Professional Education ______
  1. Chair: __Carol Twombly______Co-Chair: _Kris Powell___ Board Liaison: _ Dan Didonato____
  1. Name / position in the committeeand email address of person completing report:

1st Quarter:
Oct-Dec 2016 / Name: Carol Twombly Position: Chair Email:
2nd Quarter: / Name: Position: Email:
3rd Quarter: / Name: Position: Email:
4th Quarter: / Name: Position: Email:
  1. Committee Charges/Goals/Purpose?

a.Develop and coordinate state council professional education activities
b.Provide at least one educational offering every two years
c.Coordinate with other state council committees and outside organizations the planning and implementation of education, prevention programs for health care professionals and the lay public
d.To collaborate with the planning and implementation of the education program at the Annual Assembly
  1. Committee Budget Plan?

2017 Budget request:
Proposed 2017 Expenses / Proposed 2017 Income
Committee Chair or Co-Chair Travel to TxENA meetings / $1,300.00 / April 20, 2017 Educational Offering / $1000.00
Outreach to Teach Program - 2017 covers the cost of providing 3 on-site lectures and presenter's travel costs / $1,800.00 / Note: Income may be greater if sponsor specific for this educational offering is found.
April 20, 2017 Educational Seminar - 'Please Help Me' / $5,000.00
CE assistance / $100.00
Total Expenses / $8200.00
  1. Number of ENA members on the committee: _19 members Attendees 12 members and 3 guests______

(Attach sign in sheets)

  1. Committee meeting schedule (day/time): __Friday 1700 - 1800______
  1. List all recentcommitteeconducted activities, or if the committeeheld an event or participated in an event in the correct quarter. (Event could be related to chapter, state, national ENA or other organizations. Information may be added from other sections and questions, if applicable.) Include the title and date of the activity/event/educational offering and attendance, if applicable.

1st Quarter:
Oct-Dec 2016 / Assisted the Govt. Affairs committee obtain CEs for the January 12, 2017 Govt. Affairs workshop – Andrew Gates on legislation in the 85th Legislative session
Planning of April 20, 2017 seminar being held in conjunction with the 2nd Q Texas State Council meeting still progressing
Letters sent out to the Board Liaisons for Outreach chapters requesting they provide information regarding the Outreach to Teach program to these chapters
2nd Quarter:
Jan-Mar 2017 / Obtained CEs for Govt. Affairs committee January 12, 2017 workshop and submitted post course paperwork to national
Outreach to Teach program continues to be available to identified chapters
Held 2nd Quarter Profession Education seminar ‘Please Help Me!’ on April 20, 2017 with 4 CNEs attached. 35 people attended the 3 lectures. All three courses were well received with the post course evaluations indicating 100% satisfaction with the speakers Had $5000 budgeted for this event but with the registration fees collected was able to return $4224.24 to the treasurer.
3rd Quarter:
4th Quarter:
  1. What education/information/resourceshave youcommunicatedtothe state ENA members & how was this done?

1st Quarter:
Oct-Dec 2016 / Packets of 5, Save the Date card for April 20, 2017 seminar were distributed at the 4th quarter 2016 meeting to each of the delegates. ‘Save the Date’ card was emailed to all TxENAmembers. Registration flyer approved and sent to committee members who emailed out to area faculties.
2nd Quarter:Jan-Mar 2017 / ‘Please Help Me!’ seminar 4 CNEs
3rd Quarter:
4th Quarter:
  1. Does your committeecommunicate with the public regarding injury prevention; emergency preparedness, etc.? If Yes describe the method(s) used to communicate. If an event was held for this purpose please note, with date and numbers attending.

1st Quarter:
Oct-Dec 2016 / Y ☐ N☒ Communication Method(s):
2nd Quarter:Jan-Mar 2017 / Y ☐ N☒ Communication Method(s):
3rd Quarter: / Y ☐ N☐ Communication Method(s):
4th Quarter: / Y ☐ N☐ Communication Method(s):
  1. Did your committee communicate/work with other associations (i.e. Texas Hospital Association, NLAC, Student Nurses Association) this quarter? If Yes describe the communication/work being done. If an event was held for this purpose please note, with date and numbers attending.

1st Quarter:
Oct-Dec 2016 / Y ☐ N☒ Communication Method(s):
2nd Quarter:Jan-Mar 2017 / Y ☒ N☐ Communication Method(s): Sent notices regarding the seminar ‘Please Help Me! to AACN as well as all members of the TxENA
3rd Quarter:
Apr–Jun 2017 / Y ☐ N☐ Communication Method(s):
4th Quarter: / Y ☐ N☐ Communication Method(s):
  1. Did your committee do anything this quarter that could be considered as promoting membership, certifications (CEN, CPEN, etc.) or ENPC/TNCC or other ENA-provided programs? If Yes, describe the promotion and any outcomes realized from committee work.

1st Quarter:Oct-Dec 2016 / Y ☒ N☐ Communication Method(s): Advertised discount for April 20, 2017 seminar to ENA members. Distributed information in both hard copy ‘Save the Date’ form and emailed
2nd Quarter:Jan-Mar 2017 / Y ☒ N☐ Communication Method(s): The seminar ‘Please Help Me!’provided discount for members. Had membership applications on sign in desk at seminar
3rd Quarter: Apr–Jun 2017 / Y ☐ N☐ Communication Method(s):
4th Quarter: / Y ☐ N☐ Communication Method(s):
  1. Does your committee collaborate, recognize and strengthen associations with vendors? Describe how this was accomplished.

1st Quarter: Oct-Dec 2016 / Y ☒ N ☐ How: Working to find vendor to sponsor break snacks at April 20, 2017 seminar. Alliance Vendors will be provided space at this venue
2nd Quarter:Jan-Mar 2017 / Y ☒ N ☐ How: Alliance vendors were at the seminar ‘Please Help Me!’
3rd Quarter: Apr–Jun 2017 / Y ☐ N ☐ How:
4th Quarter: / Y ☐ N ☐ How:
  1. Are there any Committee members who deserve recognition?

1st Quarter: Oct-Dec 2016 / Kris Powell - stepped up and offered to be committee co-chair in 2017 and chair in 2018
2nd Quarter:Jan-Mar 2017 / The entire committee for the work done to organize the seminar ‘Please Help Me’ and specifically Kris Powell and Steven Jewell for providing 2 of the lectures. And ,KarimaDurrazai, Christine Russe, Jennifer Noble for working the registration desk.
3rd Quarter: Apr–Jun 2017
4th Quarter:
  1. Are there any other quarterly committee meeting notes or activities not already addressed?

1st Quarter: Oct-Dec 2016 / No
2nd Quarter:Jan-Mar 2017 / Decided was made to have Marcia contact Outreach chapter directly to offer educational opportunities to these chapters. 1 CNE paid for by the TxENA.
3rd Quarter: Apr–Jun 2017
4th Quarter: