Ms. Schneider 2016-2017

Room(s) 507, 610, 511

MYP English 10 Course Syllabus

Course Description: Language and Rhetoric fulfills the tenth grade literature requirement for graduation and is recommended for students who have an advanced command of language and literary interpretation skills. It builds on the concepts presented in Accelerated English 9/Freshman MYP by further exposing students to a wide range of authors, styles, and literary periods. Language Arts Standards regarding reading, understanding, and analyzing literature along with oral commentary are an integral part of this course. Genres to be studied may include poetry, short stories, plays, novels, novella, and non-fiction. Students are required to respond to literature through speaking and writing projects.

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to

identify, define, connect, and apply diverse literary terms to classical literature and beyond.

compose and orate an effective critical literary response to a work.

compose formal, written responses addressing a literary topic.

2nd Semester Literary Materials: McDougal Littell 10th Grade Literature (Blue)

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya

Note: I reserve the right to change/add literature for this course 

Required Materials: Listed below are required materials that you will need on a daily basis.

Notebook with a folder or a 3 ring binder with paper

Pen or pencil


Any books, handouts or packets given to you.

Methods of Instruction: Instructional methods will include lecture, Cornell Notes, class discussions (formal and informal), individual reading, writing and speaking, audio/visual programs, and group activities.

Participation and Attendance: Success in a Language Arts depends to a large extent on consistent attendance and participation. Although they may not be a written quiz or assignment each day, involvement in class discussions, listening to a guest speaker, using the library or participating in the writing lab are critical to your understanding of the subject matter. Lack of daily attendance and participation can impact your grade. Work ethic and attitude are also important and will be observed throughout the semester and utilized when determining “borderline” grade.

Grading Scale: All major class assignments will be graded and averaged into a total points scale which converts to the following straight percentage.

90% - 100% = A80% - 89% = B70% - 79% = C60% - 69% = DBelow 60% = F

Finals and Assessments: We will have assessments and a final in this class. All students are required to take the exams. Not coming to class on the day of an assessment or final will result in a zero and can negatively impact your grade. Make sure that you have an excused absence.

Late Work: Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class. Class assignments are due when the teacher requests it to be turned in. When the assignment is late, 10% will be deducted for each day that an assignment is late (excluding make-up work). Basic homework assignments and in class assignments that are graded and discussed will not be accepted late. In addition, some assignments will be scored for completion points in a spot check. If your work is not complete, it will result in a zero. Finally, if you are having an issue with the work, please speak to me before the class period. I am more than willing to work with you, but it needs to be addressed before the class period.

Make-up Work: When you return to school, it is your responsibility to check for missing assignments. You should see me if you have questions on handouts or assignments. You have one day for each day absent to make up your missed work. Make sure you have an excused absence. Any work due on the day that you were absent is due the day that you return to school; any tests that were taken when you were absent are to be made up when you return. Please remember that information is available on schoology.

Plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s work as your own is a serious offense, and it will be dealt with accordingly. **We will discuss the steps for the different types of assignments. **

Proper Heading: Your name

English 10 – Ms. Schneider


Due Date

Help and Availability: Please see me to schedule time if you need help with the coursework. I teach periods 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8.

Oral Presentations

A major part of MYP is your oral presentations. More details to follow, but expect multiple presentations throughout the semester.

Independent reading projects: You will have to find a book for independent reading. We will typically take out time in the longer block day. You will receive a packet of information that you will need to fill out with your book. You will need to bring a book to get approved by the longer block day.

Rights and responsibilities: Each person in this class has two basic rights: the right to learn and the right to teach.

With these rights come certain responsibilities: be on time, bring your “stuff,” respect yourself and others, complete all assignments – on time, and ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST!!!!

Rules and Procedures

  1. Respect the people, equipment and furnishings in the room.
  2. Treat others how you want to be treated.
  3. Be in your seat and working when the bell rings.
  4. Bring all required materials with you to class.
  5. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  6. Be mindful of food and drink in the room.
  7. Bottled water is acceptable.
  8. No cell phone use is permitted during class unless it is used for instructional activities.
  9. Do not spray colognes or perfumes in the classroom.
  10. Observe all school and district policies.

** These are the very basic rules in the class. We will discuss them and clarify where there are discrepancies. I can also add on to the rules if there are issues. It is not only my job to teach but to create a safe learning environment. **

Consequences will follow the district policy.

Rewards: Rewards will vary throughout the year.

Hall Passes: Each teacher has a hall pass for one student to use at a time. The 10/10 policy will be enforced. Please do not interrupt class to ask for a bathroom pass.

Late to class: If you are late to the class, the school’s policy will be enforced. Do not ask to make up work if you are late. Do not interrupt the class. The exception is if you have a pass from a teacher.


Please sign the student portion of this form, share the information in the course syllabus with your parent(s)/guardian(s), and have a parent/guardian sign the bottom of this form. Return to me on January 6, 2017.


I have read the cover sheet for this course and will provide any support needed to assure that my son/daughter will succeed both academically and behaviorally.

I understand that cell phones are not to be in use during class time. I will leave voice messages for my child which can be listened to at a more appropriate time, or in the case of an emergency I will contact my child through the main office. I understand that if my child uses his/her cell phone in class, the district policy will be enforced.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent/ Guardian Name (Printed)

Phone(Home/Work): ______

Cell: ______

E-mail: ______

Please circle the preferred way you would like to be contacted.

I have read and understand the information on the cover sheet for this class. I agree to adhere to the policies set forth for the class and acknowledge that I am aware of the penalties for not doing so.

Student Name (Print) ______Block______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______