Fostering for Rock Stars Application

Applications are due by 12/01/12. Please send application and all financial information requested to .

Should you apply? Make sure you can answer these questions YES!

1. Are you a 501(c) 3 or tribal/governmental animal care/control?

2. Is your community kitten euthanasia rate in over 50%?

3. You can provide basic (intake, adoption, and euthanasia) kitten data from all area shelters? Area is defined by shelters that are in your coalition, metropolitan area, or in your community of neighboring towns. Also include shelters who you partner with for animal transfers.

4.You have completed Budget Spreadsheet and can provide the monetary resources to achieve your Kitten Foster Program goals on an ongoing basis?

5. You have, or can fund, a Program Coordinator dedicated to this program at the level indicated on your Budget Spreadsheet? You can find the Program Coordinator job description at

6. Do you have 3-5 foster parents with, at minimum, 1 year experience fostering (including experience with URI), who would make good potential Foster Mentors You can find the Foster Mentor job description at

7. Does your vet agreed to give trained Foster Mentors authority, with phone call diagnosis/check-in, to administer antibiotics, and eye medications

8.Does your vet agreed to give trained foster parents authority to administer, at minimum, vaccines, sub-Q fluids, and Strongid?

9.You have the ability to increase pediatric kitten spay/neuter capacity in alignment with your program goals (for example, if your goal is to increase kitten fosters by 500 annually, that could mean an increase of 40 surgeries/week at the height of kitten season)

Organization Profile

(Type in the gray block-it will expand as you type)

Organization Name:

Name of Executive Director:

Organization Address:

City, State, Zip:

Website Address:

Organization Contact Person:

PetSmart Charities and/or Cat Adoption Team representatives may need to contact this person for further information on this proposal.

Name: Title:



I (name), (position) give permission to PetSmart Charities and Cat Adoption Team to make inquiries about our organization to help in the evaluation of this application.

Organization Info

What animal management software do you use?

Number of paid employees: Full-time Part-time

Number of paid Foster Program employees: Full-time Part-time

If you do not have paid Foster Program staff, how many Foster Program Volunteers run your program? How many hours do they work each week?

If full time Foster Coordinator how much time do they currently dedicate to cat/kittens each month? And dog/puppies each month?

Number of active volunteersfor all programs. List by categories:


Describe Your Organization (check all that applies, in both categories):

Services Provided to the Public / Organization Structure
Limited intake / Government
Unlimited intake (open admission) / Tribal
Foster network / Non-Profit 501(c)(3)
Animal control as government agency
Animal control services by contract
Spay/neuter surgeries (fixed clinic or mobile clinic)
Other spay/neuter services (such as referrals or vouchers for surgeries done by others)
Trap-neuter-return program
Humane education


Animals Come To Your Organization:(check all that apply)

By owner relinquishment

As lost/stray animals brought in by the public

Impounded by animal control or other regulating agencies

Released to your agency by another agency within state

Released to your agency by another agency out of state


How many cats/kittens were taken in by your organization last year: in 20__?

What age do you define a kitten as?

Of the above number, how many kittens under 5 months

Of the above number, how many kittens under 2 months

How many kittens euthanized under 5 months

How many kittens euthanized under 2 months

Top 5 reasons for kitten euthanasia at your shelter, or the shelter you take kittens from?

Kitten Statistics / 2011 / 2012 projected / % Change
Number of Foster Homes
Number of Kittens Fostered
Number of S/N completed
Number of *Preadopted Kittens
Total Foster Program Adoptions
Average Adoption Fee
Foster Program Adoption Revenue
Kitten Intake
Overall Kitten Euthanasia %

*Preadopted kittens are kittens that are adopted before spay/neuter surgery, but do not go to the adopter until after the surgery is complete. Some shelters may call this a “hold.”

Community Information

How many animal welfare organizations in your area adopt out cats and kittens?Area is defined by shelters that are in your coalition, metropolitan area, or in your community of neighboring towns. Also include shelters who you partner with for animal transfers.

Spay/Neuter Program

Does your organization sterilize all of its animals before adoption? Yes No

If no - are there exceptions to your policy?

Are pediatric animals altered? If yes, what age and weight do you consider to be pediatric?

Kittens: age weight

At what point do you spay/neuter your animals?

___At the time of adoption?

___At the earliest age/weight

___Use a voucher system

What services do you use to Spay/neuter your kittens?

___In house Veterinarian

___Private Vet Clinicor non-profit clinic

Adoption Program

How long are animals held until adoption?

Varies from (days/weeks/months/years) to (days/weeks/months/years).

The average is: (days/weeks/months/years).

How young will you adopt out kittens?

Do you adopt out animals offsite (not a requirement to apply).

Yes NoIf so, where?

At which store(s) do you do adoptions? (store# or address)

What is the average number of adoptions done annually offsite?

Briefly describe your adoption procedures? (Please attach adoption application.)

Existing Foster Program

How do you determine which animals to accept into your foster program?

Who determines which animals to accept into your foster program?

What medical conditions do you treat for in your foster program?

Foster Homes:

What screening process do you use for accepting a new foster parent into your program? (Please attach available questionnaires and/or evaluation tools)

What training do you provide to new foster parents? (Please attach available training outlines and/or materials.)

How do you monitor the quality of care provided in foster homes?

How many animals are cared for in each foster home at one time, and what are your requirements for the physical environment including isolation options? Also, include maximum capacity.

What supplies, if any, does your organization provide to foster parents for their foster animals? (food, litter, medication, etc.)?

What arrangements are in place to provide veterinary support to foster parents for their foster animals?

In what way(s) are foster parents involved in the adoption process for their foster animals?

Do you have animals in foster care that are not up for adoption? If so, please explain the circumstances.

How do you market your foster pets?

Under what circumstances would you euthanize an animal in your foster program, or that had been in your foster program?

Do you allow foster cats/kittens to return to the shelter for adoption once they are old enough for spay/neuter surgery? If not, please explain?

Financial Support of Foster Program:

What is your current total foster budget?

Grant funding was provided by PetSmart Charities®.


The items below must be submitted with the above mentorship application no later than 3/30/12

  1. Proof of non-profit status:

A copy of the determination letter from the IRS showing Federal 501 (c)(3) non-profit status. (For pre-determination letters, make sure the letter has not expired or you will need to supply your “final determination letter”). Municipal or tribal agencies should include the Federal letter providing the agency’s EIN number.

  1. Adoption application and agreement
  1. Fosteragreement/ application and any other foster materials you may currently use.
  1. Budget Worksheet


Please forward this completed application and all attachments to Cat Adoption Team attn: Kristi Brooks .

Make sure that you have all attachments ready to send and only send one email, two if the files are too large. We will also accept Fed-Ex submission. Email or Fed-Ex must arrive no later than 3/30/12 5:00pm PST.

Mentorship Application1 - 01/12

Thank you for your interest in the Cat Adoption Team’sFostering 4 Rock Stars Program! We look forward to receiving your mentorship application.

Mentorship Application1 - 01/12