Teacher/Staff Workshops

Teacher/Staff Workshops

Presented by Joe Coles – Coles Consulting Services

Partnering with Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas

Each workshop will run from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. There will be a 1 hour writing assignment for each day. Lunch break will be from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Lunch will be on your own.

15 workshop hours = 1 hour of college credit!

Cost for the 2 day workshop - $200 per person

Locations – Dodge City High School, 2201 Ross Blvd, Dodge City, KS (come in front door on south end of the high school)

And Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center, 703 W 2nd St, Oakley, KS

1 hour college credit through Southwestern College is available for 2 day workshops. The cost for college credit is $85.00 per credit hour.

Questions for these workshops please contact Joe Coles at 620-353-9702 or email at .

Register for the workshops by contacting- Joe Coles at the same contact information above. Please register as soon as possible


Dodge City:

Day 1 –Begin with the End in Mind in Social Media– Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 2 –Begin with the End in Mind in Social Media– Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 1- The Uncommon School, The Uncommon Classroom - Monday, June 8th, 2015

Day 2- The Uncommon School, The Uncommon Classroom– Tuesday, June 9th 2015


Day 1 – Begin with the End in Mind in Social Media– Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 2 – Begin with the End in Mind in Social Media – Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Day 1- The Uncommon School, The Uncommon Classroom -Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 2- The Uncommon School, The Uncommon Classroom– Wednesday, July 1, 2015

100 College St., Winfield, KS 67156 | 888.221.9555

Begin with the End in Mind in Social Media– May 27 & June 23, 2015

The goal of this workshop is to provide the participants with new understanding of how improper use of social media can affect people the rest of their lives! This class is unique because you will receive lessons and activities that will sustain these strategies throughout the school year. It seems as though advanced technology has allowed social networking sites the ability to control our lives. There is now a new idea of socialization, and it has dramatically changed everything about the way individuals interact with one another, from friends, to employers, to even romantic partners. These sites influence our maturity level, health, and affection towards others. Social networking sites can be extremely beneficial; however, we also need to be able to recognize the negative scenarios that can occur. Of course, there are some effects of these sites that users are more than likely unaware of. These include: health risks, job opportunities, and legal issues.

Begin with the End in Mind in Social Media– May 28 & June 24, 2015

Continuation of the previous workshop- “Begin with the End in Mind in Social Media”

The Uncommon School, The Uncommon Classroom-June 8& June 30, 2015

This workshop is not just for an hour of credit; this will change your thought process on how to reach difficult kids and also how to address difficult situations“Doing Common Thing’s in An Uncommon Manner!” Though classroom instructional strategies should clearly be based on sound science and research, knowing when to use them and who to use them with is more of an art. For classroom lessons to be truly effective, educators must examine every component of the teaching process with equal resolve. We will be talking about how to work with kids with social issues like: 1. Peer Pressure 2. Disrespect 3. The Home (fatherless, parental pressure) 4.Entitlement (selfishness) 5. Accountability 6. Character. This will be a very interesting collaboration of not only discussion but also solutions.

The Uncommon School, The Uncommon Classroom - June 9 & July 1, 2015

Continuation of the previous workshop – “The Uncommon School, The Uncommon Classroom.”