Praise for The Kardea Gourmet

"Dr. Richard Collins is not only a cooking cardiologist; he's a cardiologist's cardiologist. In this lifesaving book, he shows that it's not just how long we live, it's also how well we live. Highly recommended

Dean Ornish, MD, Founder and President, Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California

"The Kardea Gourmet is predicated on sound principles of nutrition, and high standards of cuisine - epitomizing the opportunity I like to call 'loving food that loves us back!' This book will help you get to that sweet spot - I recommend it."

-  David L. Katz, MD, Director, Yale University Prevention Research Center

“If America followed the eating recommendations in The Kardea Gourmet, we would not be talking about diabetes, obesity, and heart disease like we are today. It’s not just about cutting back on the ‘wrong’ foods, but how to add heart-healthy foods in doable ways. The Kardea Gourmet offers science-backed dietary solutions, while at the same time creating a more enjoyable eating experience. ”

Glenn Gaesser, PhD, Director, Healthy Lifestyles Research Center, Arizona State University

“The Kardea Gourmet is now my best prescription for healthy living and could easily be the difference between a premature heart attack and what the book could easily deliver - a long term relationship with your grandchildren!”

James Ehrlich, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Colorado

“Diet plans that pay little attention to taste and satisfaction are difficult to live and typically fail. Not so with The Kardea Gourmet. This delightful book may be a game changer.“

Matthew M. Burg, PhD, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center

“The Kardea Gourmet provides a well-researched, simple yet elegant, no nonsense approach for improving your health for the rest of your life! “

Jeffrey A. Morrison, MD, CNS

“I'm always on the lookout for practical, evidenced based and easy to read sources of information and inspiration. I'll be recommending this book to just about all of my clients.”

-  Janice Baker, Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator

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