Name: World War I VideoGuide

Big Idea
Questions / Guided Notes / Areas of Concern
What famous book encouraged the US to build up its navy? I need his nametoo…
Was the US truly neutral prior to entering the war? Explain.
When did Mexico lose the land Germany promised to help them get back? / Causes of the War
Countries built uptheir
Secret alliances would drag countries into aconflict
Countries competedfor
Desire to demonstrate the strength of eachcountry
Heir to the Austrianthrone
Assassination set off a chain of events which started thewar
The Two Sides
  • AlliedPowers:

  • CentralPowers:

US Neutrality and Challenges
US sought to remainneutral
Democratic slogan for Wilson for election of 1916,“

(May 7,1915)
Passenger ship sunk by Germany,killingnearly individuals, including over 100Americans
Germany claimed theshiphad(later determined to becorrect)
Germany damaged a French ship,the
Germany promised notto

US Entrance into the Great War
Unrestricted SubmarineWarfare:
for US entrance into thewar
Germany would sink all ships, includingAmerican
Telegram: (March,1917)
German proposalforanwithMexico
If Mexico attacked the US, Germany would help Mexico get land back in the SWUS
What happens to individual rights during times of crisis?
What would happen to your feet in the trenches? / Wilson’s 14 Points
Sought to make theworld“”
Wilson outlined 14 ideas for post-World War IWorld
Establishment ofa
Domestic Issues During the War
Journalist George Creel helped promote the wareffort
“” gave speeches throughout theUS
Sought to prevent interference with militaryoperations (includingthe)
Sedition Act of1918:
Made it illegal to criticize thegovernment
Used toconvict
Women, African Americans, and Labor Unions During the War
Women worked in factories andnurses
Helped lead to the passageoftheAmendment
Foughtinunits, mostly did manuallabor
supported the war –hopedforimprovedforAfrican-Americans
National War LaborBoard:
○Helped overseedisputes
AFL – ledby
IWW – Industrial Workers of theWorld
Fighting in the Great War
Most of the fighting occurred in man-madetrenches
December 1914, fightingstopped
Armistice agreement on November 11,1918
Treaty of Versailles
Articlepunished Germany for starting thewar
League ofNations:
Article– called for members to give assistance toothersifneeded
○detested thisstipulation
Effects of the War
Harding (1920) campaigned on a“Returnto”
Race riots in Northern cities–“Migration”
Fear ofCommunism:
