7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE)

First call for papers

We are pleased to announce that the 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE) will be held on 28-30 September 2017 at the University of Vigo (Spain). We invite papers on every aspect of the linguistics of contemporary English.

Conference website: http://http://biclce2017.webs.uvigo.es/

Any enquiries about the conference should be sent to .


The attention devoted to the linguistics of the English language has resulted in a broad body of work in diverse research traditions. The aim of the BICLCE (formerly ICLCE) conference is to encourage the cross-fertilisation of ideas between different frameworks and research traditions addressing the linguistics of contemporary English.

Previous conferences were held in Edinburgh (2005), Toulouse (2007), London (2009), Osnabrück (2011), Austin TX (2013) and Madison WI (2015), along the same lines. We aim for the conference in Vigo to build on the success of those events.

BICLCE2017 aims to provide a platform for work which deals with contemporary varieties of English, in terms of their phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, etc., in any way which aims to be explanatory. Traditionally in this conference, syntax (specifically constructions), sociolinguistics, processing and discourse analysis are four of the focus areas. We invite proposals on these and other areas, such as variationist work which engages with issues of linguistic structure. We do not envisage work which is purely historical, but work which brings in diachrony in order to explain the structure of Present-Day English is certainly welcome.


The following speakers have agreed to deliver plenary addresses at BICLCE2017:

Teresa Fanego (University of Santiago de Compostela)

Martin Hilpert (University of Neuchâtel)

Padraic Monaghan (Lancaster University)

Jennifer Smith (University of Glasgow)

Anja Wanner (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


We invite abstract submissions for (a) 20-minute paper presentations,

(b) thematic workshops, and (c) poster presentations. The deadline is

31 January 2017.

Abstract submissions will be handled via EasyABS at the following


PAPERS. Abstracts for 20-minute presentations should be no longer than 350 words (excluding references). They should be submitted as a .PDF file or in MS Word document format (.doc or .docx). Please use only common phonetic fonts such as SIL. The abstract document itself should be anonymous, i.e. it must not contain the name of the author(s).

THEMATIC WORKSHOPS. Colleagues interested in organising athematic workshop are also welcome to submit a proposal. This should start with a description of the overall panel up to one page in length, followed by abstracts for all papers included. For abstracts, please use the same format as for paper submissions (see above).

POSTERS. Posters will be presented in a special session and remain on display during the conference. Please use the same format as for paper submissions (see above).

SUBMISSION. At the top of the abstract – preceding the title – please:

(1) State whether you are submitting a proposal for a 20-minute presentation, for one of the planned thematic workshops, or for a poster session.

(2) List one or several subfield(s) of contemporary English linguistics that your work pertains to. This information helps us to assign your abstract to the right reviewers. You may choose from among the following list and/or name additional subfields where appropriate:

Cognitive linguistics, Computer-mediated communication, Corpus linguistics, Language acquisition, Lexicography and lexicology, Morphology and morphosyntax, Phonetics and phonology, Pragmatics, Processing, Psycholinguistics, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Syntax, Typology, Varieties of English, Variationist research.

You may submit more than one abstract but we will accept a maximum of two abstracts from any one person for presentation (one joined, one single-authored), as this allows more people to take part in the conference.

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously.

Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 15 March 2017.


There are plans for publishing a peer-reviewed selection of papers from the conference, most likely in thematically coherent volumes which will be submitted for the consideration of international publishers.

The conference language will be English.

Time for general sessions and workshop presentations: 20 minutes plus

10 minutes for questions/discussion