Evidence gathering form

Evidence no / 24
Evidence date / 13/8/2007

Evidence Gathering Form Version 2, January 2007

Identify evidence type

Direct observationReflective account

QuestionsExpert witness

ProductWitness testimony

Candidate name / Ben Occular
Evidence / Unit, Element, PCs / Knowledge
Today I arrived at the project and Ben asked me to sign the visitors book and explained that this enables management to know who is in the building in the event of an emergency evacuation. He also explained that the Health and Safety policy clearly states that thisprocedure must be followed for all visitors. We entered the office and Ben showed me the policy and the relevant part he had mentioned earlier. X entered the office and asked who I was. Ben spoke in a calm relaxed manner explaining that I was his assessor from the training centre and was here to check he was doing his job properly. X then said he remembered I would be visiting as Ben had given him a note earlier in the week notifying him of this. X then told me that Ben was his favourite staff member. He said he was wondering if he could meet with Ben to look at his housing application forms. (X openly informed me he has problems with reading and writing and that Ben has been helping him with filling out his forms.) Ben said he was free now and asked if X minded if I sat in on the meeting. X said this was fine by him. During the meeting Ben regularly checked X’s understanding of what was in the forms and what he was writing down on behalf of X. X then asked if he was allowed to see his personal file and care plan. Ben said he was legally entitled to do this and then spoke of the Data Protection Act 1998 and his rights within this. X then said he was feeling a bit embarrassed that I was present so Ben said it was OK to ask me to leave - at this stage I excused myself from the meeting. / 35.1.1
35.2.2 / 31K10
Additional evidence and clarification
This might be used to record additional questions or the candidate may use it to write an additional paragraph. / Unit, Element, PCs / Knowledge
Comments/feedback to candidate
If witness testimony used, please state who supplied testimony and relationship to candidate.
Expert witness signature (if applicable):
Candidate signature: / Ben Occular
Assessor signature: / Tahra Chaudrey
Date: / 20/08/2007

Evidence Gathering Form Version 2, January 2007