REEEP Commissioned Projects Bidding Form[1]

(REEEP use only)

Date Submitted / Project Ref. No:

Project Log

/ (Please complete ongoing log of project bid and delivery progression)
Date / Name / Comment
e.g. 19 Nov / J.Bloggs / Pre-qualification bid submitted to the International Secretariat
Instructions for Applicant Organisations

Only Section A to be filled for pre-qualification;

Full bid proposals should complete section B including the declaration;

Section C and D need not be completed during the selection process.

Explanations for several data elements are given in the end-notes at the end of the bid form. Please read these carefully before filling out the form. If more clarifications are needed please contact the responsible regional secretariat.

Please follow the word and page limits specified for data and sections. REEEP will not consider any text exceeding the limits;

Only a maximum of two support letters can be submitted along with the full proposal and should be appended to the bid form;

Submit the form to the specified e-mail address as an MS word document or equivalent with all the attachments inserted as objects/images. REEEP will not consider any extra attachments provided.

Section A – Pre-Qualification (full proposal should include section B)

1.Basic Data

Commissioned Project Title
Name of Implementing Org.(1)
Company / Academic Institution / Energy Utility / Government Department / NGO / Other
Contact at Implementing Org.
Full Legal Address (inc. PIN/ZIP)
Registration No (2):
Email Address
Phone No. (inc. codes) / i. Fax No. (inc. codes)

2.Organisational Qualifications

Years of experience of Organisation in RE and/or EE (3)
Financial Profile for the last 3 years of operation (4)
Staff and Branch network of the Organisation (5)
Track-record of Organisation (6)
Brief CVs of Key staff who will be assigned to the assignment (no more than 5 CVs of 100 words each) (7)
Similar Assignments implemented in the past (8)
Capacity of Implementing Agency to implement proposed commissioned project (no more than 100 words) (9)
Client References (10)

If you are submitting apre-qualification bid for consideration for the short-list then STOP HERE!

This section should not exceed FIVE pages, excluding the instructions page.

Section B – Details for Full Commissioned Project Proposal

3.Comments on the Terms of Reference

Provide any comments on the Terms of Reference (11)

4.Proposed Approach and Work Plan

Explain the proposed approach and methodology by your organisation to the assignment (12)
Work plan (13)
How do you leverage your organisational network to support the work plan

4.1 Project Outputs and Benefits

Expected Outputs (copy from REEEP ToR)
Outputs / Indicators of Success / Time when available (month, year) / Source of Information / Status before project/Baseline Data

5.Activity Schedule/Time Line (14)

(This should be produced at different levels of detail based on the size and complexity of projects. The schedule should show all the activities and outputs in the timeline.)

6.Budget (15)

Expenditure Category / Item / Cost to REEEP
Personnel Costs
Travel and Subsistence
Cost of Purchase of Office Supplies and Materials
Cost of printing, publication, translation, interpretation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Other (Direct and indirect costs) – Please specify. i.e. bank charges, audit, etc
Financial Profile for Current Year in € (16):
  • Show anticipated monthly expenditure from start of project until the end of the current FY.
  • If a multi-year project please provide details of funding required in future FYs.
  • You do not have to complete each box unless appropriate
  • Show the elevel of c-financing available for each specific month.
  • REEEP projects can be implemented for a minimum duration of 12 months and a maximum duration of 18-24 months
/ REEEP Funding
(2007/09) / NA

7.Support letters & additional details (17)

Supporting Documentation
Other Notes

8.Declaration (18)

I declare on behalf of …………………………………………….. (Fill out the name of implementing organisation), that all information provided in this project bid form are true to the best of my knowledge.

I also declare that the following/none (strike out as necessary) of the REEEP international/regional secretariat staff or regional/international steering committee members or the REEEP governance bodies have an interest in this project by virtue of their personnel/professional association with the implementing organisation(s).

1……………………………(name), ……………………..(association with REEEP)

2……………………………(name), ……………………..(association with REEEP)

3……………………………(name), ……………………..(association with REEEP)

I also confirm that we have reviewed the REEEP Programme manual – Project Line Version 3.0 and understand that the project implementation will follow REEEP procedures provided therein. If awarded a project, I conform that our organisation can enter into a direct contract for implementation of the project using the REEEP model contract provided in the Project Line version 3.0.

I understand that any wilful mis-statement herein will lead to disqualification/ summary rejection of the project proposal.

Name, designation and signature of the authorised official

Date --/--/--

(This declaration should be filled out and electronically signed at the full proposal submission stage and a signed copy should be faxed to the international secretariat before the commencement of the project contract)

Sections A and B of the form must be completed when submitting a full bid.

Section B including the declaration, should not exceed SEVEN pages excluding the Gantt Chart and any support letters.

Only a maximum of TWO support letters can be submitted along with the full proposal.

Section C - Project Evaluation (At Project Completion)

(The evaluation report should be prepared by the implementing agency, after the project completion and after allowing for a reasonable period of time for the impacts. The implementing agencies are encouraged to use independent experts for project evaluation. This will normally be completed within the first two months of project completion)

9.Project Completion

Commissioned Project Title:
REEEP Ref Code.
REEEP Theme (F/P&R)
Regional Secretariat
Countries Covered
Date of Report
Completed by:

11.1 REEEP Regional Secretariat Comments(to be completed by REEEP)

Name, position and unit
Date Completed
Assessment whether project has achieved stated “Purpose” (19)
Lessons learnt from this project (20)

11.2 REEEP International Secretariat Comments(to be completed by REEEP)

Name and position

12. Achievement of Project Purpose (21)

Project Purpose

12.1 Project Indicators

Indicator / Status before project / Status at time of assessment / Change observed attributable to project.

12.2 Project Outputs

Output / Indicator of Success / Result
Assessment whether project has achieved stated “Purpose”

13. Project Implementation Process

13.1 Project Expenditure (22)

Planned total REEEP cost: / Actual total REEEP cost:
Planned co-funded cost: / Actual co-funded cost:
Has the project expenditure been adequately accounted for?
Are you satisfied that the project has met REEEP auditing requirements?

13.2 Timing

Planned Start Date / Actual Start Date / Difference
Planned Finish Date / Actual Finish Date / Difference
Reason for difference

13.3 Project Changes

Were any changes made to the project design/approach during implementation? If so, please provide details and explain why were these made? (23)

14. Effects and Impact of Project (24)

What are the effects and impactsof the project? Explain.

15. Lessons learned (25)

No. / Key Lessons Learned (Please add more boxes if required)

Project evaluation should be carried out after project completion

Section C, should not exceed THREE pages

Section D - Project Impact Assessment

(This report will be prepared by an independent expert identified by REEEP international secretariat, the project manager should contact the international secretariat 2 to 3 months before the completion of the project to plan for the impact assessment)

16.Project Impact

Project Title:
REEEP Proj. Ref. Code.
REEEP Theme (F/P&R)
Secretariat/Focal Point
Countries Covered
Date of Report
Completed by:

17.International Secretariat Comments(For REEEP completion only)

Name and position

18.Assessment of Impact (26)

Project Purpose
Criteria / Indicator / Source of Information / Status before project / Status at completion / Status at time of assessment

19.Relevance to Higher Level Objective

How has the project contributed to Higher Level Objectives. (e.g. REEEP, Donor or programme objectives) (27)

20.Unplanned Impact

What additional unplanned effects have resulted from the project (positive or negative)? (28)

21.New Lessons Learned

No / Lesson

Project impact assessment should be carried out by an independent expert, at an agreed time after project completion, allowing for the project purpose to be achieved.


This form has been adapted to REEEP requirements based on the Global Opportunities Fund Bid Form developed by the FCO-GOF Programme Office. Any changes to the form require the consent of REEEP International Secretariat.

Basic Data
  1. Name of Implementing Organisation.REEEP implementing organisations could be either a Company, Academic Institution, Energy Utility, Government Departments or an NGO. This is effectively the organisation responsible for delivering the outputs of the project work and will be in a position to submit project and financial progress reports and an evaluation. Please tick against the relevant box below the name of the organisation. If the implementing organisation is a government department, please ensure that it is possible to enter into a direct contract and accept financing from REEEP to implement the project. If the bid is being submitted by a consortia one of the partners should be nominated as the lead agency and contacts provided.
  1. Registration Number. Provide the unique identification number of the organisation under the applicable law in the country. This can be the organisations registration number, employee identification number etc.
  1. Experience of the Organisation. Please specify the number of years of experience of the organisation in projects and activities with relevance to the Commissioned Project ToR. Minimum of 3 years of experience is expected and greater the number of years of existence the better it is, with respect to institutional stability.
  1. Financial Profile. Provide financial information on net financial turnover in € for the last 3 years, as included in annual reports or other financial statements. Note if your organisation has ever filed for bankruptcy.
  1. Staff and Branch Network. Staff and Branch Network of your organization including: number and size of branches,number and category ( professional, support, associates, full-time or part-time) of employees at each branch.
  1. Track-record of the Organisation. Provide details of the track-record with relevance to the Project commissioned as per the ToR by the lead and partner institution(s). Provide specific information on the expertise, provide examples of projects worked on, details of clients and partners etc.
  1. Brief CVs. Brief CVs of Key staff who will spend considerable time on the project (more than 5% of total project time budget), provide details abouton experience in relevant sectors, organisations worked for, country experience and qualifications that are relevant to the Project to be commissioned as per the ToR. Please note that changes of the people assigned to the project at a later stage must be agreed by REEEP. For changes without REEEP agreement REEEP reserves the right to disqualify the project at any stage.
  1. Similar Assignments. List the similar assignments and projects carried out by the organisation in the field of Project commissioned as per the ToR. Specify the title, output, client, value of contract, countries covered and year(s).
  1. Capacity of Implementing Agency. This section requires summary information that indicates that the proposed implementing organisation has the experience and resources to successfully implement a project of this size and nature. Try to answer to the question as to why your organisation is best placed to implement the project to be commissioned.
  1. Client References. Provide two past client references, including date and name of the project and client’s name and contact details including e-mail and telephone. The project should not be more than 2 years old.
  1. Comments on Terms of Reference. Provide detailed comments on Terms of Reference provided by REEEP. The short-listed organisation has the opportunity to make comments on the ToR and suggest an alternate approach to what is specified in the REEEP ToR for the project to be commissioned.
  1. Proposed Approach and methodology.Provide detailed explanation of your approach and proposed methodology to carry out the tasks in the ToR for the project to be commissioned. This is a key part of the proposal to be evaluated. Explain briefly why the proposed approach is the best way forward.
  1. Work Plan. Provide detailsof activities and sub-activities to be carried out to achieve the outputs and objectives set out in the ToR. Make this explanation specific to your organisation, expert team fielded and to your organisational strengths.
  1. Activity Implementation Schedule/Time Line. This is a simple Gantt-chart type table (landscape) consisting of a list of the main activities to be implemented together with the month and year of proposed implementation. The Gantt chart should be inserted as an object or an image into the bid form.

15Budget. Please provide full details of costs (€) to be financed by REEEP. Convert all currencies and provide in Euro terms. Consider:

  • Personnel Costs: (Technical assistance, expertise etc)
  • Travel and Accommodation
  • Administration/management (telephone, fax, room rental etc) (this should be no more than 10% of the total).
  • Any other costs (e.g. printing costs or you or your colleagues might expect to incur travel and accommodation expenses and interpretation/translation costs when monitoring projects). This should be no more than 10% of the total budget.
  • Note that REEEP commissioned projects does not envisage support costs for capital and durable equipment and such costs should not be included in the budget.

16Expenditure Projection. The monthly profile for the project period is essential and projections should be made.

17Support letters and additional details (optional). Please indicate briefly anything else that will help the decision making process. You may also attach a maximum of two support letters from clients with direct experience with the organisation’s work and other supplementary information, if appropriate. Support letters should be appended to the end of the bid form and should not be sent as separate documents or images. An English Translation should accompany support letters that are not in English. Also use this space to inform other aspects of the proposal that will help the decision making process.

18Declaration. The declaration is to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information provided and also to avoid occurrence of any conflict of interest in the REEEP appraisal and selection process. For a listing of all the steering committee members and REEEP staff members please refer to the members area of

Project Evaluation

The independent expert engaged by the implementing organisation or a person who has not been directly involved in the project should preferably carry out the evaluation. Please note that the information provided will be for internal use by REEEP in improving it’s programmes and will not be shared with third parties.

19Assessment. The regional secretariat should provide an assessment of whether the project purpose ( as commissioned by REEEP) has been achieved at the time of the evaluation report. If not fully achieved the RS should assess the degree of achievement and also comment on the possibilities of achievement.

20Lessons learned (regional secretariat). The regional secretariat should also list the key lessons learned from this project from the perspective of the REEEP programmes, project cycle or from the REEEP objectives.

21Achievement of Project Purpose. State the project purpose (as commissioned by REEEP)) and carry out an assessment by the independent expert whether the project purpose has been achieved at the time of the evaluation report. If not fully achieved, the expert should assess the degree of achievement and also comment on the possibilities of achievement. For indicators ( as stated in section 4.1), state the present status and the status before the project began and provide an assessment of the extent to which the change can be attributed to the project. For outputs, based on the indicators (as stated in section 4.1) assess whether the outputs were achieved successfully.

22Project Expenditure. Examine whether the project accounts have been maintained according to Generally Accepted Accounting Practices and that the expenditure is consistent with the proposed budget and the REEEP disbursements.

23Project changes. If the project has made changes during implementation, examine and evaluate if these changes were in the interest of achieving the project outputs and the purpose. Assess in retrospect whether there could have been a better way.

24Effects and Impacts of Project. The effects and impacts of a project are of utmost importance to achieving the REEEP programme objectives and this section should be given due importance. Objectively assess the impact caused by the project and refer back to section B subsection 4 on impacts.

25Lessons learned. List the key lessons for REEEP from the evaluation. The lessons could be for the REEEP programme management process or about the types and nature of activities and sectors that REEEP is involved in.

26Assessment of Impact. The expert assigned to assess the impact of the project will decide on the quality criteria relevant to the project.

27Relevance to Higher Level Objective. Assess whether the project has contributed to the Higher Level Objectives such as REEEP Objectives or Donor Objectives. Refer to the REEEP Work Programme for the REEEP Objectives and the programme priorities. Refer to the annex D of REEEP Project Line or REEEP Donor Objectives.

28Unplanned Impact. Examine if the project has resulted in achieving a result which was not envisaged in the original proposal and plan. Assess both the positive and negative impacts. An example of a negative impact could be households switching to kerosene from biomass for cooking as a result of a shortage in biomass created by a new law encouraging biomass power plants. Example of positive unplanned impact would be an increase in employment opportunities as a result of a law mandating energy audits.


[1] As of March 2007