SummerCreek High School

RELA Department

Lori Ford Room: 2203

Ext. 5595 Tutoring: By appointment as needed

Conference: 7th period

Course Goals

This class is designed to meet the various needs of students who have been professionally identified as being dyslexic. Instruction will be spent addressing the following skills as set forth in the State Dyslexia Handbook.

Spelling: Learning and practicing predictable patterns in the English

Vocabulary: Studying content area specific words including roots, prefixes

Phonics: Breaking down words by sounds and patterns to increase wordattack skills andfluency

Fluency: Timed, repeated readings using predictable passages aimedat improving reading speed and accuracy

Comprehension: Studying components of successful reading strategies to facilitate understanding

Writing: Practicing daily for a variety of purposes (ex. journals, essays, multi- media presentations)

Study and OrganizationalReviewing content area needs and basic materials management

Key Readings & Classroom Activities

The primary curriculum utilized in this course is from the Neuhaus Education Center’s Multisensory Reading and Spelling Program for Older Students. The components include Phonics (Visual and Auditory), Vocabulary Development, Reading and Spelling Practice and Review.

Supplies Needed

1. One blue/black pen or pencil

2. One three-ring binder (3 inch preferred)

3. Divider tabs (5)

4. College-ruled loose leaf paper

Guidelines for Success

The purpose of this class is to continue to progress and improve as a reader and life-long learner. Your participation is essential and necessary to your success. Any student in this course will be successful if they come to class regularly, prepared to work and give their best effort.

Classroom Rules/Expectations

  • Be on time, be prepared, be on task
  • Demonstrate respect for yourself, other students and property
  • Behave appropriately at all times
  • Always do your best!

Consequences for Violating Classroom Rules

1st offense – Verbal/Non-verbal warning

2nd offense- - Parent Notification

3rd offense- Coach/Sponsor Notification

4th offense- Office Referral

SCHS Non-Negotiables



Sexual Harassment

Profanity – blurted out, directed toward another student, directed towards teacher

Disruption of the educational process


Cell phones

Consequences for Violating SCHS Non-Negotiables

•Automatic office referral

Classroom Procedures

Tardy to Class

A student is considered tardy if they are not inside the classroom or in line to shake my hand when the bell rings. Students who are tardy to class will not be allowed to enter until they receive the proper documentation from the nearest sweep station.

Beginning of Class

Greet the instructor with a handshake.

Enter the classroom in dress code with your ID badge visibly displayed.

Prepare instructional materials (journal, binder, writing instrument)

Begin the “Tell Me This” journal prompton the board.You will have 5 minutes to work on it.There should be no talking during this time.

Share “Good Things” for about 2 minutes.

Small Group Instruction

Students are expected to participate when called on and be quite when others are speaking. Please raise your hand if you need assistance.

Independent Practice /Work

Students may speak quietly to neighbor for assistance. You may use this time to ask to go to the restroom or sharpen pencil. You are expected to participate when called on.Be quite when others are speaking.

Restroom Policy

Students will be allowed to go to the restroom 10 minutes after the tardy bell or 10 minutes prior to class dismissal.

Ending Class

At the end of each class you will be dismissed by the teacher to return your binder to the assigned shelf. Wait for me to release you from class, not the bell.

General participating behaviors:

Working on the assignment

Engagement in activity based conversations

Answering questions I ask about the assignment

Asking questions about the assignment

General non-participating behaviors:

Your heads is down

You are sleeping

You are texting

SCHS Grading Policy

  • Grades are weighted as follows:

Content Area / Level / Honors
Pre AP / AP
Dual Credit
Reading Elective / 60/40 / 70/30
  • All grades are an assessment of an academic skill, concept, or performance.
  • Grades based on behaviors are reflected in conduct grades.
  • Major or summative assessments are defined as tests, projects, etc.
  • Minor or formative assessments are defined as quizzes, daily grades, homework, etc.
  • In classes with a summative weight of 60%, a minimum of 3 major or summative assessments will be administered.
  • In classes with a summative weight higher than 60%, a minimum of 4 major or summative assessments will be administered.
  • The minimum number of grades is 2 grades per week.
  • Grades cannot be doubled or tripled to meet minimum requirements.
  • Grades are posted at least once a week and published to parents and students through eSchool.
  • All assignments will be entered into the grade book before the start of the nine weeks.
  • Parents will be contacted by phone when a student fails a class for the nine weeks.

Reassessment Policy

  • Re-teach and reassessment is mandatory for summative grades with a class average of less than 70.
  • A student has the opportunity to reassess after a summative grade of less than 85 for any reason.
  • Reassessment in AP classes will follow district guidelines and policy.
  • Reassessment is not available in Dual Credit classes.

A maximum of 1 reassessment will be offered, and the maximum grade on the reassessment will be an 85. Students must make and understand corrections to original summative test and complete all formative assignmentsto be eligible for reassessment. Reassessments must be offered within 1 calendar week of the date in which the original graded assessment was returned. Students must make arrangements to attend the re-teach and reassessment date set by the teacher if reassessment is done outside of school hours.


Original Grade / Reassessment Grade / Reported Grade
65 / 100 / 85
58 / 92 / 85
45 / 85 / 85
68 / 80 / 80
73 / 78 / 78
72 / 60 / 72
84 / 100 / 85
85-100 / Not Eligible / Original Grade

Late Work Policy

All Summer Creek High School teachers will utilize the following late work policy for all classes, regardless of level. This policy applies to all assessments.

Late work will be accepted up to 5 school days after the due date with a penalty of _20 points per day.

Conduct Grades

E- Excellent

S- Satisfactory

N- Needs Improvement

U- Unsatisfactory

Finding out Grade Status

Students who do not have access to HAC (Home Access Center) can make an appointment with me before or after school to review progress.

Student Responsibilities after an Absence

A student who has missed class will need to make an appointment with me for a private tutorial session before or after school to be scheduled within a week of the absence.

Finding Daily Assignments

Because of the nature of the course, daily assignments will be posted on the board inaddition to every student receiving a personal copy of each unit plan.

Turning in Assignments

Students will be informed at the end of each class period which items will be collected for formative assessment. I will take up these documents as an exit ticket from the room at the end of the period.

Returning Assignments

Assignments will be returned within 2 calendar days of receipt with grade and feedback.

Communication with Parents and Family Members

I am available daily during my conference period as well as after school. Please indicate your preferred method of contact on the Student Information sheet that accompanies this handout.


Please detach, sign and return or scan and send electronically to

I have read and understand the requirements and class rules for Reading 1 and shared this information with my parent/guardian.


Student’s SignatureParent/Guardian’s Signature


Student’s Name (PRINTED) Parents/Guardian’s Name (PRINTED)