The Potter’s House Day Care

And Day Care Center

Policies and Procedures


At enrollment a registration fee is due that is non-refundable with the weekly fee for that preceding week. Tuition is due on every Monday and no later than Tuesday. If payment is not made by Tuesday it your account will be charges a $20.00 late fee. All payments made by check must be payable to “Iglesia Casa del Alfarero” or ICDA with your child’s full name on the memo line to insure proper credit.

New Policy 2012

There is no reduction of fees for absences other than the allotted preplanned vacation

This will be one week that the center will be closed. On the month of December 24, 2012 through December 28, 2012 the center will be closed for one week due to holiday and shortage in ratio. You will not be charged for this week

Returned Checks

All checks returned by your bank will have a $25.00 dollar late fee. After the second time check is returned payment will be required to be made by cash.

Hours of Operation and Parking Area

The center will be operating from 6:30am-6:00pm Monday through Friday. We ask that you park at the designated parking area. There are parking areas that are restricted for the use of emergency vehicles and others for handicap parking. Please do not block emergency parking. If you prefer to drop off and pick up your child at the over hang you may do so. But please do not leave your car running. Come inside to sign in or out your child. Do not ask your child to bring you the sheet to be sign. We also ask that you do not linger inside so no one else is waiting on you.

Arrival and Departure:

Children must be brought in to the center by an adult and signed in and out.Full signature is required. Always be prepared to show a picture ID the name of the person who drops of or picks up child must be on the enrollment form.

Child Pickup

We ask that your child be picked up prior to 6:00pm. There will be a $1.00 fee for every minute after 6:00pm We also request that your child will not be at the center for more than 10 hours per day. Also adults 18 and older are allowed to pick up and drop off child at center.


All holidays will be posted in advance of the day of closure

VPK Program observed school calendar or other that will be provided.

**Full tuition is expected even if Holidays shorten the week of service.


No medication will be Dispense. Our police do not allow for teacher to dispense any medication to children. Parent can come in to administer medication themselves if needed.


Upon enrollment parent must provide the center with a valid Florida Certificate of Immunization Form (Blue form#680) and a physical exam (yellow form) that renews every two years.Expiration date must be accurate.


The goal of discipline is not to punish a child but to train them in the right and acceptable behavior. Appropriate behavior will be highly praised. At NO time will corporal punishment be use. Inappropriate behavior will be handled by redirecting the child to an appropriate activity while reminding the classroom rules, and reinforcement of positive behavior. If the child’s behavior does not improve, we reserve the right to dismiss the child from the center. The goal is

to encourage a positive behavior by self respect and develop a personal responsibility for their actions. It is important for each child to learn self control and respect the rights of others while learning in a safe and caring environment.


Parents are permitted to celebrate their child’s birthday. We ask that the teacher be notified prior to the day of the celebration. All parties or treats will be given after 2:00 pm.

Nap Time

All children 2-5 years are required to sleep or rest during this time. Sleeping is not mandatory, however children are required to be quiet and not disruptive. Naptime is from 12:00-2:00. Each child will have his own sanitized mat. Please, have blanket and/or sheet labeled. Linens will be sent home every Friday for washing. NO PILLLOWS.

Extra clothing and Items needed

Extra clothing is needed for all children. Please have all items clearly labeled. Change of clothing can be place in a Ziploc bag with child’s name. Listed below is a list of items needed. Please have all items clearly labeled.


I give The Potter’s HouseAcademy and ChildcareCenter permission to photograph my child. I understand that all photos may be used as class projects and for center’s advertisement only. I do  do not  grant permission for photography.


Your child’s caregivers in the facility have completed training in the observation and screening of young children, and we have implemented a program of periodic screening for the children in our care. With your permission, we will occasionally observe your child’s development and will record the results using a screening checklist developed for this propose.

I do  do not  grant permission to screen my child’s growth and deployment progress.

State mandated Rules

Rule 65C-22.006(2), F.A.C, and Section 65C-20.011(1), F.A.C., require a current physical examination (DH 3040) and immunization record (DH680 or DH681) within 30 days of enrollment.

Section 402.3125(5), F.S., requires that parents receive a copy of the Child Care Facility brochure, “Know Your Child Care Facility”

I did did not received a copy.

Section 65C-22.006(4)(c)2, F.A.C., requires that parents are notified in writing of the disciplinary practices used by the child care facility.

By singing below, you verify that you have received the above items and that all information on this enrollment form is complete and accurate and to my understanding.


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date