The Mission of the Boeing Employees Bible Fellowship of Puget Sound (BEBF) is:
To Foster Christian Growth through Bible Study and Fellowship.


Continue an open and honest relationship between BEBF and Boeing leadership.

BEBF governing board to facilitate the relationship between BEBF and Boeing leadership.

Encourage and equip fellow Christians.

Develop relationships within and beyond the Christian community.

This document is in compliance with Boeing Recreation’s new policy for all clubs to comply with a uniform Constitution template and a supplemental Operating Procedures document. The previous version of the BEBF Constitution included the portions that functioned as an operating procedure as well. It has been superseded by the new BEBF 2012 Constitution and this combined BEBF 2012 Constitution and Operating Procedures.

For clarity, the new constitution appears in yellow highlights. The additional text is the operating procedure itself.




Preamble: We the members of the Boeing Employees Bible Fellowship of Puget Sound do organize for the mutual recreation and pleasure of fostering Christian Growth through Bible Study and Fellowship.



Section 1 We shall be known as the Boeing Employees Bible Fellowship of Puget Sound or BEBF.


Section 1 Membership shall be open to the following without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or veteran status.

a. Boeing employees and retirees.

b. Spouse and eligible dependent children (as defined by Boeing benefit guidelines) and domestic partners as defined by The Boeing Company of Boeing employees and Boeing retirees.

c. Government, customer, vendor and contract personnel stationed at or exclusively serving The Boeing Company, their spouse and dependents.

d. Certain limitations may be imposed by the company on participation for other than company employees based on available staff, facilities and budgets.

Section 2 Annual dues shall be established by the Executive Board on a year-to-year basis and subject to approval by the membership.

The Executive Board for BEBF has chosen not to impose dues. Due to the nature of this club, annual dues are not a requirement for membership. Non-tax-deductible donations are optional. Such donations will be used per board discretion to support the running and promoting of the club and furtherance of the BEBF mission statement; e.g., Boeing Family Day events and other promotional events.

Regarding Bible Studies:

BEBF-recognized Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, and/or Fellowship Groups; will hereinafter be referred to as "Bible Studies.

To qualify as a Bible Study, there must be a designated Bible Study Focal who is sponsoring the study, insuring the operating procedures are complied with and who has signed the Boeing Release and Indemnity Form and the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures.

To register a new Bible Study, contact the webmaster and president (go to www.bebf.org , click on the “about us” hotlink). Provide information such as meeting day, start time, location (bldg, room). Formal list of BEBF studies will be recorded in the database.

For tips on starting a Bible Study, go to www.bebf.org, click on the “Bible Studies” hotlink, and then scroll down to “Start a Bible Study”.

Regarding Membership:

The “General Membership” of BEBF, is comprised of those described in Article II Membership, Section 1 above, who regularly attend Bible Studies. Per a Boeing Recreation requirement, anyone attending a club meeting must sign the Release and Indemnity Form.

a.  Representatives deemed as “Voting Members” represent the General Membership in voting and decision-making. Each BEBF-recognized Bible Study may select only one representative as a Voting Member for that Bible Study who has signed the Boeing Release and Indemnity Form and the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures.

b.  The BEBF Voting Membership is comprised of a Voting Member representing each recognized Bible Study and the Governing Board.

c.  Each BEBF Voting Member can only have one vote. An Executive Board member cannot also represent a study. A voting member cannot represent more than one study.

Any BEBF study attendee with a defined role is required to have signed the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures.

All attendees are encouraged but not required to sign the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures.

Bible Study Focal – the sponsoring BEBF member of a specific study.

A given study does not require one main teacher/facilitator; it is acceptable to share the teaching/facilitator roles or rotate roles, providing one member of the study has signed the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures and Release and Indemnity Form, insuring the study is compliant. The Bible Study Focal is responsible for insuring the study discussions remain aligned with the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures. The Bible Study Focal may or may not be the study representative at a given election. The Bible Study Focal is responsible for insuring the study is compliant with the BEBF charter and operating procedures; e.g., all who attend a meeting must sign a Release and Indemnity Form per Boeing Recreation procedures.

BEBF Contacts – a contact may be for a region, building, floor, etc. Contacts need to have signed the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures and make themselves available to field inquiries about how to learn more about BEBF or study locations.

Regarding Removal of a Bible Study

A Bible Study group may be removed from the membership roll as a result of:

Voluntary disbanding

Not having a leader or Study Focal with a signed Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures and Release and Indemnity form on file.

Not complying with Boeing Recreation requirements.

A member of the Board or designee will converse and counsel with the study group first to determine legitimacy of concern raised about a Bible Study Group before bringing a vote before the Board

A Bible Study group may be removed by a majority vote of the Executive Board for just cause. Just cause may include, but is not limited to, committing actions which are significantly contrary to the best interests of BEBF, teaching doctrines which are contrary to those outlined in the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures, promoting any one denomination or one church, promoting any denomination-specific teaching or church doctrine, or teaching beliefs in addition to those in the Bible.


Section 1 The officers of the BEBF shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Treasurer of the club’s Executive Board must be an active Boeing employee. Eligible candidates for President, Vice President, and Secretary of the executive board may be either an active Boeing employee or a retiree of The Boeing Company.


Section 1 President shall:

a. Preside at all business meetings.

b. Be chairperson of the Executive Board.

c. Call extra business meetings, appoint committees not otherwise provided for, and fill pro-tem vacancies as specified.

d. Perform such other duties as the office may require that are approved by the Governing Board.

e. Perform the duties of the Vice President in their absence.

f. Review the monthly bank statement with the Treasurer.

g. Assure that each Governing Board Meeting is opened with prayer.

h. Serve as primary spokesperson for BEBF and as primary liaison with The Boeing Company and its representatives.

Section 2 Vice President shall:

a. Oversee and coordinate the efforts of all major committees.

b. Perform the duties of the President in their absence.

c. Assist the President in Governing Board Meetings.

d. Perform other duties as may be directed by the President or Governing Board.

Section 3 Secretary shall:

a. Keep minutes of all Executive Board and other business meetings.

b. Maintain an up-to-date roster of members. This is achieved by the maintenance of the BEBF database, which designates who has signed the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures as well as newsletter distribution and list of active Bible Studies.

c. Notify members of all club meetings as specified.

d. Maintain all required documents of the club.

·  Database

·  An archive of all signed Statements of Faith and Voting Members.

·  Newsletters

·  Minutes

·  Required Boeing Recreation documents (e.g., Constitution, Indemnity Form, etc.)

Section 4 Treasurer shall:

Keep an accurate account of all financial transactions of the organization.

Be responsible for all funds of the organization and receive and disburse all money subject to the will of the Executive Board.

Disbursements shall be made by check only. A checking account will be set up. No check will be honored by the bank for payment unless signed by the Treasurer, such signature to be countersigned by the President or one other elected officer of the organization.

Maintain accounts and render monthly financial statements of the organization.

Review the monthly bank statement with the President.

Review the financial records with an officer or club member upon request.

Section 5 The Boeing Company provides Recreation Advisors who will provide administrative support and oversight as required to the Executive Board.


Section 1 The offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be filled by election at the first regular meeting as defined in the club’s operational procedures.

Section 2 Nominations for officers of the organization shall be made by a three-person Nominating Committee appointed by the President at the April meeting.

They shall present a list of nominations to the organization to be voted upon at the first regular meeting in May / June.

No nomination shall be valid without the consent of the nominee.

Section 3 No person is eligible to hold office that is not a dues paying member of the organization. Clarification: Dues are not a BEBF requirement.

Section 4 No member is eligible to hold more than one elective office at a time or be retained in office more than two successive term limits. The length of a term is defined as: 2 years.

Section 5 Only one member of a family or the active Boeing employee or Boeing retiree at a time is eligible to hold the office of President, Vice-President(s), Secretary(ies), or Treasurer. This also applies to appointed voting members of the Executive Board.

Clarification: Recreation’s intent is for only one family member to be voting or making decisions on the Governing board at any time, whether living in the same household or not. It is permissible for more than one family member to vote as part of the general membership.

Section 6 All elections shall be by secret ballot, written proxy, mail ballot, email ballot, or by telecon as described below.


Executive Board Officers will be elected by a two-thirds vote of the BEBF Voting Membership and the Governing Board present at the election meeting or by means of secret ballot, mail ballot, email ballot or via telecon unless other real-time method is unanimously voted at the election meeting by the executive board.

Clarification: Boeing Recreation’s intent is to define Secret Ballot as not publishing votes outside of the club.

If a voting member cannot attend, the following voting options are available: send a proxy ballot via an attendee; email or mail a hard copy ballot to an Officer of the Executive Board to be received the day prior to an Election Meeting; or attend telecon and dictate proxy ballot to secretary during Election Meeting.

Two Voting Members appointed by the President will compile and verify the election results.

In the event of a tie for any office, the existing Executive Board will call for a run-off vote at a subsequent Election Meeting.

The newly-elected Executive Board Officers will assume their duties upon the close of the Election Meeting.


For just cause, any member may petition the Governing Board to remove an officer of the Executive Board, for just cause. Just cause may include, but is not limited to: failure to perform the duties of elected office or committing actions which are significantly contrary to the best interests of BEBF (e.g., habitually teaching doctrines which are contrary to those outlined in the Statement of Faith as ratified in the Operating Procedures, promoting any denomination or one church, promoting any denomination-specific teaching or church doctrine, or teaching beliefs in addition to those in the Bible, or and using Company assets, BEBF assets, or the name of the group to further their personal or business interests).

Notice of such contemplated action shall be sent to the Governing Board and the officer to be removed at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken. The officer to be removed shall be provided an opportunity to speak prior to the vote.

An officer may be removed by a majority vote of the Governing Board membership.

Section 7 Office vacancies of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must be filled within 60 days of vacancy either by appointment by the board or special election.

Section 8 No officer or trustee shall receive any salary or wages by reason of office.


Section 1 There shall be an Executive Board, and two major committees. This combination of Executive Board members and the two committee chairs herein will be referred to as the Governing Board.

Section 2 Executive Board

a. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and all major committee heads shall constitute this Board.

b. The Executive Board shall decide on all expenditures, promotion of activities, appointments of committees and the general government of the organization.

c. The Executive Board shall meet according to the schedule defined in the club’s operating procedures.

No BEBF business shall be concluded at the Governing Board meetings unless a quorum of the Executive Board is present. A voting quorum of the Governing Board requires a majority of the members of the Executive Board. Voting rights shall be extended to all members of the Governing Board present at the board meetings, either physically or by telecon, provided the people voting are not members of the same family.