CIS 3309 Lab Assignment 5 - Chapters 6 – 8

Please read Chapters 6, 7, & 8 and understand the material before beginning Lab 5.

In this lab you will gain experience using all the concepts we learned to this point, which include procedures, input validation, and arrays.

You need to create a program to store a variable number of grades, perform some calculations on the grades, and display the results. Make sure you use input validation, so your program doesn’t crash.


·  You program must handle any number of exam grades entered by the user.

o  These values must be stored in an array.

·  Calculate and display the total number of exams that were entered.

·  Calculate and display the average exam grade.

o  You must use a function to calculate the average using the array.

·  Your program must calculate and display the total number of exams that received A (100 - 90), B (89 - 80), C (79 - 70), D (69 - 60), and F (below 60).

o  You need a function that will use the array to calculate and return all these values. Functions can return more than one result so you cannot use global variables to make this task easier.

·  Calculate and display the percentage breakdown for each grade letter (% of As, % of Bs, % of Cs, % of Ds, % of Fs).

·  Calculate and display the highest and lowest exam grades.

o  You must use a function to find and return the highest exam grade stored in the array.

o  You must use a function to find and return the lowest exam grade stored in the array.

·  Make sure all your results are clearly labeled.

·  You must use the values stored in the array for all calculations.

·  Your program can use a button to initiate the calculations and display results all at once.

o  The program should allow the user to enter more exam grades to the array, click the button, perform calculations, and re-display the results.

o  The user interface design is completely your choice, but make sure to properly label all controls to make it easier for the user to complete a task.

Friday, February 24th (before 11:30pm)


You need to zip the root folder for your solution into a single zip file and submit the assignment in Blackboard. To submit the assignment, you need to click the Assignment’s Title “Lab 5” to view the submission form and upload the file.

Make sure you properly submit your assignment and that it works. Programs that don’t run or don’t contain all the necessary files will not be graded.

Please be sure to save your work periodically as you proceed and also back it up. You may want to store it on your flash drive. If you are going to zip an application in order to store it, BE SURE TO FIRST CLOSE Visual Studio. If you do store information on your flash drive be sure to copy it to a hard drive on your computer before working with the project.