Ibstock Parish Council

Dear Councillor,

As a member of Ibstock Parish Council you are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting.

This meeting will be held

On: Tuesday 3rd April 2018

Commencing at 7.00p.m.

Venue: Battram Access Centre, Battram Road, Battram.


Nicola Land

Acting Parish Clerk


Public Meeting

  1. Local Policing Report

Report from Local Police officers, and opportunity for members to raise any matters directly with the police

  1. Public Session

Members of the Public are invited to raise concerns with the council about matters which the Parish Council have the duty or powers to undertake or assist. The Parish Council cannot get involved in District or County Council matters or matters of a legal nature ie Parking matters, anti social behaviour.

(A maximum of 3 minutes per person will be allowed)

  1. Planning Applications

Councillors are reminded that NWLDC no longer send out paper copies of applications, to view at council meetings. Everything is to be viewed online ready to discuss at the meeting.

18/00402 Land at Victoria Road Ellistown

Erection of building for B2 and/or B8 employment and associated works (amended scheme to Plot 3) (Reserved Matters to Outline Planning Permission ref. 16/00019/OUTM)

18/00413 208/212 Battram Road, Ellistown

Erection of a detached dwelling with associated off-street parking

18/00364 11 Cedar Drive

Amendments & alterations to existing property comprising of a single storey rear extension, two storey side extension, erection of porch, alterations to existing front garden & driveway and amendments to existing pavement fronting the property to lower the existing curbs to allow access onto amended front garden area.

18/00400 66-72 High Street

Proposed erection of a domestic storage building

  1. Comments from District/County Councillors

An opportunity for District Councillor Ricichici, Clarke and Fenning or County Councillor Harrison to highlight any relevant matters.

  1. Updates from any Other Village Organisations.

An opportunity for any other village Organisations to raise matters with the Council.

(Grant applications or requests for support or decisions cannot be dealt with verbally during the public session, Applications must be submitted with all supporting paperwork to the Clerk, to be included on the Council Agenda for consideration)

Closure of Public Participation



Council to receive apologies from Non attendees

2.Declarations of interest

It is Councillors responsibility to declare if they have an interest in any items raised on the agenda or raised during the course of the meeting.

3.Confirmation of Minutes

Councillors to consider the minutes from theMarch Meeting.

4.Members updates from the previous minutes

An opportunity to update any matters that were raised at the last meeting.


Councillors to consider and agree the Monthly Finances

-Monthly BACS Payment Listing

-Bank reconciliation

-Accounts Year to Date



Councillors are requested to log onto NWLDC website and take part in the consultation for the Local Plan

7.Council Matters for Decision


Parish Council are in the process of accepting the Transfer of the closed section of the Churchyard,

Council to consider a quotation for repair of Paget Tomb to make it safe


The Grave digger has requested that the council consider only offering single depth graves in Ibstock Cemetery. This area of cemetery is causing problems for him digging down low enough to get a double grave. Many recent burials have resulted in families been disappointed.

  1. ICE

Council to consider further communication from ICE regarding historical outstanding bill, however to date no further information requested has been received


Council to consider the new PSPO DOG Control order that NWLDC have put in place across the district

8.Parish Councillors comments on items specific to

The Environment

Allotments & Cemetery

Lighting & Footpaths (Crime re night lighting,

Playing Fields & Recreation Grounds




TuesdayMay 1st2018 – 7pm

Battram Access Centre, Battram


Miners Welfare Club

Ibstock United Trespass

Cemetery Grievance