2nd 6-week Study Guide –

Text Structure, Vocabulary & Technical Reading

Part One – Vocabulary AcquisitionCan you answer these questions?

  • What are context clues?
  • How do you explain each type of context clues?
  • What are signal words for the different types of context clues?
  • How do you define each of the word parts?
  • What are examples of each of the word parts?

The questions below are similar in type to the questions you will see on the test. Not only should you know what the word means, but also what type of context clue is being used. In addition, you should understand the prefixes and suffixes in each sample.

1. Katie appeared infallible in math class because she had never gotten a problem wrong. The word infallible in this sentence means

a. mistakenb. incorrectc. never wrongd. wrong

2. Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work. It would be so much simpler if they both liked the same kind of music. A dispute is a ______. a. discussion b. choice of music c. discovery d. disagreement

3. When they heard the good news about the court’s decision, the angry crowd cheered and then began to disperse. “It looks like everyone is going home,” one reporter stated. Which would be the opposite of “disperse”? a. come together b. smile c. scatter d. applaud

4. It’s a wonder to me how anyone can still be undecided about this election. These two candidates are certainly distinct. Each would lead our nation in opposing directions. What does “distinct” mean? a. clearly similar b. dishonest c. clearly different d. insincere

4b. The prefix ‘DIS’ in the above words most likely means: a. to turn b. to change c. apart or away d. across

5. Friendship is a priceless thing. If something is priceless, ______.

5b. What does the suffix in the above sentence do to the root word? ______

6. The news story was based on a letter that was a fabrication. Now the reporter who wrote the story is in big trouble. Will anyone believe him again? A fabrication is ______.
a. made of clothb. full of long wordsc. funnyd. fake 6b. Clue Type: ______

7. John liked to go on expeditions such as ski trips, rock climbing, and mountain climbing.

What type of context clue is used in the sentence? ______

8. We should be careful not to ostracize those who are different from us. It is much better for all if we are welcoming to everyone. The word ostracize in this sentence means:

a. welcomeb. embracec. confined. disregard

8b.What type of context clue is used in the sentence? ______

Part Two – Real World Review

1. This is an example of what type of technical reading?

2. What equals a serving size in this sample? How many calories would 3 servings contain?

3. What does the (g) in 1g mean? What does the (mg) mean in 60 mg?

4. If you need to eat foods rich vitamin A, would this be a good choice? Explain. What about folic acid?

5. I am allergic to wheat. Can I eat this product? Explain.

6. This represents what type of graph?

7. The top line represents ______

8. The bottom line represents ______

9. The average low during the month of May is approx. ______and the average high in the same month is ______.

10. In general, the average high and the average low represent a ______degree difference.

11. The city being studied is:

Part Three – Text Structure Review

1. If you were writing a paper on the five types of fish you are learning about in science, which organization pattern would work best?

a. cause and effectb. chronological orderc. classificationd. compare and contrast

The Macintosh computer that I use at school is dramatically different from the family typewriter that I use at home. First of all, the computer with its word processing program is easy to use. On the screen in front of me, I can see an entire rough draft of a paragraph as I'm working on it. When I'm using the typewriter, in contrast, all that I have to look at is a rough draft that's on a sheet of paper next to the typewriter. I have to keep looking back and forth between that and the draft I'm typing out. Furthermore, the computer is quick. In a moment or two, I can easily delete or add sentences to the paragraph. I can move a sentence from one part of the paragraph to the next, and I can make corrections in spelling or wording with a few key strokes. But with the typewriter, there is no quick way to make a correction, delete a sentence, add a sentence, or move a sentence around. Every time I want to make a change, I have to use an eraser or correction fluid, or I have to type a new draft. Finally the computer offers helpful options. At any point, I can give it a command to check my spelling. I can ask it to count the number of words in my paper. I can change my margins and number the pages. The typewriter, on the other hand, does not offer a single one of these helpful options. With the computer, I feel I'm on the cutting edge of technology; with the typewriter, I feel I'm back in the Stone Age.

2. What text structure doe the above paragraph use to organize the information? ______

3. What clue words will help you determine the organization pattern of the above paragraph?

a. first of all, finallyb. when, everyc. in contrast, on the other hand

(1)During the months from May to September, the Loggerhead turtle comes ashore to nest at night. (2) Initially, the turtle crawls out of the sea to the beach in search of the right place to build a nest for its eggs. (3) Once the location is identified, the turtle digs a hole with its flippers that measures 8" wide and 18" deep. (4) The turtle then covers the nest by throwing sand over the nest with its flippers. (5) The turtle does this to protect the eggs from predators. (6) Next, the turtle lays around 120 eggs the size of ping pong balls. (7) Finally, the turtle makes its way back to the sea, and does not return to attend to the nest.

4. The organizational pattern of this paragraph can best be described as:

a. compare/contrastb. cause/effectc. chronological orderd. classification

5. Which transitional word would most likely be used to show a comparison?

a. meanwhileb. bothc. due tod. unlike

6. Which transitional word would most likely be used to show a cause and effect relationship?

a. furthermoreb. likewisec. as a resultd. however

7. Which transitional word would most likely be found in a sequence paragraph?

a. finallyb. likewisec. consequentlyd. in conclusion

(1) The life of the racing greyhound can be a difficult one. (2) Valued only for their speed, many greyhounds are treated inhumanely. (3) Awareness of this inhumane treatment has grown and more efforts have been made to rescue greyhounds. (4) Adoption groups around the country collect thousands of dogs from racetracks and place them in homes as pets. (5) However, finding suitable homes for greyhounds can be difficult.

(6) One reason for the homelessness of so many greyhounds is that they are not a common or popular breed. (7) According to Jack Thomason from Michigan Greyhound Adoption, many people do not think to adopt a greyhound. (8) “People rarely see greyhounds walking around their neighborhoods or parks, so when people want to get a dog, they do not think to get a greyhound. (9) Greyhound are an uncommon pet breed because until recently, greyhounds largely belonged to the racing industry,” explains Thomason.

(10) Greyhounds can require more care than other dog breeds. (11) This is in part because of the lack of socialization they receive at the track (Burns 12). (12) When a greyhound enters its first home, so much is new and frightening. (13) The stress of being in a new environment can lead to behavior problems. (14) People who adopt a greyhound must be patient and help the dog adjust to its new surroundings. (15) Many people consider the process of adjustment too much work.

(16) People assume that greyhounds need a great deal of exercise or require a large yard because of their size and speed. (17) This is not true. 18 In fact, greyhounds can be very lazy and spend most of their day sleeping (Burns 14).

8. Which transitional word should be used between sentences 9 and 10 to connect ideas?


9. Which type of organization is used in this selection?

a.chronological orderb.cause-and-effect

c.order of importanced.compare-and-contrast

Depending on the railway car you were riding in, traveling by train in the late 1800s could be a grand experience or an awful one. If you were in a Pullman train car, you could expect considerable luxury and a great deal of service. A Pullman car boasted leather seats, lamps with silk shades, chandeliers, and gourmet food. Being an upscale car, only the wealthy could afford such a ride. Unlike the very wealthy, most passengers were provided a different experience traveling on a long train. This train ride was often a cheerless journey, due to hard seats, terrible food, and bad smells.

10. What kind of organization did the author use for this passage?

a.problem and solutionb.compare and contrast

c.chronologicald.cause and effect

11. Which transition/clue word best helped you determine the text structure of the above paragraph?

a. due tob. beingc. railwayd. unlike

No one knows exactly when the first library was founded. People began writing down information and ideas thousands of years ago. The earliest records were kept on clay tablets and scrolls of papyrus, a primitive form of paper. Almost 2,000 years ago, the rulers of ancient Egypt borrowed papyrus scrolls from distant lands and made copies of them. The establishment of the Alexandrian Library made Alexandria, Egypt, a great center of culture and learning.

The oldest library in the United States was started at Harvard University in 1638. A century later, Benjamin Franklin founded the first subscription library in the country. For a small fee, subscribers could borrow books in exchange for their solemn pledge to return the books to the library. The first tax-supported free libraries in the United States appeared in the early 1800s. Today, public libraries can be found in almost every community in the nation.

13. Which of these is the best main idea statement for this selection?

a.Ancient libraries contained scrolls.b.Benjamin Franklin started the first American library.

c.Libraries have a long history.d.The United States has many libraries.

14. What type of organization does this selection use?



Different parts of the brain do different things. The medulla controls certain muscles and glands. Its job includes digesting food and keeping your heart pumping. The cerebellum is responsible for movement and balance. This area of the brain keeps you running and dancing. The cerebrum is the section of the brain that controls thinking, learning and remembering. Your senses also come from here. Nerve cells act as a pathway between your brain and the rest of your body. Every piece counts in your amazing brain.

15. How is the above paragraph organized?

a. most to least importantb. chronologicalc. classification d. cause and effect