Name: Aaron Hartke, Kenny Whitlock Date:12/13/13 Per: 3

Interest Group Project ~ AP US Government & Politics ~ Mr. Tumino

Complete a grid for your interest group.

Name of Interest Group:
American Jewish Conference
Mailing address
165 East 56th Street
New York, NY 10022 / Website address / Phone number to contact
Summarize the group’s purpose
-The American Jewish Conferences purpose was to unify American Jewry for the purpose of planning their postwar policy.
/ In what ways does the group try to influence the policy process? (Money, Grassroots and/or Litigation) / How is the group funded?
-The American Jewish Conference is funded by Pew Charitable Trusts, and other faith groups representing Baptists, Evangelicals, Catholics and Muslims.
What is the major piece of legislation that concerns the group?
-Major concerns for the group include the rescuing of Jews during WW2, Postwar matters, and the Jewish right to Palestine. / How closely aligned is the group aligned with one particular party/ideology?
-Although the actual group isn’t affiliated with any particular view, the American-Jewish Population tend to vote on the Democratic side. / What were the contributions to and from this group in recent years?
-The AJC has been funding multiple candidates including Barrack Obama and lobbying many important issues for their group.
Names/politicians associated with this group
-The following names have all received money from AJC. Brad Schneider, Barrack Obama, Ben Nelson, and many more. / Give one or two important contributions (judicial, legislative, etc.) from this group.
-At the founding conference of the UN, AJC leaders successfully pressed to ensure that the UN charter included international human rights guarantees.
Spend time on reading through your interest group’s financial records. What important information did you learn?
-Formed into American Jewish Committee. Top issues lobbied are civil rights and liberties, foreign relations, Immigration, and religion. They have given money to specifically democrats including President Barrack Obama during the election.