Name Counsellor

Parents – please ensure that names are on all articles, clothes, towels, etc.

This checklist should be signed by a parent.


The MIND of Christ



Bible – that you can mark/colour in(readings quiz based on KJV)

Hymn Book, pencil & notebook

3-ring binder for home work and 8-1/2 x 11 sheets


Cup, plate, bowl, utensils (knife, fork, spoon)

Sport bottle

Food substitutes (if you are unable to eat from camp menu)




Wash cloth, large towel, soap & shampoo

Toothbrush & toothpaste

Insect repellent with DEET

Flashlight & extra batteries (optional)

Warm sleeping bag & air mattress



7 days worth

Classes & evening program attire

  • Girls – dresses or skirts, see pg 20, #6
  • Boys – long pants, see pg 20, #6

Clothing for sports (shorts & t-shirts, pants & sweaters. Boys should wear shirts at all times except at the beach. See pg 20, #6)

Modest bathing suit and towel (girls 2 pc not allowed)

Rainy weather clothes (boots, raincoat, etc)

Cold weather clothes (nights can be quite cold)

Running shoes

Laundry bag

  • You must NOT bring cell phones, MP3 players, iPODs, tablets, knives, axes, matches, lighters, fireworks, tobacco products or any drugs for non-medical use. We also ask that you put away all non-Bible based literature books, comics or magazines until the end of camp. You will have an opportunity to give any banned items to your counsellor when you arrive on the Saturday. These will be returned to you at the close of camp. Possession of such objects beyond the start of camp will be dealt with by the disciplinary committee.
  • Counsellors make tent arrangements (boys not allowed in girls’ tents & vice/versa)
  • Medical Consent and Allergy Management forms must be submitted in advance.
  • Maybe you could bring some cookies, chips, etc for your camp group & counsellor.

Date Parent’s Signature