In the situation provided by the article 4, letter 1 from the order 258/2007 of the Ministry of Education and Research, the activity of internship is the subject of an agreement between the university and the institution that receives the student. If possible, the students can be hired for the period of internship. (Art 21, from the order 258/2007 of the Ministry of Education and Research).

The present agreement regulates the relationsbetween:

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering in Modern Languages(named in this agreement internship organizer), represented by Dean Adrian VOLCEANOV PhD Professor,University Address 313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania,

the Company/legal person ...... (named in this agreement internship partner)represented by (name and function)...... ,the address of the internship partner: ...... , address where the internshipwill take place (if different from the previous)...... phone...... , fax ...... , email/ website: ...... ,


the Student/trainee ……………………………………………….. (named trainee) ,address...... phone ...... , e-mail ...... , who is preparing his/herdiploma in University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering in Modern Languages during the academic year 2016-2017 as student in the 3rd year of bachelor studies, domain: ………………………………………… , student group: ……………… , linguistic section: ………………………………..

Article 1 Length and theme of internship

(1)The convention frame establishes the rules of the organization and development of the internship with the aim of consolidating the theoretical knowledge and practicing the skills corresponding to the area of expertise of the trainee.

(2)The internship is made by the trainee with the final goal of gaining the professional competences mentioned in the convention frame.

(3)The course and the content of the internship are described in this convention frame.

(4)The internship will last 360 hours (12 weeks).

(5)The period of internship is 19 June – 08 September 2017 (360 hours during this period).

The main objective of the training period is for the student to be able to put into practice the theoretical knowledgeacquired at university and to be confronted with the working world.

Article 2 : Status of student and faculty involvement

During the training period in the company/institution, the trainee maintains his status as a student of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.

The trainee is required to respect a professional code of conduct so as not to cause any prejudice to the hostinstitution.

During the training period, the student/trainee must conform to the rules of the institution, inparticular with regard to hours, safety regulations and a medical check-up.

The student is bound by professional confidentiality.

In case of non-observance of the rules, the director of the training period must inform his counterpart at the universityand they will, in mutual agreement, decide on the appropriate steps to be taken.

Any absence as well as any interruption of the contract by either party must be justified.

Article 3 : Social security cover, industrial accidents, civil liability

The student continues to be covered by the Social Security insurance contracted for the current academic year asconcerns health insurance, maternity and family benefits.

The student is covered by the legislation on industrial accident.

The head of the company/institution must also subscribe to civil liability insurance.

Article 4 : Pay and benefits:

According to the current legal context and specific professional branch agreements, the student will not receive a payment for this internshipunless the internship partner wants to do it.

Perks could be provided by the internship partner(luncheon vouchers, accommodation, travel expenses, training…), but it is not mandatory.

Article 5 : The obligations of the internship partner

If the internship is not consistent with the commitments made by the company in this convention frame, the dean can terminate the internship according to this conventionafter the prior notice of the tutor and after the acknowledgment of receipt.

As part of his own responsibilities, the employer shall take the necessary measures for the protection and the health of his employees and for the communication of the rules of prevention of professional risks.

The internship partnerhas to make sure that the workplace is organized in the idea of guaranteeing the safety and the health of employees.

The internship partnerhas the obligation to provide free access for the employees to the medical department of occupational medicine.

The internship partnerhas to inform the employee about all the internal rules that were written by consulting the syndicate or the representatives of the staff.

The internship partnerdesignates a tutor responsible for the trainee protection and development in the internship.

Article 6 : The obligations of the internship organizer

The internship organizer designates a supervisingprofessor, responsible for the planning,the organization and the control of the internshipprogress. The supervisingprofessor and the tutor establish the plan of the internship and the professional competences that are the goal of the internship.

If the development of the internship is not in conformity with the commitment made by the partners of internship in this convention, the dean (the internship organizer) can decide the interruption of the internship according to this convention frame, after the prior notice of the tutor and after the acknowledgment of receipt.

After a successful development of internship, the dean will give the student the number of credits specified in this contract, which will be registered in the Supplement of diploma, according to the Europass regulations.

Article 7 : Internship abroad

When the internship takes place abroad, the rules on social security cover and industrial accidents apply asmentioned in article 3. The trainee must however request a notification from the social security that his benefits and cover aremaintained during his stay abroad.

Article 8 :Tutor and supervising professor

Name of the tutor: designated by the internship partner:…………………………………… , function ………………………………. , tel. …………………………………., e-mail …………………………………………..

Name of the supervising professor designated by the internship organizer:…………………………………...... , function ………………………………. , tel. …………………………………., e-mail …………………………………………..

Article 9 :Themes of the internship with objectives and expected results

The weekly activities that are to be followed by the trainee, according to his specialization in UPB:












Article 10 : Evaluation and end of the training period

The tutor will provide the trainee with a certificate indicatingthe nature and length of internship and an evaluation of the work accomplished.

The number of transferable credits that will be obtained after the internship is 6 (six).

The student must provide an internship report.

The UPBsupervisor may invite the tutor to the internship report presentation.

The trainee stops being an intern at the date mentioned on this convention.

(1)At the end of the internship, the tutor elaborates a report, based on the evaluation of the acquisition level ofcompetences by the trainee.The evaluation result will be the basis of rating made by the supervising professor.

(2) Regularly and at the end of the internship the student will present an internship report that will contain:

  • The name of the activity;
  • The skills that he gained;
  • The activities that he had during the internship;
  • Personal observations regarding the activity made.

Signed at: ………………………………………. Date :

Read and approved

Dean of the internship organizer / The representative of the internship partner / Trainee/student
Name / Adrian VOLCEANOV,
PhD professor

Read and approved

Supervisingprofessor / Tutor