10/21/2018, 9:29:34 AM


(Lesson Plans)

Semester 1, 2016-2017 school year

Daniel R. Barnes


(Spend periods A, B, C w/schedule distributees until lunch)

Passing Period: Collect schedules in wire basket @ door [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: none [][][][][]

WUP: Take reading notes in 1.1 [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Stamp: none [][][][][]

Go over wup: [first day ppt] [][][][][]

General announcements:

[first day ppt][][][][][]

Walk through first day power point [][][][][]

Thursday 8/18/2016: First normal day of classes

Passing Period: sign in new kids [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 1.1 notes, sxn assmt; 1.2 notes, sxn assmt [][][][][] (explain slide)

WUP: Continue 1.1, 1.2 bookwork [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Stamp: none [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

I have pink schedule change forms [][][][][]

Bathroom visits: one at a time, never during 1st/last 10 min/sign up on clipboard [][][][][]

Tomorrow, tonight’s hw will be stamped. [][][][][]

Stamps are only for work shown ON TIME (or late w/documented excuse) [][][][][]

Tour hhscougars.org [][][][][]

Demo student vault re: section assessment answers [][][][][]

Remember: You are expected to self-correct all your bookwork. [][][][][]

Use the media center computers if you need to [][][][][]; share answers [][][][][]

Remember the password: teach a man to fish . . . [][][][][]

Happy faces / corrections, preferably in a diff color, are required [][][][][]

Think-pair-share: First Day power point: bouncing ball animation: what do you notice? [][][][][]

Scientific Method power point

1 up to 1st swbat only . . .

3 up to biology slide . . .

4 up to 2nd swbat . . .

5 ALMOST started . . .

6 just put up the 2nd swbat . . .

Friday 8/19/2016: STAFF PICTURE/NORTH ITALIA! (pkng lot @ 3:45 pm)

Passing Period: early stamps (non-bonus) 1.1 notes, sxn assmt, 1.2 notes, sxn assmt[][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 1.3 reading notes[][][][][]

WUP: How have chemists helped tomato farmers fight pinworms? [][][][][]

WHENVER you’re done w/Wup early, do hw! [][][][][]

Pass seating chart around p6 xxxx[]

Roll: [][][][][]

IEP conferences, if any [][][][][]

Stamp: 1.1 notes, sxn assmt, 1.2 notes, sxn assmt [][][][][]

I will stamp today’s hw tomorrow as well, just this once. [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

Correct/complete your wup as we go over it, every day! [][][][][]

General announcements:
per 6 only: put up chairs when bell rings @ 2:58. Let’s practice! Xxxx[]

No food, no drinks, no gum. Only and and water. [][][][][]

Did somebody forget their glasses? [][][][][]

Textbook shortage? . . . NO, says Hilda. 25 left. Other sites can donate. [][][][][]

Did anyone successfully log in to the online textbook last night? []What are the steps? []

I HAVE THE STEPS for online textbook log-in! It’s on my home page x[][][][]

Demonstrate homework e-mail feed subscription [][][][][]

Scientific Method power point

1 up to 1st swbat only  started “problem”

3 up to biology slide  baby lets go of mickey balloon (experiment slide)

4 up to 2nd swbat  baby drops things all over the house (experiment slide)

5 startfinished golden calf slide

6 just put up the 2nd swbat  just started hypothesis slide

Monday 8/22/2016 COLLAB SHORT PERIODS:

Passing Period: Please pick up timeline! [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 1.3 section assessment [][][][][]

WUP: If you feed different foods to different rats to see how they affect body weight, what do you call the kind of food and what do you call the resulting body weight? [][][][][]

* Pass blank seating charts around (except p6) [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Stamp: 1.1 notes/sxn assmt; 1.2 notes/sxn assmt; 1.3 reading notes only [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

P1: I have textbook log-in pdf on my home page []xxxxx

Molly Nellman has some troubleshooting suggestions for online textbooks (email) [][][][][]

Pink timeline handout (get one if not already) is approximate – subject to D [][][][][]

Scientific Method power point

1 started “problem”  started “experiment” – need baby dropping things story

3 baby lets go of mickey balloon (experiment slide)  Einstein says space bends (Ein/Newt slide)

4 baby drops things all over the house (experiment slide)  ½ tps share creatine & rats

5 finished golden calf slide checkerboard cylinder illusion done ;) …

6 just started hypothesis slide  hypothesis must be testable (all dogs go to heaven example)

Tuesday 8/23/2016: DOYERS!

Passing Period: early stamps 1.3 section assessment[][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: Study 1.1, 1.2, esp 1.3 for quiz I intend to give tomorrow[][][][][]

WUP: How did Antoine Lavoisier die? Why? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Check absent-Fridays & Absent-Mondays for presence on seating chart [][][][][]

Stamp: 1.3 section assessment [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

No book yet? I’m in here lunch & after school for quiet work/testing [][][][][]

Textbook lady says extra chem books en route eta: after school x[][][][]

Anyone lose these glasses? [][][][][]

Scientific Method power point

1 started “experiment” – need baby dropping things story beginning solar eclipse

3 Einstein says space bends (Ein/Newt slide) publishing, worldwide replication of procedure

4 ½ tps share creatine & ratstheory & law both well supported (flowchart)

5 checkerboard cylinder illusion done ;) … talking about teflon

6 hypothesis must be testable (all dogs go to heaven example) done w/trump #16 slide

Wednesday 8/24/2016:

Passing Period: nothing to stamp [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: gather ch 1 bw, lect notes for packet[][][][][]

WUP: What makes a hypothesis a good hypothesis? [][][][][]

* Set timer for tf – 35 min [][][][][] (BEFORE roll!)

Roll: [][][][][]

Stamp: none (test today)[][][][][]

Go over wup: QUICKLY! [][][][][]

General announcements:

Go through testing slide in HUD [][][][][]

Take out a piece of paper when the test begins, but don’t write on it unless you finish early [][][][][]

This will be your scratch paper; no math, so just screen questions and mag xcr [][][][][]

Set timer for tf – 35 min [][][][][]

Ok, now, until the buzzer rings . . . Scientific Method Power Point slide #39  time runs out [][][][][]


Ch 01 test:

Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets [][][][][]

Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test,

not even to look at the time. [][][][][]

Get out two writing utensils and at LEAST one piece of paper as scr [][][][][]

No going into backpacks for any reason at any time during tests in here [][][][][]

Answer doc title = “Chem 01” [][][][][]

scr title = “SCR 01” [][][][][]

Do NOT write on question packet - write on scr instead [][][][][]

Security sweep [][][][][]test #/form#/id# sweep [][][][][]

Screen questions on screen [][][][][] Go over priority list [][][][][]

Timer = tf – 2 min [][][][][]

@ buzzer “guess” [][][][][] three neat stacks on table tip [][][][][]

Make digital seating charts in corel draw [][][][][]

Thursday 8/25/2016:

Passing Period: nothing, really [.][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [.][][][][].

HW: Get parent to sign safety contract [.][][][][]

WUP: What is the most important lab safety rule?[.][][][][]

Roll: [.][][][][]

Stamp: nothing – ch 01 packet is due today, instead [.][][][][]

Go over wup. [.][][][][]

General announcements:

Remember, packet is c. 5% of grade; Tests are 70% [.][][][][]

WUps not turned in until end of 5th week [.][][][][]

Due to braindrool on my part, per 1 didn’t get enough time  they finish today

 mc part of test isn’t graded  probs tomorrow [x][][][][]

Scratch paper takes me forever to grade. Typically one or two weeks. [x][][][][]

Period 1 gets 30 more minutes on the test. Yesterday was a HOT MESS! [.][][][][]

Check id# & form# period 1 as they continue the test [.][][][][]

Turn in packet (display HUD slide) [.][][][][]

“May take a week to grade & hand back. We’ll see” [x][][][][]

Pass computer-printed seating chart around.

Okay? Put a check mark. [.][][][][]

Problem? Circle your name and make corrections [.][][][][]


If you don’t have safety contract already, get one now! [.][][][][]

Anyone need espanol version? [.][][][][] Be careful of color blind question [.][][][][]

Display and discuss safety contract instructions slide in HUD [.][][][][]

Distribute Safety Quiz [NO!][][][][]

Display and discuss safety quiz instructions slide in HUD [NO!][][][][]

Allow kids 15 minutes to work on quiz [no][][][][]

What are you going to do as we go over this safety quiz? [no][][][][]

Discuss quiz [no][][][][]

Use Safety ppt & ask kids to make a “Safety Lecture Notes” sheet [][][][][]

When you get to room layout slide, have kids copy diagram into notes [][][][][]

Friday 8/26/2016: B-DAY #50

Passing Period: nada [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: get safety contract signed if not already so [][][][][]

WUP: How do you clean up broken glass? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Stamp: none [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

Signed safety contracts may be put in in basket as early as today

Or as late as next Friday [][][][][]

Recycling containers: cans and bottles only (CBI collects them) [][][][][]

Pass out mc 01 answer docs [][][][][]

Mc 01: x+8/33 normal; x+5/33 honors [][][][][] explain offset [][][][][]

“Get out phone and calculate % for redfraction & black fraction.

Which do you like better? [][][][][]

Explain re-take policy: use ppt slide from hud [][][][][]

Re-collect mc 01 answer docs [][][][][]

Period 1 needs safety quiz. . . . DO NOT WRITE until instructions []xxxx; Pass out quiz []xxxx;

instructions slide from yest HUD on screen []xxxx; discuss instructions []xxxx

Continue discussing safety quiz: What do you write with? [][][][][]; What if you’re wrong? [][][][][];

Monday 8/29/2016: COLLAB

Passing Period: Pass back pack 01, remediate safe con needing amendments[][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.1 reading notes [][][][][]

WUP: How is mercury different from other metals? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Live body count [][][][][]

Stamp: none [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

Soon, I want to spend a half hour or so with you guys soon going over the ch 1 test [][][][][]

Maybe when I pass back the scr . . . soon! [][][][][]

Pack 01 grading discussion. X hud slide [][][][][]

What are you supposed to be doing as we go over the safety quiz? [][][][][]

[Make sure everyone has the quiz out and is ready to modify/fill in answers during discussion][][][][][]

Continue going over safety quiz [][][][][]

Finished early? (probably not, but . . . ) Room layout x safety ppt [][][][][]

Tuesday 8/30/16:

Passing Period: early stamp 2.1 reading notes; remediate faulty safety contracts; pass back mail[][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.1 section assessment [][][][][]

WUP: Give an example of an extensive property and an intensive property of a balloon. [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Finish passing back mail [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.1 reading notes [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

SCR 01 is x+13/21 normal, x+11/21 honors. Top score = 15 = c. 130% norm, 120% hon [][][][][]

Any questions about red marks? [][][][][] (Build hud slide based on questions?)

Finish Safety Quiz [][][][][]

Collect quizzes when done going over them [][][][][]

Remaining time: phc 01 only quiz show on screen [][][][][]

P1: 4 q’s (only one 1.3 q!)

P3: not many q’s

P4: 6 q’s

P6: 2 q

Wednesday 8/31/2016:

Passing Period: pass out papers (remediate faulty lab docs) [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.2 reading notes [][][][][]

WUP: What are the three common states of matter? Is there a fourth? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Finish passing out papers [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.1 section assessment [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

I have to get a TB test, so I’m out of here at 3 pm, re-takers [][][][][]

Grease fire YouTube x link on HUD slide [][][][][]

Tests will be weightedly cumulative (2/3 new, 1/3 old) [][][][][]

Please take out scr 01/self-standing quiz show notes & write stuff [][][][][]

Scientific Method Quiz Show (10 q’s) [][][][][]

Mystery of Matter, episode one (incl Priestly and Lavoisier)

Take out a blank piece of paper, title = “Mystery of Matter, Episode One” [][][][][]

Take notes, of course – write most important facts, not just everything you hear [][][][][]

[Teacher, work on safety quizzes and contracts] [][][][][]

1 start  7:30 min in (Joseph Priestly has invented carbonated water)

3 start  8:18 min in (Magellan something or other)

4 start  5:19 min in (intro Priestly, inspired forager, acid-dropper)

5 start  DIDN’T EVEN START!

6 start  DIDN’T EVEN START!

Thursday 9/1/2016:

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.2 practice problems (show kids where they are & where answers are) [][][][][]

WUP: Name two methods that can be used to separate substances that are mixed together. [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.2 reading notes [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

Here til 4 pm today, gone @ 3 pm tomorrow [][][][][]

Center desks are available to sit in whenever you need to see the board/screen better [][][][][]

Except during roll call [][][][][]

Continue watching Mystery of Matter, episode 1

[insert here starting points for each period]

1 7:30 min  44:24 min

2 8:18 min  43:37 min

4 5:19 min  ?? min (oops)

5 start  just started humphry davy

6 start  30 min in (what other elements could be hiding in the ores & calxes of the world)

Friday 9/2/2016:

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.2 section assessment [][][][][]

WUP: What would you do to separate a mixture of chalk dust and small rocks? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.2 practice Problems (#9 & #10) [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

I have to leave at 3 pm today, so no after-school stuff [][][][][]

Today is the hard deadline for the safety documents. Penalties now are possible for lateness [][][][][]

Q#17 from tonight’s homework is the basis of the lab I WANTED to work on last night . . . [][][][][]

Period 4 only: LEAPS lesson xx[]xx

We do ACHIEVEMENT in science classes

Mystery of Matter: Episode I worksheet to kids [][][][][]

To the periods that saw it: I don’t want you to think I’m advocating

Experimental or recreational use of nitrous oxide. Lack of oxygen kills brain [][][][][]

Dive straight into it. NO point wasting time. Humphry Davy segment not needed. [][][][][]

Tuesday 9/6/2016 (no school yesterday due to Labor Day):

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs, pass back mail[][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.3 reading notes, prpr [][][][][]

WUP: You put sugar, motor oil, and water in a bottle. You shake it and let it sit for an hour. What is in the bottle? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.2 section assessment [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

If you transferred into this class from another class or otherwise entered late in the semester,

You have zeros until you either make up the work/tests or get transfer credit [][][][][]

Check powerschool, and see me during lunch/after school if you have zeros! [][][][][]

Harass lab document delinquents [][][][][]

Continue going over mystery of matter (priestley/Lavoisier) worksheet [][][][][]

Extra time? Triple Beam balance power point [][][][][]


Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.3 section assessment [][][][][]

WUP: What element is “Hg” the symbol for? How could it be the symbol for that element? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Pass out remaining mail [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.3 reading notes, practice problems (#’s 18, 19) [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

BTSN tonight. NOT a conference night. General info only. I don’t give xcr. [][][][][]

Hang on to the video worksheet. Will be part of next packet. No more time for it. [][][][][]

Harass lab docs [][][][][]

Triple beam balance ppt – TAKE NOTES! [][][][][]

1: just began to show zeroing process

3: 2 practice reads from conscripts

4: notches on the rails

5: reading the little slider up close

6: finished slide # 12 (close up on little mass)

Extra time? Elements quiz. Study w/partner (names/symbols) [][][][][] ppt quiz [][][][][]

Thursday 9/8/2016:

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs, pass out mail [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.4 reading notes [][][][][]

WUP: Is ocean water an element, a compound, or a mixture? Why? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Deliver remaining mail [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.3 section assmt (#’s 20-27) [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

How many of you don’t have access to the textbook?

(“online counts – if it works, of course” make sure kids know this) [][][][][]

Graph paper needed for this class. Get a pad. 1sttime is coming up fast . . . [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Continue Triple beam balance ppt – TAKE NOTES! [][][][][]

1: just began to show zeroing process several final practice reads

3: 2 practice reads from conscripts many person A’s have massed a wallet/phone

4: notches on the rails done w/tips & rules slide

5: reading the little slider up close  ½ tbb tips slide – ½ revealed

6: finished slide # 12 (close up on little mass)  done reading three-slider results on screen

Extra time: elements quiz ppt

Friday 9/9/2016:

Passing Period: “Show me hw in planner for cpp” (resp new square/resp unsat/oral unsat) [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: 2.4 section assessment [][][][][]

WUP: A 100-gram lump of charcoal burns, leaving behind a 13-gram pile of ashes. Does this violate the law of conservation of matter? [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Deliver remaining mail [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.4 reading notes [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

Hope you’re writing good stuff as we go over the warm-up [][][][][]

Did you notice the xcr opportunity on the HUD slide this morning? PLANNERS! [][][][][]

Ch 2 test probably Tuesday (2 days late!) [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Pass out CST Reference Sheet [][][][][] “You can take notes on your pink copy, but . . .” [][][][][]

“. . . you use an unmarked white copy during tests.” [][][][][]

TPS, 2 min: Is salt an element, a compound, or a mixture? (use slide in e/c/m ppt) [][][][][]

Continue with e/c/m id slides [][][][][]

1:  pretty deep in (bronze, I’m pretty sure)

3:  is n2o an e/c/m?

4:  n2o slide just begun (still think it’s air!)

5:  just identified h2 as an element

6:  air is a mixture

Continue w/tbb ppt

1: several final practice reads

3: many person A’s have massed a wallet/phone

4: done w/tips & rules slide

5: ½ tbb tips slide – ½ revealed

6: done reading three-slider results on screen

Extra time? Element symbol/name id quiz [][][][][]


Passing Period: planner hw xcr [][][][][]

Circulate Flyers [][][][][]

HW: Study for ch 2 test. Will be 2/3 ch2, 1/3 ch 1 [][][][][]

WUP: [][][][][]

Roll: [][][][][]

Deliver remaining mail [][][][][]

Stamp: 2.4 section assessment [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements:

It’s going to be slow, but I’m trying to convert all my ppts to 97-2003 format

To increase mobile device browsability [][][][][]

email me if you need one converted from pptx to ppt [][][][][]

5-week progress report grades are due 3 pm Thurs. I’ll turn mine in Wed night. [][][][][]

Look @ powerschool and fix anything broken before going home Wed. [][][][][]

Especially if you’re a late entry student [][][][][] (Makeups/transfer credit!) [][][][][]

Harass lab docs [][][][][]

Finish e/c/m ppt [][][][][]

1: pretty deep in (bronze, I’m pretty sure)  done