
A two day course entitled

Neuromuscular Disease – Managing Respiratory Complications.

School of Health and Rehabilitation, Keele University.

Saturday 26th March and Sunday 27th March 2011

Study Day Program

Cost - £190

Organized by

Caroline Brown, Principle Physiotherapist in Medicine, University Hospital of North Staffordshire.

Sharon Blumenthal, Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Helen Humphreys, Lecturer in Physiotherapy, Keele University.


With the exception of the practical sessions all lectures will take place in Lecture Theatre 1 (Ground Floor)

Time / Topic / Speaker
8.30am – 9.00am / Registration and Coffee – Practical Rm. 2
9.00am – 9.15am / Welcome and Introduction / Helen Humphreys
Caroline Brown
9.15am – 10.15am / Respiratory Complications of Neuromuscular Disease. / Dr. Naveed Mustfa
10.15am-11.00am / Palliative Management in NMD / Dr. Naveed Mustfa
11.30am / COFFEE BREAK – Practical Rm. 2
11.30am – 12.15pm / The Physiotherapy Management of NMD – The ACRPC / BTS Guidelines (2009) / Sharron Blumenthal
12.15pm-1.00pm / Maximum Inflation Capacity (LVR) and Breath Stacking / Jayne Anderson
1.00pm -1.45pm / LUNCH BREAK and Trade Stands Practical Rm. 2
1.45pm -
3.00pm / Glossopharyngeal Breathing (GPB) / Barbara Webber
3.00pm – 3.30pm / Afternoon Tea - Practical Rm. 2
3.30pm -4.15pm / Mechanical Insufflation – Ex-Sufflation (Cough Assist) / Michelle Chatwin
4.30pm / Questions from Day One / All


9.00am – 10.15am / Assisted Coughing / Ruth Kent
(Barbara Webber)
Lecture Theatre 2 / MIC/LVR,
Breath Stacking
(Jayne Anderson)
Practical Rm. 4 / MI-E & Assisted Coughing
(Michelle Chatwin)
Practical Rm.1 / Assisted Coughing
(Ruth Kent)
Practical Rm. 3
10.15am -
11.15am / Group B / Group A / Group D / Group C
11.15am-11.45am / Coffee - Practical Rm. 2
12.45pm / Group A / Group B / Group C / Group D
12.45pm –
1.30pm / Lunch - Practical Rm. 2
1.30pm –
2.30pm / Group D / Group C / Group B / Group A
2.30pm -3.30pm / Group C / Group D / Group A / Group B
3.30pm-4.00pm / Questions and Answers and Reflection and Evaluation / ALL

*Please bring in a pocket mirror for the GPB practical session and a small (pen) torch.