Discover Biology, 5th Edition, Anu Singh-CundyMichaeol Cain, WW Norton & Co., © 2012
Chapter 2, Biological Diversity, Bacteria, and Archaea, pp 25-46. Vocabulary
1 aerobes; 2 anaerobe; 3 antibiotics; 4 Archaea; 5 autotrophs; 6 Bacteria;7bacterial conjugation;
8bacterial culture;9binary fission; 10biodiversity; 11bioremediation; 12 chemoautotroph;
13 chemoheterotroph; 14 clade; 15 class; 16 decomposer; 17 domain; 18 endotoxin; 19 Eukarya;
20 eukaryote; 21 evolutionary tree; 22 exotoxin; 23 extremophile;etc….
1. organisms requiring oxygen gas to survive
2. type of organism that cannot live in an oxygen environment
3. molecules secreted by 1 organism to kill/impair growth of other organisms
4. domain containing single-celled organisms known for living in extremely harsh conditions
5. producers; organisms that make organic molecules themselves
6. domain containing single-celled organisms typically associated with diseases
7. process in which a bacterium may actively trade DNA with another bacterium
8. lab dish containing bacteria growing in specially formulated food
9. form of asexual reproduction in which 1 single organisms produces its own offspring
10. term encompassing all life & their interactions with each other & their environment
11. use of organisms to clean up environmental pollution
12. organisms that use CO2 & energy from chemicals in their environment to make their food
13. organisms that obtain energy & carbon from organic molecules
14. a branch on the evolutionary tree composed of a given ancestor and all its descendants
15. group of closely related orders
16. consumers that extract nutrients from the remains of dead organisms
17. the broadest classification grouping of living organisms
18. component of bacterial wall that triggers illness in human beings
19. domain including all organisms whose cells have membrane-bound organelles; Plants, Animals,
Fungi, & Protists
20. common reference to members of the Eukarya domain
21. branching diagram modeling evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms according to
DNA homology, physical features, &/ or biochemical characteristics
22. a poison that an organism releases into its surrounding
23. Archaeans that thrive in boiling-hot geysers, highly acidic or salinewaters , freezing-cold seas,
volcanic vents, etc…
continued...24 family; 25 fermentation; 26 flagellum; 27 genus; 28 heterotroph; 29 inorganic molecule; 30 kingdom; 31 lateral gene transfer; 32 lineage; 33 Linnaean hierarchy; 34 methanogen; 35 most recent common ancestor; 36 nitrogen fixation; 37 node; 38 nucleus; 39 nutrient recycling; 40 order; 41 organic molecule; 42 pathogen; 43 photoautotroph; 44 photoheterotroph; 45 phylum; 46 pili; 47 plasmid; etc…
24. a group of closely related genera
25. type of metabolism aerobes use in an oxygen-low environment
26. one or more long, whiplike structures for locomotion in bacteria
27. a group of closely related species
28. consumers; organisms depending on other organisms for food
29. molecules that have no more than 1 carbon atom
30. the 2nd-highest level in hierarchical classification
31. transfer of genetic material between different species under natural conditions
32. lines of descent from a common ancestor
33. system of biological classification devised by Carolus Linnaeus
34. Archaeans producing methane gas as a by-product of their metabolism
35. the most immediate ancestor that both lineages have in common
36. process in which bacteria transform N2 (g) into ammonia for plants
37. moment in time when an ancestral group split into 2 separate lineages
38. organelle housing organism’s DNA
39. process by which decomposers return biological materials from waste/ death to the environment
40. a group of closely related families
41. carbon-containing molecules of biological origin
42. organisms that cause disease in other organisms
43. organisms that can make food from the sun’s radiant energy
44. prokaryotes that use light as an energy source but get their carbon from organic molecules
45. a group of closely related classes
46. short hairlike projections covering the surface of some bacteria
47. loops of extra DNA in cytoplasm (mostly in prokaryotes)
continued … 48 prokaryote; 49 quorum sensing; 50 RNA; 51 scientific name; 52 shared derived trait; 53 taxon; 54 taxonomy; 55 tree of life; 56 viral strain; 57 virus
48. informal label for Bacteria & Archaea indicating a lack of membrane-bound organelles in their cells
49. prokaryotic system of cell-to-cell communication enabling cells to sense & respond to their
population density
50. ribonucleic acid
51. unique, 2-word Latin name identifying organism’s genus & species
52. evolutionary novelties shared by an ancestor & its descendants but not in unrelated groups
53. a group of organisms at any of the various levels of classification; a taxonomic group
54. branch of biology dealing with the naming of organisms
55. branched diagram depicting evolutionary history of life from the beginning
56.variant forms of a particular type of virus; serotypes
57.microscopic, noncellular infectious particle comprised of DNA/ RNA & a protein coat